Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

January 1994


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize the Forcefield of the Grand Teton Retreat; a Crystalline Star of cosmic proportions, directing Rays of Pure Light Energies from the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood into the consciousness of all humanity, awakening them to their True Being.

Beloved Chelas of Light,

I come to you at the beginning of this new year with happiness and anticipation, as we enter into a time of intensified work with the Second Cosmic Ray of Illumination, Wisdom and Understanding. I AM sure it will prove to be a most rewarding time of cooperative service between us. Those of Us who are working as members of the World Teaching effort are united in every way, as We reach forth to touch the minds and hearts of Our chelas and light workers everywhere on the Earth. Great activity is continuing at inner levels, and all of you are working with dedication and enthusiasm on the tasks that are set before you.

Of late, the word 'Understanding' has been rhythmically connected with the Divine Attributes of Illumination and Wisdom. For this, those of Us in The Great White Brotherhood are quite happy, because, until understanding of the Divine Principles set forth takes place, a man cannot be said to have illumination or wisdom.

At this time, you have a deepened awareness of the need to develop your individual spiritual gifts and functions. You have become aware that it is desirable to concentrate on your individual development, because you now know that your contributions are a necessary part of the whole. Until this understanding became clear, many of you felt overwhelmed by the needs that were being presented, feeling that you were expected to do everything.

The importance of your spiritual individuality has also increased your desire and ability to be supportive of the uniqueness of your brothers and sisters, as they each serve the Light in their own ways. As you comprehend these important points more fully, you are happier and more relaxed in your service. However, of the utmost importance, you can now attain the unity required to serve more fully and perfectly, as the Body of the Cosmic Christ upon the Earth. Truly, your Light is hourly and daily increasing!

I have served the Second Ray of God Illumination, Wisdom and Understanding for a long time. Acting as Patriarch of the Grand Teton Retreat, My service is quite varied. I AM able to concentrate on the overall teaching effort, assisting―not only the Hierarch and Chohan of the Second Ray, but also the other great Masters, Who are working on the various aspects of teaching required upon the planet at this time.

As you may be aware, Chohan, Dwjal Khul has been my student for many ages. When He achieved His Ascension, He continued to work closely with Me, fulfilling many additional responsibilities as they were assigned to Him. He has worked with concentration and dedication always providing an example to all life. His humility and deep sense of anonymity does not permit Me to be eloquent in My description of His service, but suffice it to say He has accepted great responsibility on My behalf, and yours. As the student reflects the Master, while serving in the physical plane―beloved Dwjal Khul reflected Myself and My teachings with integrity and in silence. To this day, He speaks little―if at all―of His own accomplishments, and for this, again I say: 'Observe the Master, and do likewise', for He runs the course in such a way that the entire Brotherhood bows in humility before His Light.

Through centuries of time, beloved Confucius and His Divine Complement, Lady Soo Chee, have studied with Us. They, too, reflected Our teachings upon the Earth with integrity, thus enabled to serve in the future with greatly expanded responsibility. As you know, a pure and beautiful philosophy of living was established by Lord Confucius, which is not only effective to this day, but has preserved the minds and hearts of people of great character from the aggressions of lesser men. I speak of these things to intensify your desire for Silence and expand your understanding of the way in which a chela may serve the Master, even while he is working to become a Master, himself. It has been written that when the Master lifts His hands in blessing, the Chela also lifts his hands, to direct that great force toward those in need. So it has been through the ages, and so it shall continue, as each of Our chelas walks steadily forward into the full Light of Mastery!

Now, as we enter this time together, especially while you are concentrating upon the opportunities offered at the Grand Teton Retreat, I suggest that you use your opportunity as individuals, developing and studying ways to utilize your own spiritual gifts. Of course, when you enter your chosen schoolroom, you will find many brothers and sisters present who also serve along the same lines of endeavor!

My beloved Students of Light, the great Flame of Reverence for Life begins to manifest Its influence in your life when you first recognize that the life force in all you behold is God! As you encounter this moment, you realize your unity with all life, and the Flame of Reverence blazes upward from the Christ within, to illumine your consciousness, and outward, to fill your being and world. From that experience, there is neither return nor retreat!

It is this realization that has prepared each of you for the experience of unity in the work of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. Although I ask you to develop and expand your individual gifts, I remind you that these gifts must be brought harmoniously together, to manifest Saint Germain’s Golden Age of Perfection. A part of the work of every individual is the support of the work of the group, in its ever-expanding service to all humankind and the planet Earth. This shall be accomplished through gratitude for all you have received through this avenue, and the realization that it must now go outward to the awakening consciousness of all people on the Earth. I ask that you concentrate your time, energy and substance to this work, remembering that this is what you have prepared to do over many years. Just as I―in guarding and nourishing the Flame of Precipitation with My life energies―have prepared beloved Dwjal Khul to follow Me in this task, so do I ask you to now take part in learning and expanding this work on the surface of the planet and in its atmosphere. I ask that you continue in the use of the *Seven Steps of Precipitation, for the supply and freedom required to move forward in manifesting the work of the Ascended Masters through Our chelas on the Earth. Respect the Divine Principles that have been freely offered to you over the years, and fulfill the Divine Plan of your lifestream.

As I raise My hands in blessing to you, I know that you shall turn to face the Earth, and raise your hands in blessing to all your brothers and sisters in the one Human Family, for that is―truly―your Divine Destiny!  

Lord Lanto

*Footnote: The Seven steps of precipitation are the seven balanced steps to create a perfect manifestation. These steps are: THE WILL TO DO,  PERCEPTION (ILLUMINATION),  DIVINE LOVE, PURITY, CONCENTRATION (CONSECRATION),  RHYTHM OF INVOCATION and PEACE.

Lord Lanto is referring to the Seven-fold Plan of Creation, which was published in the BRIDGE JOURNAL of January 1992.








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