New Year’s Conference

Galactic Archangel of Restoration

December 30, 1992

Beloved ones,

I greet you today from within the Heart of the Sun of your system. Enfolded within the love, power and wisdom of your merciful God-parents, I draw you now unto myself. Feel the peace, the life-giving essence of this great silence. Feel the love of your Father-Mother God surround and enfold you, each one.

Turn your vision now to the Earth. See how she shines with the accumulated light essence of all her evolutions! Oh blessed, blessed planet! How we love you!

Now direct your attention to your brothers and sisters in the human family―those who walk the Earth and the astral realms. Still enfolded in the love and mercy of your God parents, open the doors of your consciousness and draw all humanity within your heart of love. Bathe them in the essence of the sacred flames, and see their momentum of light increase and increase until all is light. All are one.

Dear chelas, this is your mission! Herein lies the fulfillment of your divine plan, and that of all humanity! Within the Threefold Flame of every man, woman and child of Earth, the divine plan is fulfilled—RIGHT NOW! Within every human heart burns the flame which is the only truth―the only reality―the only power that can act!

When beloved Micah walked the Earth as Jesus, he told his followers to "Resist not evil, and pray for those who persecute you." Another way to state this might have been, "Resist not illusion, but transmute it to its own God-reality!" In the octaves of light, we call this "holding the Immaculate Concept."

Our beloved God-parents look at all of their children with eyes too pure to behold iniquity. Indeed, this is exactly how your own I AM Presence perceives you! If the Presence of God cannot perceive iniquity, then does it exist? Of course not! The key to holding the Immaculate Concept for all life on the planet Earth lies in seeing as God sees, acting as God acts, loving as God loves! The process of restoration, then, is simply this: to transmute the illusion and to behold—or hold into being—the God reality!

I AM aware that this process, while simple in concept, is not always easy to execute in the physical world. Tireless striving for mastery of the mental and emotional bodies is required, as well as transmutation of all etheric records of discord. I AM grateful for your every effort.

To many of our chelas, the past year has seemed a difficult one. In your daily lives you have been presented with many opportunities to wield the sacred flames to restore balance among your brothers and sisters in the human family. Through the veils of illusion you have persevered, even when the results of your efforts have not been apparent to you. Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged, my friends, for the light of God never goes forth in vain!

Would that I had words to describe to you the light I observe when I look upon the Holy Christ Selves of our chelas! Oh, how these magnificent beings have grown in stature! You have passed some very difficult initiations during this year, and the mastery you have achieved is apparent in the light of your Presence! This is very good, for your strength and tenacity will be much needed during the final years of this century!

As we move together into this critical period, I would remind you of the legion of angels who surround and support you at all times. These angels are yours to command, and command them you must, before they may assist in your work.

As our chelas act as a bridge between the ascended masters and humankind, so do these legions act as a bridge between the mighty archangels and our chelas. At the moment you command your task force to join you in some specific service, each of your seven angels of restoration calls forth the light essence of the archangel of the particular ray to which he or she belongs. This radiation passes through the bodies of your angels of restoration, as a mighty restorative force, which is then sent forth as you have commanded. The seven angels of protection who also belong to your task force act as guardians of the energy thus called forth, ensuring that it will remain uncontaminated as it passes through the atmosphere of the Earth on the way to its intended destination.

The combined consciousness of your task force of angels is capable of receiving and transmitting energy at a very high vibration, since they are unencumbered by physical vehicles. Thus, the efficacy of your work is greatly enhanced when you call upon your support group.

You have been told that angels exist to express the love nature of God. This is true. Therefore, your efforts to work with the angelic kingdom represent a conscious desire on your part to unite with the love nature of the God-parents. Each time you command your task force of angels, you will experience an increase in the momentum of divine love within your own consciousness. Thus do you loosen the bonds of illusion and unlock the inner door which leads to consistent perception of the Immaculate Concept for all life!

Beloved ones, I bless you now with the ability to see yourself through the eyes of the Presence of God I AM. You are a starburst of light, love and strength, pure and eternally bright, shining as a sun upon the Earth! I love you, dear chelas, and I hold you always within my heart!

I AM the galactic

Archangel of Restoration




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