Spring Conference

Archangel Jophiel

April 4, 1994

Beloved beings of light,

As I greet you this day, I bring to you my full momentum of illumination, wisdom, and understanding. I ask you to breathe in deeply, realizing and accepting the Holy Breath as the transforming power that will bring you enlightenment! Experience this sacred breath as if you were born today―at this very moment. Feel the presence of the Holy Spirit enfolding you and giving you the first breath of life. Feel it animating the sacred temple of your physical body, and as you release the breath, accept the clarity of consciousness activating your mind and feelings. Newly born, see the many possibilities of your world stretching out before you. It is a universe of only God perfection―for that is the reality your heart desires.

We have taught you many things, and you are learning well―both understanding the teachings and also expanding upon them. There has been so much information given that you may sometimes feel that you cannot remember it all. Beloved ones, demand clarity in your life and know you will remember whatever is important at the moment it is needed. You have all experienced situations when questions have come up, and you discovered that you knew the perfect answer. This will show you that the wealth of information given is not forgotten, but stored in your memory until it is needed. Each one of you is part of the great light that has grown in radiance and expanded through the ages. It pulsates in your causal body and is recorded as your divine heritage!

As you know, during each two thousand year cycle, a particular cosmic ray plays upon the race consciousness, to manifest through the planetary evolution the beauty and magnificence of itself. As you are receiving the influence of the Seventh Ray, the precision of the divine plan is becoming evident. The Seventh Ray brings the completion of a fourteen thousand year cycle. It is a time when all of the gifts and teachings received through the entire age come together and are clearly understood. The precision of God's divine plan for this planet may then be perceived and experienced in all its beauty.

Another aspect of the Seventh Ray is ceremonial worship. As the Christ unfolds in every human heart, this impetus allows you to bring forth your spiritual heritage in the form of ceremony. These ceremonies are not only of the Seventh Ray, but they also include the expression of the previous cosmic rays brought forth during that entire cycle. Through purification and transmutation, the violet ray reveals the previous teachings in their purest form, thus allowing all divine qualities to be unified and serve perfectly. According to divine principle, that is how it should be, for after the consciousness is purified, it perceives the oneness of all life!

The many rituals that humankind is re-establishing today were brought forth by the seven archangels when we served as the chohans of the cosmic rays eons ago. In the early ages, the rituals were kept purified and protected by lifestreams qualified to do this work. At first, these ceremonies were given secretly, involving only those who were prepared to receive them. For the neophyte, it could take more than one lifetime to understand and decipher all the symbolism contained within these rituals. Some ceremonies served as initiations, creating a ladder of evolution for those who were ready to move into higher understanding at those times. For those who were as yet unprepared to consciously enter the initiatory path, dramas and concerts were designed, which served to impress divine principles upon their mental and emotional bodies.

Rituals allow the mass consciousness to be prepared for the higher initiations to come. In order for this to take place, the creative centers in humankind are now activated and being unified within the mass consciousness. Thus, information can be shared and expanded through telepathy and other means of communication. The awareness of ritual has now entered into the mass consciousness and is becoming visible in all aspects of daily life, in one form or another. Many of you are becoming aware and sensitive to this fact, experiencing this activity in your day-to-day contacts with others, who may or may not be consciously aware of these expanded methods of communication. The sacredness of this understanding is coming forth to the outer consciousness of humanity in general, like a long forgotten memory.

At this present time in Earth's evolution, simplicity and individuality of ritual is the bridge through which the evolving consciousness will become unified, and ultimately drawn into the Body of Light. As light workers join together in group work, the simplicity of the ceremony allows each participating individual to, not only bring, but share their own particular gift. This simplicity and individuality of ritual is a profound expression of spiritual freedom.

As individuals move upward on the evolutionary ladder, the ritual becomes more symbolic. Their comfort with more complicated ceremony depends upon their ability to comprehend symbolic forms.

As we meet here today and you find yourselves receptive to my words, each one of you is contributing to the perfect manifestation of this ritual. Truly you now realize that as you come together as a group, you are sharing your own particular ritual of light with all humanity.

Beloved ones, as you ponder my words, perceive the divine quality of unity contained within them. I remind you that all life is one! Place your attention upon your Holy Christ Self, and through it acknowledge this truth. The time is now! Bring forth the rhythm of love, wisdom, and power you have built through the ages, and the treasures of Heaven that are yours to command!

I AM Archangel Jophiel

The Archangel of Illumination





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