Thanksgiving Class Address

Beloved David Lloyd

Shamballa: Long Island, NY, USA

November 26, 1970

Beloved Friends on Earth, dwelling for the most part in the Sanctuary of God's Heart, PERSEVERE - PERSEVERE - in your Service to the Light! I make that statement with all the conviction of my Being for I know the vicissitudes and the disappointments one encounters as he travels along the Path toward his True Home in the Sacred Chamber of God's Heart! 

When one speaks or thinks of God's Heart, the first thought that should come is one of Pure Divine Love, and since I have the privilege of serving on the Third Ray, I trust that you will feel the outpouring of that glorious Virtue as I hold you, each dear one, in the Radiation of my Being. 

On this day of Thanksgiving celebrated by the Spiritual Hierarchy all over the Planet, the Flame of Gratitude and Adoration to the Father-Mother God is flowing in accelerated Radiation from our Beings, and particularly from the Central Focus at Shamballa, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy have the privilege of convening at Shamballa this month and it is a glorious and happy place, blazing with God's Holy Light and Love. Oh, the humble balanced dignity of Love, Wisdom and Power which is being released from the Heart of the mighty Gautama as we, and all life, are bathed in the Radiation of Peace from his Being. 

Again I say... persevere… persevere! Lord Gautama knows the full meaning of that Quality, for he kept on keeping on until he reached the Ultimate. As you will send your Love and Gratitude to that mighty one, he will further assist you as he enfolds you in the Flame of Constancy of Purpose. 

To attain the Victory of the Ascension it is requisite that one be constant in his service to the Light until he is victorious over everything human. Every time that he uses the Transmuting and Purifying Activity of the Sacred Fire, he comes closer to the Heart of God, whether the specific service is used for himself individually or for any part of life. Always remember the Law of the Circle, for all energy released returns to the sender! This is one of the reasons why the Spiritual Hierarchy are continually counseling the chelas to be in a State of Grace, of Harmony at all times           

It is now my great privilege and joy to be able to tell you that my present home is in the Sacred Temple of Gratitude at Mount Kosciusko in Australia. Within that mighty Mountain there is a Focus of Devarajahs. The name 'Deva' turns one's attention to the Angelic or Devic Kingdom and the designation 'Rajah' is that of a Ruler. 

The Devarajahs are Beings who serve under the Directors of the Four Elements – Beloved Helios and Vesta, Thor and Aries, Neptune and Lunara, Pelleur and Virgo. The Devarajahs are the Lords of the Elements for the Planet Earth. 

You may wonder about my connection with this Focus and these mighty Lords. Well - you see I had the privilege of gaining a momentum of the Flame of Gratitude, not only in my final embodiment on Earth, but through the centuries. I was assigned, by reason of that momentum, to this Focus in order that I might hold the Flame of Gratitude for the mankind of the Earth to the Forces of the Elements for their Service in the evolution of all life. While one considers the Elements he should not only think of the activity of Nature outside of himself, he should always realize that the Elements are the components of his vehicles through which he must function. 

Oh how the blessed Elementals which comprise the Elements have been mistreated through the centuries. Ponder then why the Elementals must be loved back into their true form and released from wearing the impure garments of man's iniquities! Surely you can understand the rampages or destructive activities in which the Elements take part, which manifest as storms and other disturbances, are the result of man's imposition! Realize, children of the Light, it is not the Elements themselves which cause the chaotic condition BUT man's mis-qualification of God's Energy with which he burdens these beings. 

One hears much today about the pollution of the Elements - which man has caused, and he hears of the various programs which are planned to keep him from literally smothering himself and other Kingdoms abiding on the Earth. This is causing considerable concern to your various officials at all levels of Government and to the populace itself and rightly so!!! 

I say to you, dear friends, you are privileged beyond measure to be in contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy, and I entreat you to read and digest this simple Message which I bring to you today! 

Everyone walking upon the surface of the Earth is in some manner responsible for the misuse of the Elements. This applies to all who have used the Earth as a Schoolroom. It is up to you, the chelas, to use the Sacred Fire for the purification of the Elements - to restore them to their pristine Beauty and Purity - the Perfection which they once expressed - and permit them to again function as the Creator of us all so designed. Calls would not be amiss for the God Illumination of those dedicated life-streams who are endeavoring to find ways and means of remedying the outer distressing conditions, particularly in the large Urban Centers. However, as you know, there is no separation in life and while expressing in an alarming manner in the metropolitan centers, that impure radiation flows to all sections of this Planet. It is your personal responsibility by reason of your privileged association with the Spiritual Hierarchy, to go into action in this Service. 

May I suggest that you invoke the assistance of the Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan, who also serves with the Elemental Kingdom in magnificent capacity. I know that this glorious Being, who is such a magnificent expression of Beauty in his Service to life would appreciate the added energy of your calls at this particular time in the Earth's evolution! Show him that you love him and the Holy Essence of the Breath which he releases to you. 

Should you care to turn your attention to my humble Self, please know that I shall eagerly await the release of your energy as you qualify it with Loving Gratitude and I shall take that harmonious energy and place it in the Flame of Gratitude at the Holy Mountain of Kosciusko. We must love the Elements free from the IMPOSED impure substance which they are wearing - all of which is the result of man's disobedience to the Law of Love - that Love which is a constant Radiation from the Heart of Gods. 

Surely you will now realize that it is your responsibility and an honor to have the privilege of engaging in this service. I have endeavored to place this Message before you in simple terms hoping that all who read it will feel the Flame of Gratitude welling within their beings and truly desire to make the required Calls. 

I should like now to say a few words to you about the deep Gratitude of the Spiritual Hierarchy to the dedicated chelas all over the Earth who are rendering a mighty service toward her purification. FEEL the Love of the Hierarchy, your Brothers and Sisters who are Free in the Light, on this glorious day as we gratefully pour the Radiation of our Beings to each of you for all that you have accomplished thus far in your dedicated Service to the Father-Mother God, and always remember that I am your friend, that I hopefully await your further cooperation along the line which I have presented to you today. 

Enfolding you in the Loving Gratitude of my Being and all the glorious Blessings of the Third Ray upon which I have the privilege of serving. 

"I AM" David Lloyd

The God of Gratitude







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