

The Resurrection Temple

The Resurrection Temple is focused in the Etheric Realms over the Holy Land and forms the Spiritual Focus for the magnificent Resurrection Flame, which is the hope of redemption for all life that has lost, even temporarily, the natural rhythm and harmony of God-expression. 

The control of the vibratory action of the energy drawn from the Supreme Source of life is the responsibility of every self-conscious intelligence. The thoughts, feelings and actions of the individual qualify the energy so freely given to each lifestream and regulate the vibratory action of that energy as well. The resulting inharmony, sickness, limitation and various distresses which are externalized by the soul fill the aura of the individual, bog down the vibratory action of his inner and physical bodies and plague him with shadows of various kinds. These finally lead the individual to a point where he calls for help to re-orient his life; to re-organize his own spiritual and physical forces and, at last, to arise again to his natural estate of harmonious mastery of energy and vibration. 

The Resurrection Flame has been magnetized by Great Beings who have seen this need for spiritual resuscitation and who have wisely prepared the Way to answer the calls for help which they knew would inevitably come from the race when the shadows became so uncomfortable that they could no longer be endured. Thus, always, through the mercy of the Cosmic Law and through the interest and cooperation of Divine Messengers, there is provided a Way to return to the Father's home, long before the souls of men even sense the need for help or desire to so return. 

In the early eras, when each individual lived in perfect harmony with the Music of the Spheres and his own inner bodies and physical form vibrated rhythmically according to the keynote of his own individualized I AM Presence, there was no specific requirement for a Flame of Resurrection, except insofar as it was used by the Directors of the Forces of the Elements to awaken the dormant Nature Kingdom to Its rhythm of productivity after its rhythm of rest. 

When mankind began to break the natural rhythm of his own vehicles through destructive use of the free will, however, the mighty Intelligences who have taken the responsibility of sustaining the spiritual selves of this evolution saw that the Resurrection Flame would be required, in time. They knew it would be necessary to help those so desiring its use to regain the natural rhythm and harmony of their various vehicles of expression and to sublimate (to refine with fire) and transmute the soul into the Holy Christ Self. 

As all other foci of the Sacred Fire, the Resurrection Flame is magnetized, sustained and expanded through the cooperative endeavors of Cosmic Beings who provide its beneficent radiation for all who choose to tune into it, bathe in its vitalizing power and become, in themselves, radiating centers for its HOPE in their own homes and localities. The Beloved Jesus, whose own Victory was accelerated by the knowledge and use of this Resurrection Flame, is one of its guardians, as is also his Holy Mother Mary. The Beloved Archangel Gabriel and his Divine Complement, the Archii Hope, are also connected with this Flame, the Resurrection Temple and its Brotherhood. 

The Resurrection Temple is built in circular form, composed of seven beautiful corridors encircling the Holy of Holies, upon whose Altar the Flame itself is focused. The radiation from the Resurrection Flame passes outward from corridor to corridor, lessening in intensity and power on its journey toward the periphery of the Temple. Thus, in God's mercy, each group of initiates and chelas can find the corridor in which their own inner bodies are most comfortable and wherein they can absorb as much of the power of the Resurrection Flame as their particular development allows. As they advance in purity, and in works, they are drawn closer and closer to the center of the Temple. Finally, they are privileged to stand within that Flame and, utilizing its momentum of resuscitation, complete the sublimation of the human nature. Thus they become ready to dwell in the Kingdom of Harmony with those who have learned to master the energies entrusted to them by God and to use those energies only to increase the beauty and perfection of life. 

The corridors of the Temple of the Resurrection Flame are peopled by Angels, the finer bodies of some unascended beings, and Elementals, as well as by the Masters who have chosen to guard and develop those who, by their very presence here, have signified interest in the power of Resurrection and desire to have the assistance of its radiation. 

The Spiritual Law is very exact and a balance must be rendered for every added blessing of grace, understanding and opportunity. Therefore, those who desire to move toward the center of the Resurrection Temple cannot content themselves with merely enjoying the buoyancy and exhilaration which flows through them by reason of their proximity to its Focus. Each beneficiary of the resuscitating power of the Resurrection Flame is carefully supervised by the Master or Angel in charge of the group in which he is fitted to dwell. Those who utilize to the best of their present ability the gifts, powers and radiation of the Resurrection Flame for the blessing of all life, are marked and those who merely absorb its essence are also marked by the Supervisor of each group of aspirants. 

Wise, then, is the chela who directs his consciousness toward the Resurrection Temple at night, with the heart-felt prayer that he may receive some of the hope, buoyancy, resuscitating power, general gifts and benedictions of that Flame, bringing back into his own outer consciousness, his home, his business, his nation and his planet, a focus of that Flame which becomes a radiating Sun of Resurrection wheresoever he is. Thus does the chela comply with the law of receiving and giving, in perfect balance!







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