Summer Conference Address

Beloved Elohim Hercules

July 3, 1966

Hail thou, my Brothers and Sisters in the Service of the Light, I come to you today in the full Power and Dignity of the Elohimic Consciousness which I use, and enjoy. 

Colleagues, tremendous are the opportunity which is yours to be embodied on the Earth at this time, and to have conscious communion with the Spiritual Hierarchy at this so vital evolutionary hour; great, too, is your responsibility! 

Thank you, beloved ones, for the acknowledgment of my Presence in your midst. I bow to the Presence of God alive within you! Kindly be seated! 

Now, please enter into and remain centered in that glorious Presence which is the Real You! Thank you. 

I come to you in welcome, most assuredly, but more important, I come to instruct and prepare you for the days which are at hand. Looking at your Program for the week, you have of course noticed that the First Ray of the Will of God opens and closes this Conference. Seeing farther into the tomorrows than the chela, we are aware of the requirement for Cosmic Protection, daily, hourly - every minute and second of your breathing existence on this Earth. 

There seems to be much ado in your newspapers and in your television and radio reports of 'unfamiliar' objects sighted in the Earth's atmosphere and in close enough proximity to be seen by the inhabitants hereon. These are not in any way figments of man's imagination. Oh yes, of course, the human has the propensity to enlarge upon what it has seen, and with each telling the description usually is magnified. Discount that enlargement, but welcome the visitations. These are directed into the Earth's atmosphere cosmically, for a very specific reason: 

Due to the fact that there is so much unrest on the Planet at this time, and that the Directors of Governments and Organizations seem to be unable to stabilize conditions and thus quell the rioting of all kinds, even unto the magnitude of war in all its ugliness, the Earth is having visitations from other Planets, by volunteers mind you, who are coming to give assistance to adjust and balance and bring into alignment, a Planet which must be balanced, so that it will move in an orderly manner when the Edict goes forth to swing into the orbit of Uranus, preparatory to succeeding Venus in her present position. Rest assured, we of the Unseen Spiritual Legions are ceaselessly serving to repolarize this beloved Orb. 

Beloved ones, I counsel you to listen most attentively. We have spoken these many years about coming Planetary Changes, and I admonish you to have 'oil' in your lamps so that you will go forward in the Light and not be found wanting due to a lackadaisical attitude or 'oh we have heard that for a long time'. This is a thought which has occurred to some, following advice which we have found necessary to repeat over and over, hoping that it would be finally impressed on the consciousness of some. 

Apply, apply, apply the instruction which has been given you, and know that we of the Spiritual Hierarchy stand ready and willing to give you every possible assistance for your protection. I do not in any way wish to alarm you. There is no reason for that, but the time has come when you must be ready and willing to stand poised and serene in your God-given knowledge, sending forth the harmony which will be of assistance to those who have not been so fortunate as you, as to be under the direct supervision and instruction of the Cosmic and Ascended Host! 

Now, to return to the 'extra-ordinary' expressions or visitations of Light in your midst. There are some in this room who have had the privilege of witnessing these events and know whereof I speak. There are certain localities on this Planet which, shall we say, merit these visitations, and please be assured that every visitation brings more Light and assistance to that portion of the Globe. Some of these Light-Bearers to which I allude are peopled with Beings from other Stars who are also in an intensive period of training, as are you, but their scale of evolution is of a higher and more accelerated vibratory action, and their radiation and nature is more harmoniously developed than the inhabitants of this Earth. And I guarantee you, there are electronic devices far more advanced than the good scientists on this Globe have yet been able to develop. 

There have been instances where reports have come forth of the landed surface having been 'seared' or burned. This is true, for the powerful radiation of the Light was purposely emitted at that point to transmute and purify a certain physical vortices of imperfection and return the components to the Universal for re-polarization! Also, the conveyances of the Beings from other Planets carry the stepped-up radiation Which the Earth does not yet enjoy, and serves, too, as a protection to those within, against any possible contamination. The Earth suffered pollution at the hands of the laggards, and the Cosmic Law will not permit these volunteers to bring back to their home Stars any of the imperfect radiation which is emanating from the Earth. 

