Summer Conference Address

Beloved Vesta, Goddess of the Sun

Rocky Mountain Retreat - Wyoming, U.S.A.

July 14, 1968

I, Vesta, have come this morning from the Heart of the Sun, and as your Cosmic God-Parent representing the Feminine Aspect of Divinity; it is my prerogative to set forth certain principles which are requisite that the chelas put into practice. 

Recently Beloved Helios and I entered into individual contemplation, after which we discussed ways and means of bringing our Planets into Divine Order. The original Plan which emanated from Beloved Helios' and my Heart for the manifestation of these Planets was obediently brought to fruition through the great Service of the Seven Mighty Elohim of Creation, those great Beings who enrich the Universe by their Consciousness of Perfection. 

In reviewing our Planets as to their progress at this hour, the Earth was the only one found wanting. She was the single exception to the Divine Plan which should be manifesting, and while our Love enfolded all the Planets, that Love took the form of compassion when it cradled the Earth. 

We know the hour when we shall inbreathe and draw our children closer to our Hearts, and on that Inbreath, Mercury will become part of the Perfection of our Sun, where the Beauty is of such magnitude that your present consciousness could not conceive! 

On the rhythm of the Breath, as the Universe proceeds in orderly fashion, Helios and I will energize a new Planet, the Pattern for which has already been given to the Seven Mighty Elohim and is ready for habitation on the Out-breath. This will take the place of the Planet you now know as PURITY, which is presently #7 in our System, and is to be christened Adorae! (pronounced Ad-o-ray). 

We have previously said that Mercury will be absorbed into the Heart of Beloved Helios and myself. By that we refer to the vibratory action of Our Beings with which we will further energize the Planet Mercury. On the Outbreath when Adorae is energized, Mercury will become #7 in the Planets of absolute Perfection which comprise the other half of the circle, all having attained the Perfection ordained for them, and forming a part in the Cosmic Circle in which the God-Parents under Alpha and Omega revolve. Again the Law of the Circle! 

At that Cosmic Moment of the Outbreath from Helios and myself, Planet #1, in the Accelerated Circle which we originally breathed out, having passed through our Beings, will become a Sun in this Universe, taking the responsibility of creating Planets under another Central Sun, receiving an investiture from that Sun similar to that given by Beloved Alpha and Omega to the Suns under their direction when they assumed the responsibility of the superior Sun of this System. 

This specific activity might be likened unto the launching of a space-craft into an accelerated orbit. I do not wish to tax the consciousness of those chelas who are not scientifically minded so, in simple terms, when the Cosmic Edict goes forth, the following is the procedure: the Planet Mercury will pass through the Aura of Helios and myself; receive certain investitures on that Inbreath which will make that Planet even more compatible with the Perfection and Higher Vibration of the circle which is emanating from our Beings. The chela might term this the complexity of the Universe, but when truly understood, all transpires in Divine Rhythm. 

Can you now see, Children of our Hearts, why there should be true humility and deep love in your feelings when you address or refer to the Supreme Source of all Life, no matter what Divine Designation you may use? 

The farther one advances on the Ladder of Evolution, the more humble he or she becomes, and I do not refer to a sanctimonious attitude of being, but to true reverence for Life in the feelings, which comes from knowing that all life forms the cells in the Body of the Creator, the Father-Mother God Principle of all Life! 

Now to return to the Plans which Beloved Helios and I were contemplating. We summoned the Members of the Karmic Board into our Presence, and as this specific Cosmic Action is related to the Breath, Beloved Holy Ĉolus came to confer with us, as well as Beloved Gautama, Lord of the World, for the Planet Earth is the member in so-called jeopardy. 

As a result of that Meeting, it was decided that the Karmic Board would address you at this Summer Conference, and that each Member would present certain phases or activities of the Spiritual Law to you, which activities, if obediently followed by the chelas of The Bridge to Freedom, would enable us to ready the Earth for the Cosmic Initiation which is to take place. This could prevent undue devastation resulting from the stepped-up vibratory action of Uranus to which the Earth is not yet attuned. 

Every Planet under the mighty Alpha and Omega is ordained to move at that time and to show you the Love of all the Beings who are in charge of the Planets, Beloved Ethos (Ay-thos) of the Planet Mars, Planet #4 in the chain belonging to Beloved Hercules and Amazon, realizing the plight of the Earth, has volunteered to give assistance. This is not the Planet Mars as given by modern scientists. 

I humbly request you to incorporate in your Decree for the Channeling of the Light from Venus and Uranus, the Light from Mars, to be released by Beloved Ethos. It is for the following specific reasons when the Initiation takes place, the Earth will be assisted in her progression into the Orbit of Uranus by the pathway of Light from Uranus which the chelas have created through the Channeling of the Light Decree. The Light pattern, or column, from the Planet Venus, directly above the Earth, and the Light from Mars, directly below the Earth, will form a rod or lever to guide the Earth on her destined course into the magnetized orbit of Uranus. (See diagram).



m                      <=       Bella            <=       Venus

Krishna and Sophia

m                      <=       Uranus                   <=       Earth

Helios and Vesta

m                      <=       Vulcan                    <=       Mars

Hercules and Amazon 

Can you possibly envision the Love of the Beings on other Planets for the Earth, their recalcitrant sister? Ah yes, Love does make the world go round, and that is why we continually counsel the chelas to transmute their human frailties through the use of the Sacred Fire and enter into the heart of true Love - the Feeling Nature of the Supreme Source of all! 

I admonish each of you to conscientiously follow the Directives which have been given at this momentous Conference. I would specifically impress upon your consciousness that we of the Spiritual Hierarchy know the God-potential that is within each one. It is upon the dedication of the chelas and the pulsating Light in their Causal Bodies that we depend to be our assistants on Earth at this crucial hour in the planet's evolution. 

So stand erect in the God Dignity which is yours and continue to be the Representatives of Helios and myself upon this Earth. Please continue assiduously in the Decrees which you are presently using for the Transmutation and Purification of the ills manifesting on the Earth. When these pulsating causes and cores of imperfection are removed and replaced by God Perfection, the Earth and her evolutions can proceed into the next orbit without excessive devastation! 

You have been chosen and given this privilege and it is now your opportunity to prove your affirmed Love for our Lord and King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain and the glorious Portia. 

Plunge deeply into the Heart of God and know that all maya which may present itself at your doorstep is not Real, except through your acceptance of same. 

I wish also to advise you that the mighty Hercules, Lord Michael and Beloved El Morya are in attendance this morning and you shall receive Cosmic Protection on your return to your personal orbits, as you give recognition to that protection and obedience to the Law of Harmony. 

Beloved Portia and all the Members of the Karmic Board, accompanied by their attendants, are in the atmosphere over the physical Shamballa this morning, and at the conclusion of this Address, they will send forth the Radiation of each of the Seven Rays to all upon this Isle, ordained by Cosmic Law to become the purest and most sacred of all places upon this Planet. These Rays of Love will do much to energize the physical Shamballa and all of Long Island, thus truly making her hallowed ground! 

Thanking you for your attention and anticipating your expanded dedication to SAVE THIS EARTH in the name of Freedom's Holy Light! 

"I AM"

Vesta, God-Mother of this Earth






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