Summer Conference Address

Beloved Zarathustra

Shamballa : Long Island

July 12, 1975

In obeisance to the Edict of the Creator of all Life, I, Zarathustra, come into the atmosphere of Earth at this important hour in the Earth's evolution. Be seated please.

I expect the courtesy of your attention, for as High Priest of the Order of Zarathustra, I am here to render a service to you individually and more importantly to the Planet Earth. Let us proceed. You make the statement "Let there be Light". Well and good... for where there is Light, so-called darkness cannot abide.

The positive and negative cannot be present at precisely the same instant, at any point, one must take precedence. What one does with that Light is a point, which you must realize, raises it or lowers its vibratory action; the resultant vibratory action speaks for itself. Constructive action through thought, word or deed creates Fire. The highest element in the Universe is Fire, and it is everywhere present, but it must be released through the direction of some Being, finite or Infinite, to magnetize that substance into use on the Earthplane. In simple terms, one must ignite the ever-present Light to bring forth the substance of Fire.

Speaking directly to you as an individual, you know that you have eight 'Bodies' - that eight stages of Consciousness are present. The four lower vehicles are composed of Light; otherwise they would cease to be. The picture which one holds in his consciousness results in the appearance or condition of the physical garment.

In your Heart Center dwells the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame. The unawakened or Unfed Flame is the state of consciousness in the Hearts of the majority of humanity, and it is the responsibility of the chela to stir the hearts of his fellow travelers so that they will become conscious of the Indwelling Christ within that Immortal Flame.

You who have given attention to that Focus of Divinity which animates the lower garments realize that it is Immortal. Through your attention, thought and feeling worlds - you have ignited and expanded that Flame into greater service.

You have now come to the point in your own evolution where you can consciously be Divinity in Action - a Fire Being - the Christ in Action.

When that state of being is accomplished, the four lower vehicles are in perfect alignment, and by that I mean they function as ONE in a harmonious manner. The Powers and Ideas of the "I AM" Presence have a direct line to the Golden Man, the Christ within, and the Divine ideas flow into the world of form without human interference or qualification.

The White Fire Being is the Highest Aspect of Divinity - the Heart Center of all Life contains the crystalline substance of the Supreme Source, and it is the direction of the Individualized "I AM" Presence that qualifies the Fire into the Quality desired, or required. The Seven Rays with which you are familiar are those required in the evolution of the Earth.

I do not wish you to speculate, but there are more Rays than the Seven in the Universe. However, the Seven which play upon the Earth are those with which you are concerned.

I, Zarathustra, am the Spirit of Enthusiasm. There is nothing of an insipid nature in my Being. I am a White Fire Being from the Heart of God. Some have chosen to associate me specifically with the Seventh Ray. I am part of not only the Seventh, but of all Rays. Where there is Fire. . . I AM. . . and I repeat, Fire is everywhere present.

Certainly I am animated by the Seventh Ray Dispensation under the direction of our Lord and King for this Era, the Beloved Saint Germain, and I am here on the day dedicated to the Seventh Ray to FIRE you into ACTION, to assist in the transmutation of imperfection on and in this Planet. When you realize the intensity of Saint Germain's Love for this dear Earth, and his great responsibility as Chohan of the Seventh Ray, your enthusiastic cooperation is imperative, so I am here to fill your beings, your consciousness with the Enthusiasm required to quickly bring in the Permanent Golden Age. Enthusiasm is a Quality which propels thought into manifestation.

Again I state, the activity of Fire is in all Rays, and to bring in a balanced activity the use of all Seven is necessary. The chela who is presently attuned to a specific Ray sometimes believes that particular Aspect of Divinity is all important and chooses not to honor the other Six. He must realize that all Seven must serve in harmonious accord to externalize God's Plan, which is God's Will. Assuredly the Will of God is in action in every good and perfect expression, as are the Qualities of all Seven Rays.

IN THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY do not be fanatic and believe that the service which you may be rendering, or rather that your Christ Self is giving through you on a specific Ray makes you one whit more important than your fellow traveler's service... all is a part of the entirety. The Love of God is ever-present and is the Cohesive Power of the Universe, and is essential for Wisdom, Purity, Truth and so on to express.

I counsel you with all the Love of my Being to have RESPECT and COURTESY for your fellow-traveler, for within his breast burns the Fire of Creation... and there I abide.

I believe it is important that I bring to your attention that the chelas serving with the Spiritual Hierarchy should think a little more deeply on those aspects of Divinity... namely Respect and Courtesy. The average chela has much to learn along this line, and as we are stressing the attainment of the Christ Consciousness, I would point out that he who does not have respect for and courtesy toward the Christ within his fellow traveler retards the full expression of the Christ Consciousness within his own lifestream.

I would like to add that Lord Lanto requested me to bring this to your consciousness, for the Radiation of the Rocky Mountain Retreat is playing upon the Earth and her evolutions at all times, and the Brotherhood of that Focus are so eager to infiltrate the consciousness of the chelas with the Divine Attribute of Reverence for Life. Actually, Lord Lanto hears some chelas speaking about the absence of Courtesy and Respect, and he asked me if I would say a few words on that subject.

Suffice to say, Beloved Lanto will keep a close watch upon those to whom this admonition particularly refers, and to ascertain whether these comments have fallen upon fertile ground. The wise chela will accept this kindly counsel and will act accordingly.

Before concluding, I humbly request you to enter deeply into the Fire Element within your beings. Elevate your consciousness to the "I AM" Presence. Blend your consciousness, each one, and enter deeply into the Fire Element and KNOW that the White Fire Being, the Crystalline Substance of the Fire Element is the Supreme Source of all Life.

Now see Beloved Saint Germain standing in all his magnificence in the center of that Sacred Fire. Send him your Love as the White Fire blazes with the Violet Light of his Being. Now accept it coursing through your vehicles, cleansing them of all imperfection, known or unknown, and as this Purifying Activity is taking place, realize that it is your responsibility and loving privilege to pass this Blessing to all Life. Visualize the Planet Earth completely enfolded in Violet Fire... (Pause)...

Saint Germain was my pupil and a Priest of the Order of Zadkiel, and I am so very grateful to have you express your love for him.

I have come from the Heart Center of Creation to FIRE you with Enthusiasm for accelerated service in the Light... and... because of my gratitude to Saint Germain for his Service of Love which he so recently rendered to you, and you, and you.







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