Summer Conference

Beloved Maha Chohan and Holy Æolus

Shamballa: Long Island, NY, USA

July 5, 1966

Beloved art thou, oh Children of the Light! Coming from heights of Celestial Bliss I greet you, bringing the Radiation of the Feminine Aspect of Divinity, the Mother Principle of the Father-Mother God. 

As you are aware, the Feminine Radiation is becoming more predominant and this is even noticeable in the outer world through the important activities of women in all fields of constructive endeavor. 

The Earth is now sufficiently impregnated with the Masculine Aspect of Divinity, the forerunner of rebirth of the Planet of Perfection which shall manifest in this New Age. We are all intelligent lifestreams from the bosom of the Father-Mother God and surely realize that the feeling nature is a requisite for maturity, since the components of Spiritual Masculinity have infiltrated the Heart of Beloved Virgo's Planet, and it is the Feminine or Feeling Nature which is now required to give birth to the Perfection ordained for the Earth. 

This Spiritual Fertility is stirring with the Inner Recesses of the women of the race, and you shall see the magnificent 'births' which shall take place. Naturally the feeling nature within the masculine members of the race is intensified also, it being the Feminine Aspect of Divinity bent on expressing itself, as a result of the intensity of the Radiation of the Feminine Nature being projected and accelerated at the Retreat at Titicaca, radiating there from to the far corners of the Earth. 

We all know that Light is the all pervading factor in the Universe. The Source from which Light emanates is the Solar Logoi, the Seven Planetary Lords and countless Devas and Builders of Form, who are responsible for and are constantly emanating and sending forth tremendous streams of electronic energy. Every electron which goes forth contains all the qualities and attributes of these Creative Spirits. These Lines of Force cascade into the physical appearance world and their succession is so rapid that it cannot be measured by physical instruments. This Intelligent Light Substance is that which man uses to create form of every description. 

The foregoing is not new to you, but we again bring it to your attention so that you may further realize the necessity of being in a State of Grace, so that you will no longer add to the mis-conceptions of this Earth. 

The constant flow of Pure Light is intensified at the present time by the Cosmic Law, and the Hosts of Light are adding their Gifts to this Substance, to more quickly transform the Earth and her Evolutions from the distortions which have been rampant through the ages. But, and I stress a very large exception, there must be those 'receiving stations' on Earth for the reception and manifestation of these Gifts upon the Planet. It is to you, dear chelas that we look for the externalization of the Virtues and Gifts of the Godhead. You are doing exceedingly well, through your obedience to our Instructions, but I shall have to assume for the moment the Role of a Disciplinarian, though it is tempered by Pure Divine Love. 

It is simply my Heart desire, through obedience which I give to the Cosmic Law and my Superiors, to stress the importance to my chelas of their role in the transmutation of the imperfection of the Planet, through their Calls, and the resulting Precipitation of Good into the world of form. 

This room, and all of Long Island, is pulsating with focused Rays from the Cosmic and Ascended Host for this Meeting, drawn here through your attention and the magnetization of your Love. I would add a word here regarding Light Rays. Many visualize a Ray of Light as a beam or stream of Light Substance. The term 'Ray' has been used to signify direction into a certain locality or localities. Actually, when we use the word 'Ray', we refer to an intensification of the existent Light which has been molded into a Quality by a Higher Consciousness, and is directed to a location or individual in a spiral activity. 

Cosmic Rays are ever present, interpenetrating the Earth and other Planets at all times, but the intensification takes place when the Light carrying a certain Virtue or Quality is focused to a given location. I trust I make myself clear. 

All Light is intelligent and is part of the Body of some Celestial Being, and a most important fact for you to remember always - ALL LIGHT is molded in response to the Decree of the Supreme Source "I AM". Please understand the magnitude of the Reservoir which is yours from which to draw. The Opulence of the Universe is waiting for externalization here on Earth, at the conscious command of the "I AM", and you who dwell in this Sea of Light, and are aware of its existence, should at this stage of advancement on the Path, be able to people your own individual worlds, as well as the Planet at large, with any and all the God-Gifts necessary for true Perfection hereon. 

