Summer Conference Address

Beloved Elohim Orion

Shamballa, Long Island

July 14, 1981

Good Morning, I AM the Elohim Orion. For those of you with inner sight you will see that through this class and this spiraling music we have built a Thought Form - at the center is a rose - which expands out in limitless bounds of pink Light to resemble a sun of Pure Divine Love - would you kindly be seated.

During my keynote, Legions of my shining Ones, Devas of Divine Love from the Central Sun were with each one of you and all those who are attuned to these classes, and such a Reality of the nature of Love was built into this Group Avatar. I have been with you this entire morning and much, much Truth was spoken about Love, and much Love was invoked into which I could step. That is a joy to my heart, for it saves me precious energy. I can just ’Be' with you now, in the Reality of Love. I have come today representing a council that took place last evening, that beside others, included the full Court of the Seven Elohim. We, as a Unit, have much to do in building the perfection of the Group Avatar Power. I was chosen sometime ago to be the spokesman of the full Court of the Elohim, and we have been inspecting this ‘precipitation' over the past while, and we do have some counsel to give.

This activity, through the years, and especially now, is excellent at the expansion of Light. As you are aware, that expansion, that centrifugal force needs to be balanced by centripetal force which is the cohesive nature - the holding together as Unity - that is the nature of Pure Divine Love. There is some danger, if I might use the word, that if there is too much expansion of Light without enough holding of it in Pure Divine Love, the precipitation can be burst asunder. The balance is close but needs to be made up by the action, action of Pure Divine Love radiating through the Group Avatar - unconditional Love. You are aware that tomorrow will be a very powerful Cosmic event. You are aware also in your study of the Law that there is only as much Power as there is Love. That is why I AM here today and that is why we can build this Sun together. This radiating rose petalled Sun that stretches out around this planet now and enfolds it and its ensuing atmosphere for thousands of miles in such an exquisite enfolding, cohesive unconditional Love. That is the reality that we have built in this morning, securing success for tomorrow’s Cosmic Event.

When I speak of centrifugal and centripetal force, it brings to mind the divine example of our Father-Mother God, Helios and Vesta. For as powerful a radiating source as Helios is, it must always be balanced by the ability to hold that expanding Universe in the loving embrace of Lady Vesta. I might let you know that this is the initiation, the spiritual growth I and my beloved Lady Angelica are presently progressing through in our own evolution in becoming a Sun-God and Goddess in some other system of worlds. Yes, we are in training; yes, the Earth is a schoolroom for myself as it is for you. You see, we are so alike. I have somewhat more experience and somewhat more momentum. That is all.

You might be interested to know that the great Elohim Hercules and Holy Amazon, as you are aware, are also a Sun-God and Goddess, and to some that confuses. Let me explain. The great Sun-God and Goddess Hercules and Holy Amazon have previously progressed through the training and become full Elohim. They graduated to becoming a Sun-God and Goddess. Yet, at the same time they volunteered to teach, teach some part of their own evolution to others who wished to learn such as myself and Holy Angelica. That is the way in Heaven; when we progress onward we teach others to take our place, just as the great Lord Divino, as he has moved on to the office of Buddha, still holds part of the office of World Teacher and assists those who are presently endeavoring to fulfill that office. So shall it be with each of you. I encourage you this morning to think of training someone else to love - to Love. That is the requisite of the hour.

I shall leave these shining Ones, the Devas, with you this entire week, for I shall also be here as a cosmic guest of Lord Gautama this entire week, and radiating, and radiating and radiating to each of you as you choose to tune into my Being, the reality - REALITY of unconditional loving surrender to Unity.





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