Summer Conference Address

Beloved Portia, Goddess of Justice

Rocky Mountain Retreat - Wyoming, U.S.A.

July 13, 1968

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen who have had the singular privilege of being graced by the presence of the Members of the Karmic Board all during this week, as Spokesman for that Council, I come to you to bring some very pertinent facts for your God action thereon! 

Do you realize that, instead of casting off your physical garment at the change called death and coming before the Karmic Board for appraisal or the viewing of your record of the use of God's Energy in this embodiment, you have been and are in the Halls of Judgment, so to speak, all this week? You know that it is the usual procedure after appearance before the Karmic Board that you receive an assignment to help you balance any shortage of the constructive use of God's Energy in this embodiment so that you will not have to re-embody upon the Earth again unless, of course, you make application so to do and the Board, feeling that you have the capacity to render exceptional service to the Earth, grants your petition. 

"I AM" grateful to be able to assure you that the majority of our chelas have been alert to the Directives which have been given thus far and we are anticipating your further and expanded co-operation! 

Now remember, this has been Judgment Week for you right here on Earth, and at the conclusion of this Assembly, we shall confer with the Beloved Gautama, Lord of the World, to decide upon those whom we feel can be entrusted with expanded God Powers in a scope to which your consciousness has not yet aspired or been capable of recognizing. 

In the name of the Creator of us all, please so purify yourselves that the insidious machinations of the sinister force cannot make inroads into your sometimes unguarded consciousness, when spiritual pride activates its disintegrating force. Enter the recesses of your being and humbly thank the Supreme Source of all life that you have advanced to the point where we, the Karmic Board, will permit unusual Powers to be vested upon you. 

You can perhaps now understand why the Beloved Vesta is to come in all her majesty and dignity and address you tomorrow, and to make certain investitures! 

How will you know the enlarged service which is to be yours, should you qualify for that honor? First, you are requested to spend the balance of this month in the use of the expanded activity of the Violet Fire through your own individual lifestream in addition to your regular service of the Violet Transmuting Fire for the evolutions of this Planet. This is to be done privately in the confines of your own orbits. At the end of that time, if you have been obedient to our Directives, the Gifts and Powers will gradually begin to expand in your world. 

Now, I have a most important point which it is imperative that I bring to your attention. No one is to take upon himself or herself the authority as Dispenser of instruction for The Bridge to Freedom, Inc. in the name of the Spiritual Hierarchy. At the present time, there is only one Channel, or Contact, as we have stated, and I make that statement with all the Authority of my Being. You will kindly note that I say "at the present time." The day is approaching when there will be those who will assist in the dissemination of our Instruction through the avenue of The Bridge to Freedom, but that time has not yet arrived. Why do I say "assist" in the channeling of our Instruction? For the very reason that the Cosmic Moment when the Earth shall move into the orbit of Uranus is approaching and there will be those who will be used by us as Dispensers of the Sacred Truths necessary for the Spiritual indoctrination of the evolutions remaining on this Earth, to expand the Light to keep her in the accelerated action of the orbit she will occupy as she is drawn closer to the Heart of the Sun. 

We, in kindness, do not wish you to flounder, as it were, and become bewildered in any way, should certain ideas come to your attention which may seem to you the activity which has been given for your further expansion of God's Kingdom here on Earth. 

Do not expect any outward activity to take place. The various additional services will be performed through the humble chelas who are in a state of Listening Grace who have a momentum along a certain line and whom we may use as ourselves in action, to accelerate that momentum of a God Virtue or Quality! 

Please do not delude yourselves that you will be going around in flowing robes setting forth the instruction of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Definitely not! That hour has not yet arrived! 

We of the Spiritual Hierarchy will be able, in a flash, just by looking into your auras, to see what is being entertained therein. I might add this is a very critical period in the evolution of your own individual lifestreams, and we, the Karmic Board, have deliberated at great length as to the advisability of conferring greater Powers upon you. In this regard, I would like to add, the more humble the chela, the more quickly is he or she used by us for the expansion of the Light of the world, which is of prime importance, and most certainly not the bolstering of any human ego. That human self so often masquerades as someone who is "holier than thou"! Be on the Alert! Keep up your guard, through protective measures of the Sacred Fire, for the sinister force clasps its hands in greedy fashion when an opportunity is presented that it can attach itself to someone of great Light and thus spew forth its poisonous radiation to ensnare the chela. 

In the name of Heaven, do not dwell upon what I have given you this morning, but in humility continue in your Calls for the evolutions of the Earth and in so doing, set into motion the Sacred Fire to put your own house in order. 

Remember, advanced chelas do receive guidance from the Spiritual Hierarchy to assist them in their own affairs, but it is imperative that you remember there is only one recognized Contact at the present time for the dissemination of our Instruction through The Bridge to Freedom. 

Please relax now as I have something of a very great importance to tell you! The Love of the Spiritual Hierarchy for our Lord and King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, is of such magnitude that your consciousness in its present development could not envision, and it is that Love which has brought the Karmic Board to this Conference. 

You do not need me to tell you of the state in which this Planet finds herself at the present time - of all the chaotic conditions which are expressing and the shroud which is endeavoring to engulf her, and I say, in the name and by the Power of the Father-Mother God, we have confidence in the chelas upon this Earth to assiduously decree and expand their Light and prove to all the Sons and Daughters of Heaven that this planet shall be saved from the destructive force which has been gathering a momentum. I use the past tense, has been, for from this day forward, I Portia, Spokesman for the Karmic Board, and in the Authority vested in me say - the Children of Heaven on Earth are marching forward in the Light and shall hold aloft the Banner of my Beloved Saint Germain! 

Before closing, I must tell you of a happening which took place recently and which is one of the reasons why the Karmic Board has come to you at this hour. Our Beloved Saint Germain loves this Earth with such intensity and dedication that it is merciful that we in the Realms of Light cannot experience disappointment and pain. 

Not long, ago, I returned from a Cosmic Meeting, to the private and holy orbit that my Beloved and I occupy when we confer with one another on cosmic matters. I saw my Beloved in a kneeling position, with a Globe representative of the Earth cradled to his bosom. He was blazing and blazing and blazing the Violet Transmuting Flame into that Globe and his own Being was barely discernible as the Light flowing from his Being enfolded the Earth in his Loving Heart. He was entreating the Supreme Source of all Life to save this Planet and saying with such deep Love - "I believe in my chelas on Earth. I know that they will not fail me in this Hour!" 

With a rush of Love that coursed through my Being, I knelt beside him and promised the Supreme Source that we, the Karmic Board, would come and speak directly to the chelas of The Bridge to Freedom and re-kindle their enthusiasm to further assist our Lord and King. 

Expecting and anticipating your immediate response and co-operation, no further words are necessary! 

Good Morning!





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