Easter Class Address

Beloved Jesus

March 26, 1967

"I AM" the realization, the conviction and the positive assurance of the efficacious Power of the Resurrection Flame which I used to attain the Triumphant Victory of the Resurrection. "I AM" come this morning to blaze and blaze and blaze the feeling of acceptance which I know is Real, for did I not have the privilege of giving mankind a manifest example of that which could be accomplished and must be employed by all mankind now or later!

Children of God, I entreat you to be about the Father's Business in expanded activity so that you can be examples of the resurrection of the Perfection which you once knew, and be the wayshowers of those less privileged than you. 

The time has long since passed when the 'faithful' as they are called, can just set aside the 40 days of repentance and then expect to receive the realization or full meaning of the Easter Celebration. This was not just a pageant in the evolution of the Planet and her peoples. The Cosmic Law in its great Wisdom knew that the time had arrived when something 'spectacular' had to take place which would rouse the inhabitants of this Earth out of their ways of iniquity, and so it was ordained that I would be given the opportunity, after passing certain tests at Inner Levels, to set the Example for the restoration of the God Way of Life on this Planet. 

Before proceeding further, I wish to humbly and gratefully bow to the Light of my beloved father, Joseph (Saint Germain) and my holy Mother Mary and all who served with us, enabling the Victorious Accomplishment of this Mission. The tenacity and oneness of Spirit of my Earth-Parents was a tremendous lever, or raising Power in the fulfillment of this Mission. My love and gratitude flows to them at all times. 

I shall continue this Release in a very direct and meaningful manner, in the hope that some among the children of men will receive the illumination to resuscitate their own consciousness and vehicles to assist the mankind of this Earth. I came to set the Example for all men, in the overcoming of the human tastes and appetites. Consider then what has been accomplished by the evolutions hereon, spiritually speaking, in the decades of time since the public event of my Resurrections I bow my head when I think my Mission was of so little avail, judging from the appearances, the chaotic conditions, which are rampant on this Planet at the present hour! 

I pray that I shall not have to descend upon the Earth as an Emissary of the Father-Mother God in a tumultuous manner to awaken those who are spiritually inclined, and for the obliteration by drastic action the forces who are bent upon the destruction of any and all who have endeavored to the best of their present ability to hold true to a Concept, God-given and God-directed! 

Now, holding true to a Concept is not just the intellectual entertainment of a Vision. The outpicturing of that Concept, individually, is Victorious Accomplishment. And that is the purpose for which we of the Spiritual Hierarchy have released our energies to the chelas these many years. And, we are held accountable for the balance of these energies through the lifestreams who have been the recipients thereof. Thank the Merciful Father, we are in the Age when the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Love is the predominant and significant Radiation bathing the Earth, otherwise she would have little hope for the externalization of the Perfection which has been ordained. 

I come not to alarm you, but to prod you on to further application of the Law at this crucial time. If I were to tell you that there were just so many days left for the redemption of the Earth and that you would be called to the Karmic Board for an accounting at the end of that period, I believe, like the drowning individual holding to a raft, you would be so spurred on to decreeing at every available time for the redemption of the Earth and her evolutions. 

Why think you that the Wisdom of the mighty Gautama, after lengthy deliberation as to the activity for the Year of Nineteen Hundred and. Sixty-seven, saw the requirement for the Planet saturated, blazing with the Violet Fire of Transmutation, and enfolded in a Heart of Pure Divine Love, as the Thought Form of the Year, with Beloved Lord Chamuel and Beloved Kwan Yin as Sponsors. Awake! Oh Children of Light, never let go of the life-saving 'raft' of the Activity of the Thought Form! You can save this Earth by your constant and steadfast adherence to the Directives which we give you, through your application thereof! 

There are many chelas who at the present time seem concerned as to what is going to happen to them, individually as we proceed with the necessary evolutionary changes! Ah, precious ones, I humbly admonish you to forego such consideration of the little self! We of the Spiritual Hierarchy have been stating, and stating, over and over again, the necessity for becoming the Christ in action at all times, and we will continue so to do. When one is dedicated and determined to carry out the Instructions of the Cosmic Law, he surely realizes that there can be no separation in Life, that all is one mighty Composite of the Father-Mother God's Creation, the heart beat in the physical vehicle being the stepped-down vibration of the Heart of the Cosmos. 

And there is a point which I would like to clear up in the consciousness of some at this time: a few wonder why we heretofore referred to the four lower expressions as 'bodies' and now call them vehicles. For the very simple reason that a body denotes a certain density, and a vehicle, while having a degree of density can be a conductor of Light without necessarily conveying density or weight. Since the consciousness of the majority has advanced from that of students to that of chelas, each should now have progressed from giving so much power to the four lower bodies, for they should be vehicles of Light and the Radiation thereof. I trust this clarifies that question. 

Another matter which has given the chelas some consternation is where they should be physically located when Cosmic Changes do take place! There is no safer place, or haven, than right where you are at the time, provided, of course, that you do not clothe yourselves in the insidious activity of fear, and know, with conviction, that the Christ Presence right within you is the Isle of Serenity and Protection. So anchored, you are safe at all times. There is no reason for fear or depression of any kind when one accepts, and knows, he is a Child of God, an Emissary of the Cosmic Source of all Life, come to Earth to fulfill a Mission. 

On this Glorious Easter how I pray that there will be those who have hearts and ears to hear, and that includes all mankind who are truly seeking the way back Home, that they may henceforth be Emissaries of Light, Beacons pointing the way for others, so the less fortunate, and I say this because through their own free will, they have not been wise enough to choose the Path of Light, rather taking the by-ways of darkness and degradation! 

Oh beloved and blessed chelas, would that you could see what the Celebration of Easter and the accelerated Release of Light has done, at least temporarily, for a Planet heavily burdened indeed. The Angels of Transmutation and of Resurrection are traversing the Earth using every possible means to change the vibratory action of imperfection. This is a most opportune time for those who have chosen the Path of Light, be they affiliated with Orthodox Churches or other Organizations of Truth, and have turned their hearts and consciousness to the Victory of Easter Morn! 

How beautiful the music and songs of praise and adoration to the Father-Mother God, in whom "I AM" but One Cell in that Pulsating Fountain of Light and Perfection! Today may be likened to a Truce of Light, and while some forces of imperfection do exist, they are not as rampant as when the thoughts of the people of Earth are not raised Godward through the Resurrection Consciousness which is enfolding the Planet. 

My dear ones, in my capacity as World Teacher, I must point the way for you, and thus I have endeavored to do today, and be assured that every word I have spoken is clothed in the Light of the Cosmic Source of all Life, and only Perfection and Victorious Accomplishment should be the result thereof! This can be for you right now, for all mankind and for the entire Planet, according to your acceptance thereof! 

In all the Divine Love of the Buoyancy of the established momentum of Victorious Accomplishment in the Light, I draw you close to my Heart and bathe you in the Feeling of the Resurrection Flame. 

Good Morning!





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