You perhaps would like to know, beloved ones that many of these visitors are friends of yours, with whom you have become acquainted on your sojourns to other Planets in your etheric vehicles. 

I have given you the foregoing in an understandable and concise manner so all who partake of this information can accept it as a Gift from an All-Loving Father to his children. Most certainly, the Creator of all there is desires to have his offspring progress and not be retarded in their evolution, and every way and means is devised, and used, to speed their journey to Perfection along the Pathway of Light! 

There are some on the Planet who have had conscious communication with these Light-Bearers and more will enjoy this privilege in the not too distant future. Now, may I suggest that should you see one of these Expressions of Light in the Heavens or in close proximity to your environment that you first, through the Authority of your own "I AM" Presence, send your love and gratitude for the heretofore unheard of assistance which is being rendered to your Earth, and then remain serene and accept the Blessing given. You know, as a simple example, guests do not usually return to your home if they are not welcomed. These 'guests' in your atmosphere come to bring you, and all life upon this Planet, untold blessings and assistance, and they should receive all the gratitude which you can give them for their service. 

Why think you "I AM" so interested in the Earth! Am I not one of the Seven who built this Planet, following a Pattern given us by the Beloved Helios and Vesta? We, the Elohimic Builders, entered into cooperative activity with Helios and Vesta, and thus was the Earth born. Like fond parents, our Hearts' desire is to see her return to the Beauty and Perfection which she once knew, and then to see her expand that Glory through the perfected inhabitants to widen the Borders of the Father's Kingdom, as is the intent of all Creation. 

Great are the 'Feasts' which the prodigals of this Planet can enjoy, and it is up to them to throw off the garments of imperfection which they have worn through the centuries and which they revel in, for the most part, and this discarding of imperfection must be done through purification and transmutation, employing the Cosmic Flames which are given to the peoples of this Earth, in Love, through a merciful Creator. 

So you see, stalwart friends, you who are aware of what is transpiring in this important hour are responsible to the Cosmic Law for your use of God's Energy, and are required to assist those who do not know what is taking place or do not have the incentive or intelligence active at this time. Remember, the Oneness of all Life which we have been recently stressing and bringing again and again to your attention, and then you will realize that you cannot think of your own redemption alone, or of those to whom you have a particular affinity, for you are aligned with all Life everywhere, and in that life burns the Immortal Three-Fold Flame of Divinity, before which all must bow. 

You will remember the time when the members were released from the former compound, how difficult it was for some of them to bend the knee and recognize the Source of their existence and motivation. There are still some, yes even among the chelas, who have a 'superior' or 'haughty' attitude toward their fellowman and are continually acknowledging the imperfection which they see manifest from time to time, and they pride themselves that they do not express those imperfections and take 'a holier than thou' attitude, forgetting that they also live in 'glass houses' as the saying goes. Erase, through the Power of the Sacred Fire, any condemnation or criticism of your fellow-traveler, and welcome the opportunity to employ the Sacred Fire to correct imperfect conditions, rather than gloat over and cuddle the condition in your consciousness, where it grows and becomes part of your own accumulation. This latter statement should discourage this practice in the future. 

Now in a lighter and happier vein, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy most certainly extend you our Love and Protection, and it is our Heartfelt prayer that we shall be able to reach the inner recesses of your beings and impress you with the Instructions and Blessings which will be released during this Class, and in so doing, you will each emerge a more radiant and happier being, through your presence here with us, and which we decree will be the most God Victorious Class yet held. 

It shall be my pleasure and privilege to remain with you during the repast which, though having been prepared by human hands, is blessed with the love of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who will partake of a Luncheon in the Etheric Shamballa, Beloved Lord Gautama and Holy Ĉolus, being the Hosts. 

Enfolding you in the Protection and expanding the Activity of the First Ray, expressing always through the Beings of Lord Michael, Beloved El Morya, Micah, and my humble self, 

"I AM"     

Your Friend and Protector,








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