Summer Conference Address

Beloved Serapis Bey

Shamballa, Long Island

July 15, 1981

Shining cells in the great Heart of the Almighty, I salute the Light, the glorious Love which is flowing from your hearts! Will you kindly be seated.

You are now paddling upstream in the great River of Life, and you shall reach the other shore in safety. This is a glorious day in the annals of Spiritual history. You have had many opportunities to make a choice upon which path you wish to trod, and my Heart is indeed filled with gratitude that you are in, shall I say, our camp. You have passed through many an initiation at inner levels, even as we do in the Spiritual Hierarchy, and I give you an award of merit for what you have accomplished. There has been many a century since any Being has had the privilege of standing before such a dedicated group of chelas, and I say that knowing you will accept it in a humble manner, for when you are in the Christ Consciousness, the human doesn't exist. It is merely a vehicle to carry you around on this planet Earth. Respect that vehicle for it is providing you with a tremendous opportunity to serve the Light. Sermon over!

Well you know, I am a Lord of Love. I went through many trials and tribulations and I know what a little pat on the shoulder means. We do not praise you when you have accomplished just a little because you have to reach a state of consciousness where you take praise in a humble manner.

Since early morning when the Sun rose and cast its heavenly beams of Light all over this planet, a new age of the Church was born... it is not a toddler any more that infant walks on strong, steady feet... and who brought this about? The chelas of the Group Avatar! The Heavens are filled, as you already know, with many Cosmic and Ascended Beings and the attention all the way from the Great Central Sun - Alpha and Omega - is looking toward this sweet Earth... blessing her, because she is able to move to a higher rate of vibration, in safety.

As you well know, several Inbreaths have been taken previously, and don't any of you start to wonder how many more - no, no! Maybe then, you would think you know as much as we do. Harmony is the keynote; helping your brothers in the human family... will see that move into the final orbit. Don't you already feel the raised vibratory action? One move has already been taken! We have had one Inbreath and, if you continue, and I know you will, to realize the Light that is being beamed upon this planet Earth, before I finish speaking, there will be another Inbreath! You see I knew but I didn't tell you... enough for now.

I really don't know; I am supposed to be such a disciplinarian, but in your parlance "I am a softie". I love life so.... I love every particle in this Universe and that is the point which we are endeavoring to bring you.... every grain of sand, every blade of grass, all the elements of the Air, the Fire, the Water and the Earth are so precious, because we are all ONE. So my lesson to you this morning, blessed ones, is to have respect for all life in no matter what form.

We are all endeavoring to the best of our ability, as I know you are, to accomplish the purpose of the Human Family for which the blessed Jesus is holding the Cup over this Sanctuary. And as I speak to you, and as you continue in your harmonious manner, truly will he be able to repeat the statement "my Cup runneth over". Think a moment of the Blessed Micah... whose gratitude to you is so great as we all are striving to bring about the Permanent Golden Age of our Lord and King, beloved Saint Germain.


I now bow to your Light and to the Light of all life on this Planet Earth, and I say in parting today... carry on... keep on keeping on... holding high the banner of the Christ within, the banner which is so dear to the Heart of our beloved Saint Germain.

All Heaven loves you and I would be here the rest of the day telling you of the Assembly here at Shamballa... SO GOOD MORNING!


(Translated simultaneously into Spanish)




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