Easter Class Address

Beloved Holy Ĉolus

March 23, 1967

Children of my Heart, I have come to the Earth to join in the celebration of the greatest feast known to the chelas abiding hereon, that of the Resurrection, as exemplified by Beloved Jesus. 

"I AM" speaking to you from the Etheric Shamballa and shall journey to the Resurrection Temple to be there to participate the Cosmic Ceremonies which will take place. 

Sitting in my study I have contemplated the sincere and worthy endeavors of my chelas throughout the Planet and have decided to relate a short treatise on the God Qualities... 

Every Star and Planet and Sun was created to add to the Glory of the Universe and the ever-expanding richness of God's Bounty of Godly Qualities which make the Heavenly Realm an ever unfolding experience of belief, as the consciousness is exhilarated by the experience of one after another of the Godly emotions which are the natural activity of life. 

There is no limit to the Beauty in the Universe; no limit to Love, to Happiness, to Peace and so on. Every Ascended Being and Cosmic Master, every Solar Lord, will attest to the fact that no matter how much of the God Life one chooses to draw forth from within the Flame there is much exhilaration of consciousness in the realization that more and more of the Godly Virtues unfold, as one plunges into the Heart of any one of those Divine Expressions of the Deity. 

The glorious Lady Venus could tell you that all the Beauty she has manifested on her Planet has but opened the door to greater expressions of Beauty and Happiness than her Consciousness yet can grasp. That is the Love, the Glory of God. It is a marvelous impetus toward soaring higher and higher in consciousness to know that there is no end to the unfolding of God's Perfection. It is like an eager child opening door after door into one of the wonder places of the imagination and finding treasures unbelievable in each room through which his feet pass, seeking ever greater and more glorious expressions of beauty and happiness. That is the natural activity of life. 

Mankind has reversed this action and proceeded from depth to depth in his life experience, growing ever more unhappy as they descend into the darkest experiences of human living when, easy as a breath, they might turn their attention to any one of the Virtues and find out what is within Beauty, within Tolerance, within Love, Peace, or Healing. 

You know that the Virtues representative of the God Qualities are Flames. Their Heart Center has never been reached, and their circumference has never been measured. As mankind tap at the very surface of these Divine Qualities and taste a little of the elixir that is magic to their senses, it will draw them further and further into the greater experiences that lie within these Flames. 

When you choose to come within the Flame of Divine Love, the Flame of Beauty, the Flame of Peace, or any other God Quality, you can feel that Flame enfold you and its Radiation enter your consciousness, and there, like the lotus, it begins to open and the fragrance of its gifts begin to raise your consciousness until petal after petal opens, one within the other, and your entire being becomes expressive of the Qualities upon which you meditate.

This can be done for another as well as yourself... where there is the requirement for Peace, or Beauty, or Light you can invoke the Flame that represents the Cosmic Virtue to be planted within that consciousness and begin to unfold there, until the consciousness, feeling that Radiation is awakened to an interest and goes deeper into the Search for the Light. 

In earlier occult teaching there are Beings referred to as the Powers, the Dominions, the Principalities and the Virtues close to the Heart of God. These great Focuses of Flaming Power, Beings mighty as the Great Helios, these are the Cosmic Virtues which mankind trip so lightly on their tongues as "Faith, Hope and Charity". 

Beloved ones, I trust that you have enjoyed this little review with me, for as I look upon your inner vehicles they have been nodding their heads saying 'yes, I know that' and so shall it be in your outer consciousness. 

And so with a closing statement - to invoke these Cosmic Virtues where there is the requirement is a magic manner of transmuting the human consciousness.






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