A further word of counsel, please remember always the Law of Balance. It is Balance which keeps the Earth in her orbit, and to be true Representatives of the Holy Spirit, the chela must understand how necessary it is to be balanced in all his activities. 

The chela with the Heart desire to serve in fulfilling the Divine Edict for this Planet, tunes in to the Etheric Pattern of Perfection, by the sublimation of the lower self, and permitting the Christ Presence to bring forth the Perfection waiting to be lowered into and on the Earth, rather than haphazardly endeavoring to draw forth something of Beauty, through the human consciousness, instead of allowing the Directing Intelligence of his lifestream to function in all its Wisdom and Perfection. 

Before I step aside for my Illustrious Father, Holy Æolus, to speak with you, I add one more admonition, to remember that the Statement or Decree which follows "I AM" is that which is set into motion and precipitated into form. 

And now, in humility, I bow before the Light of Beloved Holy Æolus, who will address you… 

The Cosmic Holy Spirit Speaks: 

Blessed, blessed children, how I love you, you when I have tenderly cradled in my arms these many years, and shall continue to do so until you are Ascended and Free! Great are the bonds which bind us, one with the other, in Eternal Service and Gratitude to the Supreme Source of all Life! As one advances on the Ladder of Evolution, he becomes more aware of the privilege which is his and of the magnitude of the Love of the Creator of all there is. I humbly bow, always, in gratitude and acquiescence to the Will of the Father-Mother God! 

As my beloved son, Paul has just emphasized, Balance is a requisite for the aspiring chelas' development and as a result, all life is the recipient of more Balance. Enthusiasm firing their hearts, the chelas are often wont to become over-zealous and interfere with the bringing in of Perfection in an orderly sequence. How preferable it is to lay the foundation carefully, and then proceed in a well ordered manner to carry out a plan, than to precipitate something that is not in complete accord with the Divine Plan. I do not infer that the precipitation would be other than Good, but when one follows a carefully outlined Plan, from the consciousness of Superior Intelligence, the externalization is of expanded Perfection. 

There have been many rumblings in the hearts and consciousness of some of the chelas as to what might appear the limitation and expansion of the activities of the chelas of THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, and of the Foundation itself. This expansion shall take place, and we sincerely trust in the very near future. However, to become a member of the Elect Group (the Forerunners and Teachers of the New Age) is a privilege which must be earned. Now, this Teaching must go forth from Shamballa, and our Beloved Kuthumi will speak further on this subject tomorrow evening. 

In regard to the most Sacred Focus being externalized on Long Island: It is upon the actions of the relatively few who are sharing and giving their all for the maintenance and expansion of Shamballa that we are charting our Course of Action for its full externalization upon the Sacred Ground, on which you shall this day set foot, a privilege earned. 

Oh, there are always many absorbers in every activity, but it is the conscious directors, those who carry out the Plans which we present to them - the Guardian Spirits of the Ages, who can do more to sustain an Activity and a Powerful Forcefield, than a multitude of undisciplined and indolent absorbers. 

How grateful are the Devas and Nature Spirits who are assigned to the Sacred Confines of Shamballa for the restoration of the grounds which is taking place. It is similar to an individual who has through inability on his own part, dwelt in a consciousness of slovenliness, then through the assistance of another lifestream has been able to cast off a limited consciousness, and then through following instructions given him, emerges from the cocoon of dormancy, and the metamorphosis is a joy to behold. 

The Hearts of Beloved Gautama and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy rejoice in the transformation of the physical location, even though the restorative steps are in the initial stages. Each tree that has been pruned, each blade of grass that has been nourished, sends forth a note of gratitude for this assistance. And the joy of the gnomes as they see the neglected substance of the earth being fed, and an opportunity presented to the elementals to bring forth fruit, vegetable and flower gives them an opportunity to externalize the pattern given them in training by their Superior. This beneficent action permits them to further evolve, following their purpose in being. 

From this side of the Heavenly Realm, the Spiritual Hierarchy shall make but one reference to finances at this Class, and I shall do so, for in my close association with you through the years, resulting in deep understanding of your dear hearts, I know that you will all rally round our Cause and do everything you can to remove the mortgage which still exists on this Property, so that we may further proceed with our Plans. You know, I have a tremendous interest in this location, for it is my home on the Planet Earth, dear ones. 

