South America Seminar

Amida Buddha

Caracas, Venezuela

November 25, 1984

Your invocation of Love * (mouse over asterisk)  has been very powerful allowing me to bring a blessing to this planet, not yet known in this New Age.  

Such a Blessing must be invoked from the realm of those for whom it is intended. And because of your service this morning, I now enfold this entire planet in a tremendous Blessing of Buddhic Consciousness and the Grace and Liberation from the Realms in which I dwell.

I dwell in the Realms of the White Fire Beings in the Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light. Here there are countless Buddhas of such Compassion, Love and Supreme Wisdom, in the Electronic Bands around our Father-Mother God. For many of these magnificent Buddhas, their Light has never touched the planet Earth. They bless other systems, stars and planets. But long ago, I was drawn to this sweet planet Earth, a planet almost lost from sight in its own misery. And when the magnificent Sanat Kumara agreed to save this planet by his own forcefield of Love, at that same moment in Cosmic history, I began to focus my Rays of Mercy, Compassion, Liberation and Spiritual Freedom to this planet.

Over the eons of time, this Ray of Light which I focus upon this planet has grown. And out of this Ray of Light has proceeded the magnificent Beings who have served with me in clearing the path for Mercy, Compassion and Liberation for this planet. You know some of these as your Ascended Masters on the Seventh Ray, who have now been associated with my lifestream, embodying an aspect of the Ray of my Heart that focuses upon this planet. They are each Divine Individualizations, each blessing humanity with their own Light, all the while existing in the River of the ONE Great Love, emanating from the Spirit of all Buddhas. Working with the tools of Divine Sacred Fire, they have cleared the way that humankind might now see the source of that Light Ray in the heart of Spiritual Freedom in the White Fire Realms of the Infinite "I AM" Consciousness. The way is now clear that humanity might approach my Presence in the infinite Buddhic Realms of Light. This opens a vista of limitless blessings that can be dispensed into this planet, after long eons of waiting. An avenue is now open because of man's invocation to this Realm of Light. And that, dear children, is the magnitude of your service and "I AM" so very grateful for this spiritual progress. You are each precious in the Heart of Amida Buddha. I have come to know each of your White Fire Beings, the very fullness of your Divine Presence existing with me here in the White Fire Realms.

I bless you this morning, again, for the tremendous invocation through chant and song, for this opens the way for Divine Ceremony and will eventually culminate in the ceremonies of baptism with Violet Fire. This ceremony will be for those who have been well trained in the invocation of the Seventh Ray, thus allowing the dispensing of these blessings directly into your fellow man in need. I raise my hands now and under the authority of Helios and Vesta, I baptize each of you in the power of the Seventh Ray, immersed in the Light of God that never fails to bring Compassion, Mercy, Forgiveness, Liberation and the Light of Spiritual Freedom. Through you, we embrace the entire planet in the same gift of Light. Let us send a combined Ray of Divine Gratitude to the Highest Center of "I AM" Consciousness that the freedom of this planet is assured because of the unity of service between the Gods and humankind. I BLESS YOU, I BLESS YOU, I BLESS YOU... Good Morning!

Amida Buddha



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