
Kwan Yin

August 8, 1993

Beloved Friends of Mine,

It is through the activity of the Sacred Violet Fire of transmutation, purity, and freedom that I embody and offer the qualities of mercy and forgiveness to the children of Earth. Forgiveness is the "Seed Pearl", around which every good and perfect thought, feeling, action, and reaction is created. Through forgiveness of your transgressions and those of others, Divine Love may flow forth¾pure and pristine. Divine Love brings all the gifts and blessing of God into your beings and worlds, each precious gift forming another layer around the Seed Pearl of Forgiveness, until at last you have within your possession the Pearl of Great Price, that no man can take from you; the Pearl that comprises your entire Kingdom of Heaven; the self-mastery for which you have forever sought.

Micah, as Jesus, during His final initiation upon this Earth, called upon the Law of Forgiveness, thus removing the negativity that surrounded His Mission in life. It is man and his human consciousness who has insisted upon retaining negative thoughts and ideas throughout history as the way and means of controlling other lifestreams. As chelas of the Great White Brotherhood, you must show the people of Earth, through mercy and compassion, how to break the bonds that bind them, thus allowing humanity to receive the true meaning of freedom in God's Light and Love.

Beloved ones, it is for this reason that My Temple is open all year and during those to come. Forgiveness must come first and be called forth again and again, allowing the full manifestation of the blessings of every gift from God and His Messengers to flow forth to the children of Earth perfectly. You are Our chelas, and the time is now when you must assist in this vital work, for the survival of this planet is in the balance.

It is time to release the good of your causal bodies, using forgiveness as the key to open the channel fully and freely, allowing your blessings to flow forth in a gentle, rhythmic, and sustained manner to all life.

You have brought such joy and happiness to My heart over these past months, as you worked diligently to understand and forgive, both the past and present transgressions of yourselves and others. At the conference of the New Year, you began to listen at a much deeper level. You took what you heard deep within, examining the various aspects of the words, receiving greater illumination and understanding. Truly you have grown greatly in your ability to listen!

The theme of Spring Conference was WAIT. To some this brings the idea of a possible delay in their progress and a test in patience. However, to those of Us in the Ascended Realm and to many of the chelas, the theme of WAIT immediately brings a feeling of joy, as we look forward expectantly―ever ready and available to serve. All that is required is to ask. We all know that Divine Order plays a major part in the overall Plan and there is the perfect time for everything to be given or take place. You are aware of so many individuals who are now awakening to higher ideas and teachings and it is time to pause, understanding and forgiving their errors, as they begin to learn about the many aspects of Cosmic Law.

As the theme of summer conference has been RECEIVE, take a few moments to consider the gifts and blessings you have been given as you have walked a little further along the path toward self-mastery. I expect that, after you have done so, you will find other ways in which to enrich the lives of those around you.

Beloved ones, a mother's love is unconditional and without question. The pride I feel in My heart at the progress you are making is the greatest feeling imaginable, and the joy and love I have for each one of you is truly beyond words.

The steps you have taken over the past two years, during a time when the qualities of the Seventh Ray and the First Ray of God's Will, Protection, and Faith are now being directed into the atmosphere of Earth, are great indeed. The karma that has been transmuted and released during this time has allowed the joyous, buoyant Flame of the Ascension to have its natural effect upon this Planet. All is truly in Divine Order!

Just as humanity has miscreated with God's gift of free will, it is now time to use the Sacred Violet Fire and the Blue Flame of God's Will to forgive and transmute this energy. Through the power of love, bring peace and harmony to the Earth. Within the quality of Forgiveness lies Unity, for it clears away all that stands between you and your brothers and sisters in the Human Family! It removes all that stands between you and your God Presence! It transmutes darkness into Light, and reveals the Unity of all life.

Some time ago I asked you to see me as a monastery garden. I welcome you now with open arms, as you enter into this sacred place, once again passing through the simple gate. Immediately you see the beauty that abounds in every element of nature. Through My qualities of compassion and mercy, peace flows forth as a small stream, emptying into a still, calm pool. The birds sing forth, announcing the happiness you have found. This vision stirs your emotions, giving pleasure to your body, mind, and spirit. Within this state of being, joy fills you with the understanding that―through mercy, compassion, and forgiveness―you may remain in this garden forever.

Beloved ones, enter now into the Garden of Edenthe sacred Garden of New Beginnings. It is a place of such exquisite peace and harmony, where the possibilities for growth are not limited by any human creation. In this state of perfect peace, you are enabled to become one with Divine Mind and the complete balance of love, wisdom and power is realized.

Abiding within My garden, you are not only able to know and see perfection, but also to feel perfection, thus sharing it with all life around you in a natural, gentle flow of light, with every breath and heartbeat, fulfilling your individual Divine Plan.

As you return your consciousness to the Sanctuary, remember that I always enfold you in My love, as you grow and develop, becoming the perfection of God. I love you―each and every one!

Kwan Yin





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