Special Discourse

Elohim Vista

September 1991

We, who dwell in the Octaves of Light, are very grateful for the expanded opportunities you are affording us to direct our Light into the hearts of humanity. The momentum of this work has been greatly increased of late, due to the dedication of the chelas, and the consecration to the Light which you are so earnestly endeavoring to maintain. I say again - we are grateful, and we are so very pleased!

I would like to point out to you that consecration to the Light is a sister quality to concentration. When a chela experiences a Cosmic moment of Consecration, it is the quality of concentration which then perpetuates that dedication and moves it forward into full manifestation. Without the efforts at concentration in an ongoing manner, toward the Light, the "clangs and clamors" of the world of form can turn your moment of Cosmic Consecration into a mere, pleasant memory, rather than a momentum of Light!  

"I AM" dedicated to expanding the Power of Concentration into all that is of the Light, until all humanity is able to realize their fullest potential which is total unity with the PRESENCE OF GOD "I AM" within.  

Call on me! Invoke my name at any time you feel your concentration waver, and I will join my radiation with that of your own "I AM" Presence, to bring your concentration back into alignment with God Reality. Increasing and strengthening your concentration will serve at all times as a re-consecration to the Light! You have but to say my name, and "I AM" there!


Elohim Vista





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