Adoration and Gratitude to the Sponsors and Enfolding Spirit of 1989

We speak from the Sacred Three-fold Flame within our hearts - to offer our love and our gratitude to those Great Ones who have given to us so graciously of their Qualities during this year of 1989:

Beloved Lord Ling - for your Gift of God-Happiness which you have poured so freely into our waiting hearts during this year, we thank you! We especially thank you for the instruction you have given us, each one, to assist us in sustaining and expanding the Joy of a happy heart and mind into the world in which we live.

Beloved Lady Kwan Yin - we extend our gratitude to you, for as we have been assisted to a fuller expression of God-Happiness - we are able to experience the Joy of Forgiveness more fully. For your special quality of Mercy and Compassion, which sustains us as we grow in our spiritual expression, we can but say 'thank you' in humble, adoring gratitude!

Beloved Saint Germain - each chela of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom stands taller and stronger in the Flame of Freedom as a result of your unwavering Strength and Conviction in the Power of Sacred Violet Fire to bring Spiritual Freedom to the Earth! Because you are always there, urging us onward in Freedom's Name, we cannot fail in our quest! We thank you, and we love you!  

Beloved Lord Sirius - we thank you for anchoring your Rainbow Ray at Shamballa, from which each chela may draw the Power and Protection of God's Holy Will into their life and expression upon the Earth. For the Radiance and the Strength of your Presence in our lives, we offer you the gratitude of our hearts.

Beloved Lady Isis - for the Life-giving Principle of the Mother-God, so freely given to the children of Earth over many centuries of time, we thank you! As the pure Light of the Sun flows from the heart of creation through our minds and hearts, we ask your sustaining powers of Illumination to continue to guide us upon our paths.

And finally, to the ENFOLDING SPIRIT OF 1989, BELOVED COSMIC HOLY SPIRIT ĈOLUS - we kneel in humble, adoring gratitude before your mighty Flame! Oh, thou who art always with us, how do we thank you? Teach us, Oh Holy Spirit, to grow within your Sacred Radiance, into the full expression of the Holy Christ Selves within our hearts! This, then, will be the fullest expression of Gratitude that we might offer thee, to express the Perfect Love of God upon the Earth, and to do this in your name! We thank you, with all the love of our hearts of which we are capable, for all you give, always!      


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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples, whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period;

 Beloved Zarathustra - November 22nd through December 21st

Spirit of Fire, of Enthusiasm, Home of the Salamanders and Fire Elements

Beloved Minerva - December 22nd through January 19th

Discrimination, Discretion, Perception and Intuition.


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