South America Seminar

Lord Zadkiel

Caracas, Venezuela

Thanksgiving Day

November 24, 1984

Greetings from the Celestial Court of Light where I dwell with my Children of Light.

These Realms wherein my children abide shall someday manifest here on the South American continent. And many of you in this room have been with me there when I project upon the Cosmic Screen the Divine changes which shall come to pass on this very special continent. Imagine a time when the Amazon jungles are cleared and beautiful cities of Light appear; when the various retreats of the Brotherhood around this continent begin to manifest themselves, first only in the rarified Realms of Higher Consciousness and later on in this Age, physically; and finally, imagine the fullness of the Seventh Ray and the Age of Spiritual Freedom when the Brotherhood shall walk and talk with humanity.

I feel very much like a father to each of you. I consider each of you an honorary member of the Seventh Root Race, for you are the glorious co-servers engineering the paths of energy and vibration over which my children shall pass safely into God victorious embodiment on this continent. If "I AM" a father to you, I invite you to come to me as you would to the father of any family. Come to me for advice, come to me for supply of the Divine Virtues necessary, come to me for the Wisdom that shall sustain a lasting Peace in your service. If I may consider you sons and daughters with the Seventh Root Race, then, may I say, there was One who came before you to reveal the perfect model for a Child of the Seventh Ray and the perfection of the children of the Seventh Root Race. That is the Being who you know so well as Saint Germain. And if "I AM" your father, then he is your senior brother, exampling for all members of the Seventh Root Race and all those who look to the Seventh Ray for Spiritual Freedom, the full blossoming of a child of the Royal House; princely charm, dignity of higher consciousness at all times, perfect diplomacy, the synthesis of all energy in the immediate arena for the benefit of all.

I hope to be for each of you the same guide and director (called by some the Divine Director) that I have been for Saint Germain, for the Master Jesus, the Master Kuthumi and others through the history of time. For while my Root Race has been awaiting their Divine Opportunity, I asked my superiors that I might make myself available to reveal to those evolving spiritual leaders on this planet the glory I discovered in the Seventh Realm and that I might assist in the evolution of this planet and its races to quicken the time when my own Root Race might find embodiment. And over the past age, I was one of those Masters of Wisdom found in the Himalayan Mountains in the rarified atmosphere of Purity.

And so shall it be now. As we shift the consciousness of Spiritual Awakening to the Andes Mountains, blazing with the Light of my beloved brother Meru, "I AM" now available to the chelas, who attain the rarified heights of consciousness, for training in Leadership, fulfilling their divine plan and assisting the race. Not only the embodiment of the Seventh Root Race, but of the quickening of the evolution of the Fifth and assistance with the Sixth, for the gifts of the Seventh Ray will help all. So come to me in consciousness. "I AM" the father within that doeth the works for the children of the Seventh Ray. I will prove to you the Divine tools of Spiritual Alchemy, Wisdom, Understanding, and the direction of mighty Light Rays to seal this continent, Central America, the Caribbean, and North America in my Diamond Heart of Victorious Light.

I stand before you this night in the robes of a Manu and I ask the Father-Mother God that I might raise you in consciousness until the Divine Momentum of your Causal Body is a blazing reality y before you. For like any teacher I wish to reveal to you your own divinity. I would not lightly make you children of the Seventh Root Race unless I knew you had great potential for service, for in so doing "I AM" responsible for the energy that might be misused in your service to my race. But it has always been so with the Manus, all that is perfect and all that is not yet perfect in embodying and evolving a Root Race is the responsibility of the Manu.

"I AM" so grateful for Lady Mercedes. Sometimes I sit in her Presence contemplating the nature of how we shall evolve this race and she strengthens me with her Love, a Love directly from the Supreme Mother of all Life. And for the strength of you my children, "I AM" also very grateful. We shall now enjoy a closer relationship.

And I have been aware (through this seminar) that the upper realms of consciousness are being more understood by the chelas of Saint Germain and "I AM" grateful for this progress. I sincerely hope that it shall mean more of you presenting yourselves to me for guidance and direction. Through the coming years, I look forward to your shining presence approaching me in the Realms of Light and together we shall dwell in the Oneness of "I AM" Consciousness, for you to embody that Oneness in greater and greater aspects on the planet.

I bring you this night the blessings of Lady Mercedes, and, as well, of God and Goddess Meru, the mighty Vaivasvata Manu and all the Forces of Light assisting the evolution of the Root Races. Feel their strength and their Love for your service to them. The Divine Plan of this planet shall soon be evident to humankind.

I seal you in my Golden Heart of Diamond Perfection of the mighty "I AM" Consciousness and the Light of God that never fails!

So be it unto each of you... Good Evening.

Lord Saithrhu



Lord Saithrhu 

Lord Saithrhu! Lord Saithrhu!

Great Manu Divine

Lord Saithrhu! Lord Saithrhu!

Our Loves now entwine.

Lord Saithrhu! Lord Saithrhu!

Our hearts now embrace!

Lord Saithrhu! Great Manu!

Gods Seventh Root Race


Lord Saithrhu! Lord Saithrhu!

We serve to prepare

Lord Saithrhu! Lord Saithrhu!

A welcome place here

On Earth as in Heaven

To greet Thee in Love!

Gods Seventh Root Race and

Great Manu of Love!


Lord Saithrhu! Lord Saithrhu!

Thy Wisdom! Thy Might!

Lord Saithrhu! Lord Saithrhu!

Thy Beauty! Thy Light!

Lord Saithrhu, we love Thee!

Great Manu Divine!

Come to us! Blaze through us

Thy Love all Divine



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