Thanksgiving Address

Beloved Kamakura

November 27, 1966

Holy, sacred Lotus Blossoms in the Sea of Infinity, my Heart Flame expands its Light to greet you and to tell you what a glorious occasion it is for me that I have been given the opportunity to approach the children in the Western Hemisphere, and energize the union of the Light joining East and West. It is the Western Hemisphere which is becoming the Light of the world, so greatly required as the turbulent souls of men are crying out for Peace, not only Peace among Nations, but the Peace which is of the soul and body; the surging Flame of Divinity endeavoring to burst the confines of the human consciousness results in the energizing of the Sacred Essence of Life, and the untrained, uncontrolled man is dissipating the Life Essence of the Eternal. 

The Requirement of Spiritual Teachers 

The great requirement of the hour is for Illumined Spiritual Teachers, who in dedicated Service, could awaken the outer consciousness of the seeker, and others, to the True Way of Life, and mans reason for being. 

Oh noble ones, Spiritual passiveness is not for this time of evolutionary change, and right thinking must be accompanied by the strength of Spirit. The Almighty is summoning his flock to comprehension of the Law which governs the universe, propelling it forth specifically into this system to bring her and her evolutions into the perfect rhythm necessary for the consonance of the whole! 

The precision of Natural Forces 

According to the precision of Natural Forces, the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. That is true spiritually. The East had her opportunity to elevate the souls of men for ages, and now many of the Illuminati who once wore Eastern vehicles, are incarnated in the West, and have within their inner consciousness, the knowledge and true application of the Spiritual Law. The difference this time, in its expansion in the West, is that there will be, and must be, the application thereof, and not just used for personal enjoyment and the desire to attain Nirvana, individually. 

Mount Fujiyama 

Our Holy Mount Fujiyama, as you are aware, has long been known for its Sacred, Spiritual Activity, and is revered by at least some of the people of the East. There are some yet in embodiment in the East who recognize and know the importance of this Focus in the coming days. Although our Retreat at the present time is in the Etheric Realm, in the coming days it shall again be manifest on the Earth plane, on Mount Fuji, as some refer to that Holy Site. 

Volcanic Action 

Many a time there has been what is called a volcanic eruption, as present day Science knows it, but the spewing forth of lava was simply the Alchemy of Purification of energies which we of the Brotherhood of Mount Fujiyama have voluntarily drawn into the outer service of the Focus, and have transmuted it and sent it forth to be repolarized and to again return for service and magnification of the Supreme Source through the various facets of expression. 

The thought might occur to some as to why and how the Spiritual Law could employ any activity which results in destruction! Precious ones, the negative forces which were gathered up and purified in this manner were of such magnitude that it would stagger your consciousness were I to endeavor to describe them to you, and which I most certainly do not wish to imprint upon your consciousness, or to energize the impression which is already hidden in the secret confines of your mental and etheric vehicles, lessened, of course, by your application of the Flame of Transmutation, but still clinging to a degree therein. 

The Divine Alchemy of Transmutation 

It is only in recent years, according to man's reckoning of time, that you have learned of the Divine Alchemy of Transmutation and purification, and in some locations 'cauldrons' of Violet Fire have been set up in the Ethers for the Activity of Purification. However, in ages past, much Purification took place by volcanic action, and wherever on the Earth's surface there is a volcano, presently dormant, you can be sure in the Etheric Realm is a Focus of Light which formerly was on the landed surface. Although one rarely hears of 'hell-fire and brimstone', this activity had its origination on the Earth through the nefarious practices of man, and met with like action. Oh the great Mercy of the Spiritual Law, and the intercession of the sons of men who now abide in Heaven's Realms, in the lessening of the rigors of the Pathway Home. A chela no longer has to physically enter a Retreat and abide by its disciplines in order to attain his eventual Freedom in the Light. The Flame of Gratitude should daily well within your being for the privilege which is yours in the Instruction which you receive to gain your Ultimate Victory! 

The Momentum at Mount Fujiyama 

All during the Christian Dispensation, we of the Brotherhood at Mount Fujiyama qualified the momentum of our Power with the Radiation and Qualities of the Sixth Ray, and as the Sun rose in the East, in your Western Hemisphere today, we transferred our Energies to the Seventh Ray Dispensation. 

To Assist Our Beloved Saint Germain 

We have invited the Reigning Power of this Dispensation, the Honorable and Beloved Saint Germain, to accept and utilize our Stockpile of Divine, Positive Energy as his Central Focus of the Violet Fire of Transmutation during the period which is at hand, when tremendous purging must take place of the evolutions of this Earth in order for the millennium to manifest at the Cosmically appointed hour. 

We have presented this to him, and he has affirmed his acceptance, and when he attends the Ceremony this evening at our Retreat, the actual anchoring of the Holy Flame of Divine Alchemy will take place. Oh, how we revere and love him and are compassionate in our determined endeavors to assist him at this crucial hour. 

The Ladies of the Retreat have fashioned the most exquisite Royal Robes of the most glorious Violet Silk, in Oriental style, with matching slippers for his sacred feet. The design or pattern of the material itself is multitudinous Maltese Crosses, in deference to the Electronic Pattern of his Being. 

Ah, yes, blessed ones, it is my honor to tell you of the wondrous Love and Respect we have for the Ascended Master Saint Germain, long having viewed the colossal undertaking which is his as Reigning Monarch of this New Age. 

The Celebration at Our Retreat 

It was our great privilege to have an audience with Beloved Portia, and in honor of his Presence with us this evening, and the days to come, a mighty celebration will take place at our Retreat, having received some special directives from his Beloved Lady, Portia, to whom we applied to make this a Focus of Violet Fire before presenting the idea to Saint Germain. 

The lovely Kwan Yin will be one of the hostesses for this occasion, and her graciousness has long been known to the children of Earth. We anticipate a momentous and sacred occasion, and apprise you of the fact that you may in loving gratitude to Saint Germain request, upon retiring, that you attend the Service and the function following. Those who are not within this room will be summoned by their Seraphim to attend, and will accompany them to our Retreat. 

And now, in Holy Obeisance to the Flaming Presence of God within your hearts, I bid you Good Morning.

Kamakura, Hierarch of the Retreat at

Fujiyama, Japan.



Eternal Love and Gratitude 

O Blessed "I AM",

We ever shall stand

True - faithful to thee

For Eternity.

Our Love now ascends;

All with the Light blends;

And praising thy name,

We God's Truth proclaim. 

O blest Hosts of Light -

God's Legions so bright;

We're grateful to all

For answ’ring each call.

O blest Saint Germain

And thy Violet Flame;

Thy Name we'll adore

Now and evermore.






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