Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

January 1991


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: : Visualize a Crystalline Star of Cosmic proportions, projecting concentric circles of the Rainbow Rays to encircle the Earth, expressing the Brotherhood and Unity of all humanity.


Beloved Students, It is my great pleasure to address you in the New Year of 1991, from the Grand Teton Retreat. "I AM" familiar with each one of you, as all who study at our Retreat come under my scrutiny at various times. I act as Sponsor for many of you, worldwide, for "I AM" a Teacher at heartand so I shall always be! It is always of great interest to "oversee" our students and chelas and never could it be said that you were not full of surprises, for at every step upon the Spiritual Path, there are choices and decisions to be made by each of you!

God's great gift to all self-motivated life is that of free will and choice and not only has that gift made you "creators", but it has also insured a significant element of special interest to those of us who are guiding you along your paths. If we are the Teachers and the Elder Brothers and Sisters, and Earth is a schoolwith many grades of studentsmany of the chelas might sometimes be likened to those who are the high-school and early college students. Need I say more?

Beloved Ones, here we are with a New Year stretching before uslike a book still to be writtenand it is you who will inscribe the pages. If it were possible for me to slow down the passage of time for you right now, I would do so, because, no matter what has been accomplished, there is still so much to be done. I will assure you that there is all the assistance available that you could desire or need, butof courseit must be called for by you. Most of the students have an awareness of the planetary importance of this Activity of Light, but the scope of it has not fully dawned upon your consciousness. Sometimes, it is just as well, because if a person realizes the importance of some activity in which he may be engaged, it might give him a sense of self- importance, which is the last thing we desire at this point in the evolution of the Earth! So I reveal this to younot to aggrandize your feelings of self-importancebut, rather, to let you know how necessary it is to the Divine Plan for the Earth that you overcome your human consciousness once and for all!

One of the things I would like to discuss is a simple one, and that is self-discipline. You all work hard, and it is not my intent to increase any feelings of stress, tension, or inadequacy, by pressing upon you the needs of the hour. Such negative feelings do not increase efficiency! Quite the opposite! However, all of you know that when you get up in the morning with a positive frame of mind and heart, and follow a reasonably ordered routine, you accomplish a great deal. Mind you, I speak to chelas, so I speak not only of your usual work-a-day routine, but of your Spiritual discipline. You are "in the world", and in order to not be "of it", requires that extra effort. Using your decrees before you leave your homes; keeping your minds and emotional worlds fine-tuned to people and situations which might require your assistance with the use of Sacred Fire; blazing that Flame through yourselves from time to time to develop your own purity, and assist you to hold your awareness above the strata of the human consciousness; are all necessary for the person who walks the Path to Self-Mastery!

Of course, the Ascended Masters do not take weekends off, so to speak, but we do take time to recharge, intensify and expand our forcefields, and I recommend that you do likewise! All life needs its periods of rest and rejuvenation, but the important request I would like to make, is that you spend these times in full awareness of the Love of God, which is ever with you! Take a deep breath from time to time to purify your consciousness of anything else! Breathe that Flame in, and absorb it, and then breathe it out through your four lower vehicles, and feel the miracle take place! Dear ChelasIt is truly a miracle to have the blessing of the Holy Breath flowing in and out of your bodies at all times, and when you know this, and expand this awareness throughout your Beings and worlds, it cannot help but go forth from you and touch all life with which you have contact! Truly, these are the methods I recommend to you, for by using them, you will not only recharge your Spiritual Batteries, and complete your Path to the Ascension much more quickly, but you will vastly improve the quality of your life!

I hope to have the opportunity to speak to you at other times as this year unfolds its blessings. As individuals, you have only to call upon me to partake of my Ray, which will bring my Love and my assistance to you at all times. Please receive my instructions and my recommendations with the Love with which they are given, knowing always that I speak to you as my old and trusted friends, who have returned to the Earth to fulfill a most challenging and magnificent opportunityin partnership with us! You are most fortunateand courageous, and I will do everything possible to assist you at all times.

Your Friend, Djwal Khul



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