Summer Conference


July 31, 1993

Beloved Students of Light,

I come today offering each of you My qualities of decision and physical strength, allowing you to fulfill the perfect Will of God. I will begin by asking several questions. How do you want to use your life energies? Will you settle for the so-called 'happiness' found in the activity of only taking care of the needs of the lower self'? Or will your desire to do God's Will allow you to ascend ever higher into the Realms of Light, there by assisting all life upon this dear planet to receive the many gifts of God that are found as you proceed upon the journey home?

I know, through your own freewill choice, you have already made this decision. I but remind you of these questions, for they are currently arising in the minds of the majority of humankind. However, the lower self continues to place obstacles in the way, trying to force everyone off this Path. I come to tell you now, there is no influence outside of yourself that can hurt or affect you in any way―without your acceptance! It is only when you let down your 'guard' that you allow negativity to be created within you. Remember this and say to yourself often: 'There is no power apart from God and nothing in My Father's World can hurt me.'

Every time fear rushes in, making you think that you are losing something, be it control, the friendship or love of another person, or the outer world notions that surround you with a false sense of security, I ask that you see these ideas for what they truly are. They are the tools used by your lower self, as it struggles to hold onto the so-called power it has over you. Can you not see that there is no power apart from Thee?

You, as a chela, know what to do; transmute and purify all negative thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions. Also, keep up the Invincible Guard of Mighty Hercules that surrounds you.

I know you are well versed in the Decree you give in My name, to safeguard so many in need of My protection. Realize that, just as you defend the rights of others to claim their victory in the Light, you, too, have an invincible guard. Each time you make this call, you are activating your own task force of Angels, Who have been given so lovingly into your keeping. These beautiful Beings of Light are part of your own invincible guard, showing, by example, the brotherhood of Angels, Elementals, and Humankind. You are very aware of this fact at inner levels, as most of you use My decree in all your classes and personal work, even without the request being made to do so.

This morning I will discuss something of great concern within the hearts and minds of the chelas, including many of you sitting here before Me. I AM very aware of the great deal of work that is currently being asked of the chelas, and the attendant confusion and possible feelings of inadequacy that can be created when individuals believe they are not fulfilling their jobs.

The service you are being asked to give is manifold. It is to assist all life upon this planet, but the primary importance is to accelerate the personal development of each and every chela. We offer you many tools to assist in this development and then ask you to perform specific tasks in order for you to attain mastery over these gifts. Through your love of life, these gifts are given to you, so you may expand your knowledge and power. Through Our wisdom, We will assist you to develop in consciousness, as you move along your path to mastery.

Many decrees have been given with the request that you use them daily for a specific work. When you add these to the work you are already doing through your personal desire and to improve your mastery , I know you can feel overwhelmed. Some students find this work burdensome and walk away. However, there is an alternative. Learn how to simplify your work. You may wish to combine several decrees into one, or choose to match certain decrees with the Ray in effect on that day. You may wish to put aside a part of your work for a time and concentrate your energies more fully on one specific part of your service, returning to a full schedule when you feel ready. Learn to be creative.

If you find you have balanced both your inner spiritual work and your outer world activities to the best of your ability and there is absolutely no more time to devote to a specific endeavor, then¾beloved ones, just do the best you can. We know how you feel and We are grateful for your every effort to expand the Light of God. The day may come when you will have more time to do what is asked of you. In the meantime, others will assist where it is needed, as We all work together in unity and brotherhood. With all the sincerity of My Being, I hope this now relieves the pressure you have placed upon yourselves and gives you a broader understanding of how this activity¾The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom¾works.

As We have stated before now is the time for you to find the specific gifts and talents you have brought with you and will now offer to the Earth. As this awareness becomes clear to you, I ask that you begin to focus your attention and energies upon the work that follows along with what you are here to do. You may often say; "The work is not being done, I AM not fulfilling my responsibilities." I assure you beloved chelas¾you are! Expand your vision! Look at the larger scheme of things. Then you shall see that within the Great White Brotherhood all is accomplished. As each individual completes His specific part of the Divine Plan, all the work is perfectly fulfilled.

Enter the Silence, beloved ones, and follow the dictates of your heart to fulfill that which you came into this world to accomplish in its entirety.

I AM Mighty HERCULES, Elohim of the First Ray, and you¾beloved ones¾are My invincible guard!


Holy Day Observed This Month:

Easter................................Sunday, April 3



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