Summer Conference

Sanat Kumara

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

July 8, 1984


Our dear Earth is shining with the tremendous radiation of Pure Divine Love energized by your great feelings of reverence and love, and her place in the Galaxy is greatly enhanced through the purified radiation, Love is the heart center of all life. Love "I AM". "I AM" Love. "I AM" Peace. When man has peace in his heart then he knows what love means. Love embraces all.

"I AM" so very, very grateful to see chelas from many parts of this Planet in attendance here, for you have come in love and in reverence for life. Each of you is evidently a special ray of pure divine love, to energize that which is already present, to protect you from anything less than perfection. "I AM" consciousness, "I AM" consciousness. When you can know and be that consciousness you will dwell in the Land of Boundless Splendor, "I AM".

Seems very simple to say "dwell in I AM", but We know and are aware of the intrusion of the outer selves, and we are very patient with chelas walking the planet Earth. We know love is in your hearts, and We are gratified. Over this Sanctuary in "I AM" ethers, is a tremendous Love Star, giving forth the greatest radiation of Divine Love that has ever been experienced on this planet and the very center is a beautiful Dove, the Holy Spirit of Life. That Holy Spirit which is within. The Holy Spirit is your very breath. The breath of Life.

This is a beginning of a very wonderful week for Our Hierarchy because We know We can count on the harmonious energy of all gathered here, and We have said so many times, and I repeat; We can do so much for the planet Earth but We do require assistance in the form of energy of those residing hereon. I believe in you, My children and I think you believe in Me, "I AM".

Love takes many, many forms. Love for all Life must become part of your beings, no matter in what form that life is manifesting. Love is present. The animated principle of life. You are each a Love Star blending into one tremendous star. How often We have said this planet is a sweet star of the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Freedom's Holy Star.

Feel the Violet Fire...... The Violet Fire which shall set people free, the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love. Stand in that Violet Fire daily, let it blaze through your beings and transmute, transmute all that may be less than perfection. While you walk the planet Earth there is always the opportunity for the intrusion of human frailty, and well We understand. But you have come here in Love. I repeat, Our gratitude for you is so tremendous because that love from your hearts is touching all life on this planet and she is feeling the radiation of Freedom's Holy Star.

As the days progress during this week you will find your radiation greatly intensified. So again, stay in the heart of love. Remain in the heart of Love. Dwell in the heart of Love for all eternity and you shall fulfill your mission on the dear Earth. The Angels of the Violet Fire and the Angels of Pure Divine Love constantly encircle your planet. Feel the presence of Lady Venus anointing this Earth with Her Pure Divine Love and there is not one heart who will not benefit.

As you recognize from a certain gentleness of feeling which is filling this sanctuary, the Lady Venus has come to tell you through radiation that she is grateful for your cooperation with the anchoring of the Light of Venus into the Earth. We do not speak lightly when we say grateful. We are grateful for every part of energy, harmonious energy. We are grateful when We see that some energy has to be transmuted and there are those who are determined with all their beings to change the planet earth..... and so We Shall.

In the embrace of Lady Venus and Myself, I thank you and bless you for your attention.

Sanat Kumara





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