The Shell of Orthodoxy

Beloved Holy Ĉolus

February 1, 1966

As the chela strives, through the purification of his vehicles to attain the Ascended Master Consciousness, permit me to say that when the lifestream has transmuted, dissolved by the Sacred Fire, EVERY CONCEPT, THOUGHT AND FEELING which is not in complete accord with the Harmony and Truth of the Universe, at that moment he achieves the Consciousness which the Ascended Master enjoys and maintains. 

Every thought sent forth, every experience recorded in the etheric vehicles, which is less than the Fullness of the Perfection of the Father's Kingdom, is a wall that shuts away the Truth and separates the lifestream from the Universal whole. 

A Step Forward 

When the chela can willingly let go of the concepts and prejudices which are deeply imbedded in his consciousness, through ages of tenacious adherence to those beliefs and feelings, he has made a great step toward achieving the Ascended Master Consciousness. 

Orthodox Concepts  

Oh, how the individuals on this Earth still cling, after centuries of experiment, to the orthodox shell which is made up of the various aspects of deity, the punishments for wrong doing, and the tenacity with which they nurture these beliefs and remain content, embodiment after embodiment, despite the training they receive at inner levels after their various sojourns on Earth, is what one could term most aptly, frightening. 

How truly it has been said that individuals passing through the transition find their 'heaven' peopled with their own beliefs of streets of gold and various other illusions. 

Now, why is this? At the end of a sojourn on Earth, the soul passing from the body takes its consciousness with it, and when it continues in the discarnate realm to remain enamored of its beliefs, refusing to loose itself of this heavy burden, on the next venture in the schoolroom of Earth these concepts are still with it. A tremendous effort is required, through the infiltration of the Light of Truth to bring about any perceptible illumination, and thus cause the individual to be stirred, and begin to feel the presence of the Christ cradled within his heart. 

The Clenched Fist Attitude 

The consciousness of the average individual will not deviate from its acceptance of what it considers Truth, and it will take tremendous upheavals to shake it free of its dogmas. The mass of mankind are facing a period of great unrest, but the chaos in the world today does have a brighter side, for it is making people think, and the accepted credos that no longer buoy of their souls are being found at their true worth. 

An Opportunity is provided 

All this upheaval is providing an opportunity for the Spiritual Hierarchy to dispense enough Light to build a wider and truer understanding of man's relationship to the Universe. Cosmic Law, however, permits us to render a specific amount of Service, and it is to you, good and faithful Children of Light, that I come to enlist you in this definite service for the masses. 

At the present time the orthodox minds of the multitudes are being prepared and greatly assisted by you, dearly beloved chelas, by your constancy in calling forth the Flames of Purity and Transmutation, and at the same time asking for Perfection to take the place of the imperfection. I now ask that you be specific in your calls for the assistance of the masses, that they be shaken free from their accepted dogmas of orthodoxy. 

As I have told you these many years, I love every infinitesimal part which comprises this great Universe, and I appeal to you, the chelas with whom I have a great affinity through mutual Divine Love, to join with us in this crusade for the acceptance of Truth by the masses. 

May I count upon you? 

I now, as always, enfold you in the Love and Grace of the Holy Spirit, and bless your striving in the attainment of Cosmic Consciousness.





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