Invocation - December 1989

In the full Power and Authority of the Presence of God "I AM" anchored within our hearts, we, the chelas of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, send forth our call to the Blessed Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa, Home of the Spiritual Hierarchy:

Beloved Sanat Kumara, Beloved Lord Maitreya, and Beloved Gautama, Lord of the World - COME FORTH NOW! Assist us with your full-gathered Cosmic Momentum of Love, Wisdom and Power to intensify the activity of the Sacred Three-fold Flame within our hearts, and within the hearts of all humanity.

As this intensification takes place, we speak to the Flame:

"Rise up, oh Flame of Life, within the hearts of every man, woman and child of Planet Earth! Clothe each one in your majesty, that they may realize themselves as the True Sons and Daughters of the Most High Living God! Blaze forth in the Perfect Balance of Love, Wisdom and Power, so that all may realize that they are a Living Part of the Great Planetary Three-fold Flame - come forth to serve wherever they find themselves upon the Earth!"

In deep gratitude for the answer to this, and our every call to Light, we thank you, Beloved Holy Triumvirate!




Decree - December 1989

In the Name of the Ascending Christ in the hearts of all humankind, I make this call to the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa,

Come, Blessed Ones, and intensify the Activity of the Planetary Three-fold Flame to flow through all unascended Life to assist in the redemption of our sweet Earth.

Beloved Sanat Kumara, anchor your Love within our hearts and help us to feel that Love toward our fellowman.

Beloved Lord Gautama, blaze your Golden Ray of God Illumination into our consciousness and help us to surmount the conditions in our lives that cause us to stray from the Path of Light.

Beloved Lord Maitreya, pour through us the Full Power of the Cosmic Christ and help us to allow our own Holy Christ Selves to take command of our lifestreams.

I accept these gifts, and call to the Presence of God "I AM" within each unascended lifestream to anchor these qualities into their heart center and Be the Christ in Action at all times.