Beloved Sun God Krishna

Shamballa - Long Island, NY, USA

July 12, 1973

Hail Children of Earth, I, Krishna, bring you greetings from the Beloved Sophia and all in our Galaxy, which is immediately above yours in this Universe!

Be seated, be comfortable, and be alert!

As the currents of Light have been flowing to your Planet these several years; as a result of your calls to the Planet Venus, you have been tuning in by Radiation to our Sun, and your vehicles have been accelerated to accept the vibratory action which is ours.

When one places his attention upon some condition, place or thing, he immediately ties into that upon which his mind has been directed. While you have not specifically turned your attention to our Sun, you have become acquainted with us through the Radiation of the Planet Venus, which you know came forth from the Hearts of mighty Sophia and myself.

Long before the Channeling of the Light Activity from the three Planets - Venus, Uranus and Mars, you were being prepared eons ago for a compatibility with our Galaxy, through the dedication of the patient and loving Sanat Kumara.

Great Beings through the ages have seen the blueprint of the future, and knowing that the Earth would one day move into the orbit and Radiation of Venus, we began preparing you for that move, after you enter Uranus whose vibratory action is akin to Venus. Venus will be the second transition in the great Plan of Creation. Perhaps this will give you an idea of the far reaching activities of the Illuminati that dwell in Heaven's Realms!

I have a part, as you can well realize, in the Inbreath which the Suns will take, which will draw the Planets closer to our Hearts, and this action will transpire in the not too distant future, so I shall undertake to further familiarize your consciousness with the vibratory action of our Sun. Tremendous are the Plans in the Design held in the Heart of the Beloved Immaculata, the glorious Silent Watcher for this System.

Every Planet is being attuned for the time when the Cosmic Edict goes forth - that all the Suns shall take the great Inbreath which is ordained by Cosmic Law! Now, please do not speculate, do not calculate when this will occur.

The Plans of the Almighty are too complex for the consciousness which the chelas have reached thus far - albeit the expansion has been commendable, but the important Edict of the hour is for the chelas and humankind THAT MAINTAINING HARMONY IS OF PRIME IMPORTANCE TO RESTORE YOUR EARTH TO THE VIBRATORY ACTION WHICH IS NECESSARY TO BRING ABOUT THIS MOVE WITH THE GREATEST FACILITY.

O, yes, you have done well, and like unto the training of little children, we endeavor to give you a pat on the back to encourage you when you deserve it.

Hear you me well, as I state that the Sponsors of each year are chosen after long consideration by the Planetary Lord and the Sun of a System, who in humble obeisance tune into and accept guidance from the God-Parents of the System. Every Directive which comes to you from On High is a part of the necessary instruction to carry out the Cosmic Pattern which we in the Higher Realms see is required to fit all the pieces into the over-all Pattern. We realize when the Directives are given, what portion of the Plan you are able to assimilate. The finite mind can only tune in to small measures of this colossal activity.

The releasing of the Essence of Harmony is required of every man, and the more Harmony which flows through his being, the greater the expression of the Christ Self. Always remember that as the Golden Man expands his Light, that human self decreases, and this takes place as you recognize and give Power to the Supreme Source from which all Light does flow into all of our hearts.

Think you that the mighty LaMoray was chosen as one of this year's Sponsors without due consideration? All should bend the knee to the great momentum which that Being is sharing with you day after day, hour after hour, even every minute. Visit the Cosmic Reservoir of Harmony and delve into the Fount until your vehicles are so saturated with its Elixir that you will be in tune with the Infinite AT ALL TIMES!

Father-Mother God, I beseech you, to loose all the Power of Light which these children can assimilate, and so illumine them that they will know that anything that is less than Perfection is an illusion of the human consciousness. Hear thou my Plea, O God of All Creation, and permit us, their Elder Brothers and Sisters, to give them more assistance!

Dear chelas, as I am speaking to you, the Beloved LaMoray and his Legions of Light are in the Forcefield above this Sanctuary, and tremendous Rays of Light carrying the Essence of Harmony are infiltrating your beings and those of all who are tuning in to this Conference.

At the conclusion of this Address, these Legions of Harmony will traverse the Earth carrying this Substance to all her evolutions.

I counsel you with all the Love of my Being to put our Directives into effect, so that you will not be found wanting when you stand before the Karmic Council which is in Special Session during this Conference. The Members of the Karmic Board are all assembled here at Shamballa to observe the acceptance of the chelas to the loving and important instruction which is being released. Saturday evening you will all appear before these august members and be individually examined as to your capability for increased Cosmic Service.

Let a word to the wise be sufficient! I am speaking in a very positive manner, for I AM the Word of God in Action, and I have come wearing robes of Pure Divine Love as I, too, carry out the Edicts of my Superiors!

My words are fraught with great meaning and given in humble obeisance to the Supreme Source. The further one goes into the Light of the Cosmic Consciousness, the more humble he becomes. Humility does not wear the radiation of timidity. It is Power... and Power comes in gentle as well as dynamic tones! Wear you well the garments of humility, for that Radiation will always be a protecting Mantle about you, insulating you against the intrusion of the lower consciousness and other insidious forces which play so subtly, so deviously, unless you are on guard at all times! The radiation of this Harmony and Humility are tremendous safeguards against malefic forces. Keep that Truth in the forefront of your consciousness.

Why speak I of negative forces? In great kindness come these words, for until one is Ascended and Free, he must ever be on guard against that which would seek to ensnare him into degradation. I use that word advisedly, for anyone who does not humble himself and know that all Power belongs to and is of God is sinning against a Loving Father-Mother who created him.

Children of Light, you have viewed the Heavens on a starry night with the naked eye; many have visited a Planetarium, and some have been trained in astronomy, this science which treats of the celestial bodies is a vast and complex one, even to the consciousness trained in this field.

What think you of the magnitude of the activities through which the Cosmic Directors guide the movement of the Planets with such precision! Now turn your attention to the Planet Earth, one small Star in the Plan of the Universe… Important? Yes even as each man is an important cell in the Body of the Eternal!

So blessed chelas, wear the robes of Humility and realize that the Edict has been given by the Spiritual Hierarchy that the MAINTENANCE OF HARMONY IS ESSENTIAL to the fulfillment of God's Plan! Get down on your knees... kneel to the Christ within your being, and humbly, obediently place your all on the Altar of Love - that Virtue which is the Cohesive Power of the Universe!

Accept my Counsel and the Wisdom of my Words. I HAVE SPOKEN!

Sun God Krishna






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