
Saint Germain

July 1, 1990

Beloved Ones, I come as your Friend, for there is no higher relationship anywhere, among any Beings who have the gift of life, than friendship. A friend is one who accepts each one as his brother or sister, because he recognizes the Cosmic Law of Life, and no other reason is necessary for him.

You may see that another person lacks a certain development of the understanding of this Cosmic Law, but you must always recognize their ability to develop that understanding. The potential is always thereit is only a matter of the right time for one to move forward into their next higher step. In the meantime, it is your responsibility as a chela to recognize the potential, the individuality, and especially, the right of a person to exercise his free will as he wishes. No matter what the outer appearance, action, or reaction, this Law remains inviolate, and must be understood by Our Chelas, for it is the same law under which We work.

Sometimes it may appear that the Christ Flame within another individual is only a tiny spark, but I want to impress upon your minds and your hearts how important it is that youOur Beloved Chelascontinue to hold the Immaculate Concept for all lifestreams. Within your strength and constancy lies the hope of the Ascended Masters, for you are truly acting in our behalf when you radiate forth the Qualities of God that are so freely given to all the children of Earth! There are so many who do not yet recognize their own divinitythe sacredness of their own lives.

A person who does not recognize his own divinity, though it be only a potential, cannot recognize the divinity of life anywhere. When a person displays a lack of respect for life around him, it is a direct indication that he does not respect himself! The one misunderstanding begets the other!

"I AM" Divine because I know "I AM"!  "I AM" THAT I AM!

To know "I AM" Consciousness then, is that which must be reached for at all times, and under all circumstances!

Ifwhen I come as your Friend, I bless you, and you experience the raising of your consciousness as a result of my blessingit is because you are already alive to that blessingaware of itand not because of any special powers you wish to attribute to me! No gift received is special only because of the giver. It is special because it is recognized as special by he who receives it! You have heard that the gift and the giver are one. This is true, but I tell you that the giver and the receiver are oneand the gift is but the token of their unity!

You know the story of Gautama, who wandered among the pilgrims who had come seeking the miracle of his appearance at the Wesak Festival. Beloved Gautama walked among themunrecognizedbut in his great heart, he understood and knew the reason. Because he understood, he smiled within his heart with the Love of God that is always present in such a One. he was not making light of their lack of recognition¾but only gently aware of the limits within human consciousness. He had passed this way before¾and so have I!

Beloved ones, we never laugh at youbut only at our own memories! Even so―the Laughter of God is alwaysand onlygiven with love! When you forget who you areOne with your own "I AM" PRESENCE¾how could you recognize it in another? This is your pilgrimage!

Remember when Beloved Mary, a young woman¾pregnant with the Blessed Jesus¾went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth? Elizabeth, in years long past the age to bear a child, was also pregnant with John, who was coming to prepare the way for Jesus' ministry. When Mary embraced her cousin, the babe leapt within Elizabeth's womb, because all the life within her and her unborn child recognized the Presence of "I AM" THAT "I AM"so strong was that Presence within all of them.

If your consciousness is lifted at my Presence and my Words, it is the same! The Cosmic Christ stands revealed! "I AM" THAT "I AM"and I know, and so, also, do you! The very life force within you leaps up in recognition of the Truth of my statements! Why are you hereright nowin embodiment at the beginning of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom? Would my friends not know me? It could not be!

I step among you every day, and you are becoming more and more conscious of this, as the Christ grows to full stature within you. "I AM" has sent you forth, and now you are FREE to be that which you have come to bethe Christ Manifestthe Christ in Action! You will not forget again! There comes this point where you could not bear the forgetting! You have already stepped past this point on the Path of Light.

To regress in awareness is the only death one could possibly fear, for death is but a loss of consciousness. The meaning of the "second death" is the loss of consciousness of one's self as an individualized part of creation, and this death no longer exists. Human consciousness tries to dictate that it is better to exist in discomfort than not to exist at all, but since it is not possible to cease to exist, why should a man choose to exist in misery? In Christ Consciousness, we are all made alive and vibrant, sensitive to every gift of God within the universeeven to Life itself ! As youour chelasrealize this, let this Christ Consciousness grow and prosper, in and around you, and it will call unto itself all parts of itself! Every cell and atom of life responds to the man or woman who begins to walk as a master, and it is that Christ that will call all Life into its full manifestation now!

You, my Beloved Chelas and Friends, are the Forerunners of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom! Just as John the Baptist came to announce the Christ manifest in Jesus, you are the announcers of the Christ revealed in all humankind, just as the Master Jesus told you! So I have spoken to you, and "I AM" with you! I love you!

Your Friend, Saint Germain






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