Summer Conference Address

Beloved Sophia

Shamballa : Long Island

July 11, 1975

Good Morning, Children of Light serving on the Earth to restore her to her Divine Perfection, thereby allowing the glorious Virgo to wear her garment of exquisite Beauty which she once knew.

Thank you for standing, now kindly be seated and relax. Relax in knowing that I am well acquainted with your lifestreams, for in the Oneness of the Father-Mother God there is no separateness. I shall now proceed.

I truly consider it a great privilege to have been selected by the Great Central Sun and the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Earth to come into your midst this day. O yes, I am here on this platform blazing the Light of my Being into your hearts, with the hope and expectation that you will nourish and expand that Light to all humanity. Actually it is your responsibility to so do.

Just consider my Presence as a sister-being who has attained a higher state of evolution than you presently enjoy... and I believe that will result in a greater compatibility. You know that the finite mind often removes us from true friendship and compatibility, for the human looks upon us in awe. Love and respect is our due, but separateness does not belong in the consciousness of co-servers in the Light.

There are many individuals in this Sanctuary, and in other places on this Planet, who knew me well when they lived on the Planet Venus. The important point in our present association is that you enter deeply into your beings and realize that in the Cosmic Consciousness we are all Cells in the Body of the Creator of us all, endowed with the Love, Power and Gifts - the Fire of Creation to be dispensed according to our desire to expand the Light of the Universe.

Looking upon your auras, I see and feel that as you would say in your parlance, you are 'warming up' to my Presence, so we will accept the fact that we are no longer strangers, that all are capable of co-existing in God's Vineyard in perfect Harmony.

It is necessary to speak in this straight-forward manner, for I have some rather important facts to relate.

You have read and have heard on your television sets (and let me add that we have apparatus for viewing current events and those to come into expression, which are certainly superior to those now in use on Earth), I shall not digress from the point. Many comments have been made about the BERMUDA TRIANGLE, and about what happens to the conveyances and the individuals who suddenly disappear from the Earth scene. Ah yes, they disappear from human sight.

What then? In many instances (notice I do not say all) these departures are carefully planned by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Many of the individuals involved in these 'disappearances' are lifestreams who have been trained at Inner Levels for extraordinary service to this Planet by reason of momentums in their Causal Bodies.

These individuals have been taken to a specific Retreat within the Earth's surface. Naturally we shall not make an announcement as to the location of this Retreat for, as you say, "news travels fast", and there would be much speculation and exploration by the scientifically minded as well as the curious. I specifically add, NO ONE not engaged in this tremendous Project could reach these Foci without assistance from certain Beings, for they are carefully guarded and protected.

The selected lifestreams, above mentioned, are in a somnambulistic state when they reach their destination. They are taken to a place of rest to acquaint their inner vehicles to the Radiation, and during this period they shed their physical garments, and when they awaken, so to speak, they are bodies quite different from those worn on Earth, in order for their survival in this rarefied atmosphere.

Prior to the point of awareness, they are taken by their teacher into a chamber where they cast off their physical garments, then advancing to another Light Chamber are clothed in vehicles compatible to the Radiation of the Focus, which will enable them to survive, as aforesaid.

Many well known individuals, and others, who did not reach public prominence, have departed the Earthplane in this manner. Your beloved Aviatrix Amelia Earhart entered this Kingdom through a channel in the Fiji Islands, and she will give magnificent service to the evolutions of this Earth at the appropriate hour.

One individual, in embodiment, has been taken to the fringe of the Eastern Focus, in the etheric garment, without knowing of course where it is located, and has peered through the mist and seen some of the inhabitants and upon awakening in the physical garment was aware of this Project.

Why is this taking place? At the time when the Earth changes take place, there will be openings in the surface of the Earth, through which these lifestreams can surface, wearing their physical garments which are now being carefully preserved. This art is not new, but one of the carefully guarded secrets of the Illuminati, to be released with other Truths at the time indicated by the Cosmic Law. All this may sound incredible to you - like science fiction. Nevertheless, the passage of so-called time will prove the Truth of which I speak.

You know we have stated many, many times that there is no happenstance in the Plans of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and this is particularly noticeable this year when you are aware that the Focus of Truth, whose Patroness is the Beloved Pallas Athena and One of the Sponsors for this Cycle, is specifically accelerated. Attention upon that Focus brings into the foreground the scientifically minded Hilarion who is serving in expanded manner with the groups in the subterranean Foci.

I do not, in any manner, wish to have you stretch your imagination by delving into detailed exploration, for your energy is required at this important hour to bring about the Purification of the Earth and her evolutions. I repeat the word 'imagination', for the human is prone to explore and conjure up all manner of situations.

When Truth is to be given, we shall lovingly present it to you, but this subject is a delicate one, and the Foci are so located and guarded that without the assistance of a Member of the Spiritual Hierarchy there is no means by which you could approach this or any other of its nature.

So, rest in the Wisdom of the Hierarchy and know that I, Sophia, Goddess of the Sun serving with my beloved Krishna, am privileged to be endowed with the Wisdom of the Gods, incidentally you perhaps know that my name indicated that Quality. Know always, I dispense that attribute in deep humility for the honor bestowed upon me.

At the conclusion of this meeting, I trust we will not hear a buzz-buzz-buzzing radiation in your auras, indicating the curiosity of the human mind, but that you will take the information which has been given, and thank God that you have advanced to the point in your evolution where you can be entrusted with more than ordinary previews of events to come.

Take what has been released into the sanctity of your hearts, and there, in prayer, send gratitude to those lifestreams who are preparing to render amplified service to those who will be in embodiment at the time ordained by Cosmic Law.

Thank you for your kind attention, and enfolding you in the loving embrace of beloved Krishna and myself,

I AM Sophia.







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