Special Discourse

Archangel Zadkiel

August 5, 1990

Beloved Children of the Eternal Father-Mother God,

I, Zadkiel, enfold you, each one, in my blazing Cloak of Violet Flame, straight from the Heart of the Great Central Sun! I clothe you in the sparkling Light of True God-Freedom, and I anoint you with the essence of the Violet Fire, of which "I AM" the HIGH PRIEST!

As you wear my Cloak of Freedom, and dispense the gifts I bestow upon you, you are acting as my representatives in the world of form. I know you will not take these gifts lightly, for upon your shoulders rests the Freedom of this blessed Planet. Long has it struggled in the darkness of human creation, and now, as the Light begins to dawn and the air is being purified once more, it is not possible for darkness to encompass her again!

Would you sacrifice your new found Freedom, now that it has taken hold of your hearts and minds? Of course not! The question is asked only to enforce your decision to work for the full Spiritual Freedom of All Life. The beginning of your Spiritual Journey always contains its conclusion! Think about this! Freedom - having gained its foothold in many areas, cannot simply be withdrawn! The desire for freedom is inherent within the soul of every person, and once that desire has gathered an impetus, it will not recede.

Those who have gained a significant degree of Spiritual Freedom know there is deep responsibility involved. True Freedom is not a gift that requires no maintenance or upkeep. Rather, it is like a fine jewel, and should always be treasured as such.

Those who are seeking only economic, political, social, or religious freedom may still be of the opinion that someonebe it a government or a religious leadershould take care of them.

Beloved ones, Freedom, is a treasure to have, and a responsibility to hold! You must remind others of this responsibility, and as your Spiritual Freedom grows and expands, you must constantly purify your motives, always guarding them against the contamination of the human ego!

The only true freedom is Spiritual Freedom, and to be received it must be given! This is a Cosmic Law, and it is immutable! So long as any lifestream is imprisoned in darkness, it affects all. As you are released into the Light of God Freedom, the burden of darkness around all life upon the Planet Earth is lightened through your Freedom. I want to intensify within you the understanding that we are grateful for your every effort to bring true Spiritual Freedom to all life.

No lifestream can take the ascension until they first pass through the Violet Fire. The final experience you will have upon this plane is that of passing through the Sacred Violet Fire. Then you will see before you the pure crystalline Light of the Ascension Flame, and you will be free to step within it, to be consciously reunited with your Beloved Presence once again.

My Beloved Friends and Co-servers, so much assistance is needed in every area! The use of the Violet Fire in, through and around all life upon the Planet is vital until such time as all negativity is transmuted into pure Light once more! You will receive intensified training during this entire month, and you will also receive assistance in the expansion of your personal consciousness, so that you will find that your using the Violet Fire in many situations that your previously may not have thought to do. Know that Beloved Holy Amethyst and I will assist you with all the Fire of Our Beings upon your call!

Your Friend,


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Master Jesus' Birthday                  Sunday, September 8th.

Lady Mercedes’ Feast Day              Tuesday, September 24th.

Lord Michael's Feast Day               Sunday, September 29th.

Angelic Harvest                       Monday, September 30th.


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