It is my Heart desire that you shall each be the recipients of the greatest Blessings possible as you traverse the Sacred Grounds of Shamballa after the close of this Meeting. I wish to reiterate, this is a privilege, and while we counsel a reverent attitude, let this be a joyous and happy occasion. Put into practice 'reverence for all life' at all times and your hearts will be buoyantly alive with the graciousness showered upon you by the Spiritual Hierarchy, whose Love for you is without parallel. 

There is a mighty Assembly of Cosmic and Ascended Beings convening in the Etheric Shamballa, whose attention shall be directed upon the chelas who will visit this Sacred Focus today. 

Now, many of you may wonder why we have presented to you, and had you partake of the Communion Service today, when we have been stressing the fact that the chelas should advance beyond the orthodoxy of the Christian Dispensation. There has always been, and always shall continue to be, Communion between the Supreme Source of all Life and its children, in various forms. We had a very definite reason for this Sacred Activity today, about which I shall very briefly speak to illumine your consciousness. 

You all remember the time our Beloved Master Jesus gathered together the Elect who had served with him and gave them the example of transubstantiation, at the Last Supper, and you will also remember that later when the physical Presence of Beloved Jesus was withdrawn, it was found necessary that the "Tongues of Flame of the Holy Spirit" descend upon the Elect who had been the companions of Jesus, so they could carry the Word of God to the masses. 

Since the time has arrived when you shall be required to dwell within the Higher Consciousness of Spirit and go forward 'illumined chelas' in this New Dispensation, we have provided for you the Last Supper of the former Dispensation of Christianity, to which some of you still cling, not having freed yourselves from the Sixth Ray Dispensation. 

As you partook of the substance of the Communion, we finalized so far as your lifestreams are concerned the embrace in your lower vehicles of that Dispensation, and further still, we wish to state that THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM itself is now on a new and higher Plane of Consciousness. 

My specific activity here today, which is truly a Cosmic Moment for you, as the Tongues of Flame of the Cosmic Holy Spirit are anchored into your consciousness and beings, it shall be my privilege to release more and more Light to you, who so choose to function on this higher spiral of consciousness. It shall be your privilege to receive Instruction from Great Beings who have heretofore not come to the Children of Earth. I most emphatically wish to state that you shall travel on the higher spiral through free will choice, no one is 'ordered' to do so, as that would not be in accord with Divine Edict. I believe I have given enough explanation so that you will understand what is about to take place. 

Oh beloved, beloved children, let me cradle you in my bosom as you receive the Sacred Anointing which is to be yours. The blessed Doves which have been assigned to you this past twelve months are all here today, in company with their Angelic Guardians. They are full grown now and are each to have released to them seven tiny 'infant' Doves who shall bask in their Radiation and be trained in the Release of the Radiation of all the Seven Rays to blanket the Earth and her evolutions. Why the Seven Rays, when the Seventh is now predominant? For the very simple fact that there are lifestreams belonging to all the Rays on the Earth at the present time, and these Messengers of each Ray will find a compatible reception from them, while carrying the Essence of Peace; and when finding Peace, the less illumined of this Planet will be more easily directed into the New Age Teaching. 

All Rays must of necessity function while one is predominant. Every Ray, in every Cycle, is active, but there is always one which is the Radiation of that Dispensation. 

The blessed Doves have been intensively trained for this specific activity today, and have formed the Pattern of a gigantic Dove over Long Island, similar to that illustrated in its Forcefield. "I AM" now standing in the very Body of the Dove and I most lovingly and humbly request that the beautiful recorded rendition of "At Dawning" be played, as you, in Holy Silence of your beings, prepare for the Descent of the Tongues of Flame of the Cosmic Holy Spirit. 

(Silence until record was completed). 

Thank you, my constant and dear chelas, and my Prayer to the Creator of us all is that you shall from this moment henceforth, realize the importance of the Activity which has just taken place, and you shall be my True Representatives upon this Earth, in all the Aspects of Divinity. 

In the Spirit of Grace,

"I AM" your Guru and Friend,

Æolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit.








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