Thanksgiving Address

Beloved Saint Germain

November 26, 1966

Beloved and precious friends, this is a joyous time for the Spiritual Hierarchy as we are assembled at Shamballa, at Harvest Time, and we now have the added pleasure of celebrating the Third Anniversary of the establishment of the Spiritual Central Focus for the Sweet Earth at this location and the anchorage of the mighty Currents into the physical substance of the landed surface of Long Island. It is a joy to behold the Cosmic Plan unfolding on the Planet Earth through the Illumined Obedience of dedicated chelas in the physical appearance world. 

Your Opportunity 

Oh, how we love you! Blessed be the dear chelas who have held true to our Purpose and those illumined ones who are sustaining the Focus through their understanding love and generosity. When you are Ascended you will then know the opportunity which was yours, and through using the power of Listening Grace heeded the Instructions of the Spiritual Hierarchy and availed yourselves of this privilege and remained constant in the fulfillment thereof. The Benediction of the Lord of the World is upon your dedicated lifestreams. 

I shall make this a rather informal talk, and in so doing endeavor to illumine your consciousness further in the ways of Spirit. Now let me see how I can add to your happiness at this festive and important time and still balance the expenditure of the energy of the Father-Mother God flowing through me! 

Positions of the Physical Garment 

You will remember, most of you, in the early days when we first introduced the Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters to the students in the Western Hemisphere, and presented their actuality to those who had hearts and ears to listen, and an open consciousness for their acceptance. At that time we spoke about the position of the physical garment when you were attending a Class to receive instruction. This was in a dignified manner as befits the presence of Royalty, the Estate of those who are on a higher plane of consciousness and in possession and use of the Truth of Life, the Spiritual Law. 

We have indeed been lenient with you through the years and have not desired to exact rigid conformance through edicts of 'thou shalt not' or 'you must do that'. However, the time has approached when I feel it necessary to bring to your attention that a chela slumped in a chair, with perhaps his or her limbs crossed, does not receive the full benefit of the Radiation released. I do not infer that he does not get a Blessing. Most certainly he does, but a chela with good posture, whose spine is erect, with limbs uncrossed and hands gracefully resting in the lap, or securing a Song Book or other necessary Class material on the lap, is the recipient of a greater inflow of Light. One should not tightly entwine the fingers with palms clasped. This restricts the flow of his energy in blessing to all life. It has often been stated that an individual with fist grasped is a selfish person. While we know that is not the intent of the chela who holds his hands in that manner through force of habit, but there are certain basic rules which hold true both in Spiritual and physical activities. I bring this to your attention so that those of you who assume this position can correct it in the future. 

The Beauty which is within 

The instrument which you designate as the physical garment should always symbolize the Beauty which is within, although the real meaning of this vehicle has been little understood except by the Initiates who have passed through the Tests into the Temple of Truth, thus dwelling in their own Individualized God Presence. 

There are significant postures through which many of the Powers of the Cosmic Christ may be invoked and drawn forth. These were formerly given by word of mouth to the chelas who had passed beyond the capacity to use them except for Good. 


The posture of Invocation holds the physical garment erect, the hands raised above the head toward the Source of Life. The majority of your artistic masterpieces of a Spiritual Nature showing the individual in the Act of Invocation depict the body with hands extended. However, the correct position is the hands and the head raised into the Light. 


The Act of Benediction is drawing the Invocative Powers downward and precipitating them from the fingertips. This attitude, after the vehicle is thoroughly impregnated with the Light, connects the lifestream with the Cosmic Christ Power of Benediction, and releases countless amounts of energy. 


The kneeling posture is NOT Invocation. The kneeling vehicle, with the spine straight, and the head bowed, is Supplication, or Gratitude. It is supplication when the outer self is not yet fully conscious of the Will of God, and the bowed head is the submission of the intellectual consciousness to the Divine Directing Intelligence. 

When the supplication, or prayer consciousness, has revealed to the outer self the right course of action, invocation may freely take place. 

The Symbol of the Cross 

Now let us take the Symbol of the Cross. The living Body of the Master Jesus upon the Cross struck into the ground at Golgotha represented the beginning of the redemption of the Planet Earth. You will remember that the early explorers used the cross imbedded into the virgin earth to claim the ground in the name of some human ruler, but it was really in the name of exploration of God's Kingdom. 

In some Religious Orders, the prone cross of the physical, at the time of ordination is intended to symbolize mastery, but such is not the case. If the Priest stood erect while the ordination took place, when the invocation was called forth, the one who was supposed to have been mastered might permit the human to become the master. 

Through the various distortions of time and use, the sign of the Cross has become too many the symbol of so-called death. The Sign of the Cross will come again in a varying or true form to establish Life, certainly not bearing the lifeless and distorted body of any Being. Witness the Symbol of the Maltese Cross which I freely use as my Banner, and which is the Electronic Pattern of my Life. This is the perpendicular Cross of Victory, and not dissolution. 


I have presented the foregoing to you for study and contemplation, and permit me to counsel you to accept this in reverence, and debase it not through fanatical or irreverent practice. This is not for public use, but for the privacy of your own room where others are not present. 

We feel that your consciousness is sufficiently illuminated to understand that fanaticism could easily creep in were the chela not sufficiently emotionally balanced and thus draw attention to the human or outer self. 

Your acceptance of these Truths 

You are being permitted to receive this information of a nature which has deep inner meaning, and according to your acceptance and use of these Truths will more be forthcoming, as your consciousness is prepared and receptive. 

Tamper not with Spiritual Instruction, for it was just such practice which caused many Priests, Priestesses and others to sink beneath the waves when the Planet submerged some of her continents. 

In loving and humble gratitude to the Creator of us all, I now enfold you in the Divine Love and Protection of the Spiritual Hierarchy, anticipating the time when your every gesture will be Spiritually meaningful, and in expanded activity take the form of Ritual for the expansion of the Light of the Cosmos. 

Your Advisor and Friend,

Ascended Master Saint Germain







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