Instruction by the Maha Chohan and the Seven Chohans

On the Resurrection

As the Holy Spirit to this Earth, I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Vegetable Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and Mankind. Jesus availed himself of the Resurrecting Power within life when he reanimated his physical body on the first Easter morning. He said, "What I have done, all men shall one day do". The same Resurrecting Power is yours and it may be utilized to quickly raise your lifestream into the state of pure Christ consciousness. As you use those powerful words of Jesus feel yourself and your affairs raised quickly into freedom.



On Peace

The individual should cultivate daily that peace that passeth all understanding, and when he becomes a peace-radiating center he will know what real happiness is, and moreover he will be doing God's Will, thereby becoming a conscious co-worker of the Great White Brotherhood.



On the Projection of Consciousness

The conscious projection of consciousness is the training which the beloved Saint Germain has asked those of us who are interested in his Cause to bring to you who are sufficiently spiritually developed. The successful accomplishment of this requires several things:

First: The concentration of your mind upon the picture we draw;

Second: The self-conscious raising of your feelings in order to vitalize that picture and make it your own;

Third: The absorption of the lesson which is given through' music and the spoken word.

Fourth: The incorporation of your own physical energies, which magnetize the portion of the Law given, through your etheric and flesh bodies.



On the Purpose of Meditation

The efficacy of meditation and contemplation lies within the actual awareness of the Presence of God within the individual lifestream. "Be still and know that I AM God" is truly an injunction from On High. An individual who desires to rise out of limitation, sickness, disease of every kind, must become aware of, and gain confidence in the God Power which is the life by which the body is motivated, the mind illumined, and the spiritual senses stirred into the hunger and thirst after righteousness which stimulates the spiritual self for fulfillment.



On Memories mistaken for Revelations

The inner bodies of the student must be purified and balanced before he can, with any degree of accuracy, even sense the directions of the God Presence. The tendency of the awakening Spiritual Fire is to energize the records in the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness, and it is often these energized memories that are mistaken for revelations of a mystical nature which lead earnest hearts astray. Let the sincere aspirant remember that humility, kindliness, self-effacement, purity, and gentleness of spirit are the measures of the Spiritual Presence in man.



On the Causal Body

The Causal Body is the record which may be read by any Ascended Being and within it is proof of what the lifestream has done since the beginning of opportunity in incarnation, millions of years ago. The Causal Body is the determining factor in the choice and acceptance of all individuals who are going to be called upon to render a more than ordinary service to mankind. The Causal Body never lies. Wise is the man or woman who chooses, while laying up the stores of security on Earth, to build into that Causal Body some permanent momentum to show as a reason for an entire embodiment on Earth. At the end of each Earth life, when the Lords of Karma examine the souls, the Causal Body of each one is examined - first as it was before birth into that incarnation and then as it is at the end of the Earth life. Nothing else is the "harvest" of lasting value. Every other gained possession is dropped with the outworn physical garment. When the Causal Body glows with added violet bands of mercy, with golden bands of wisdom, with pink bands of practical brotherhood in works not words, then the soul can sing and the Sponsor rejoice in his invested energies as well.



On trying to maintain a separate identity

There is no unascended being who is not thoroughly convinced of his identity as individualization apart from the fullness of God, whose rights and whose attributes must be affirmed and protected by self-conscious effort. The constant struggle to maintain a separate identity rather than allowing the little self to flow gently into the one universal whole is unnatural and is the cause of all stress, nervous tension and emotional distress and unrest. It is the same as if one wave of the sea refused to merge and become part of the tide. The uneven and unnatural struggle would soon exhaust the energy of the erring wave, which would be drawn by the power of the great ocean back into its natural one-ness with the sea.



An Easter Decree

Oh that man might recognize the latent powers within the Immortal Flame of Life that beats his heart! On the Cosmic Tide of Springtime, when our Lord Maha Chohan resuscitates the Kingdom of Nature by tuning into the Resurrection Flame, may every lifestream utilize the magnetic power within their own Heart Flame to draw as much of the Resurrection Flame as they require to set their worlds in order, to restore their bodies and minds to perfect health, and to re-vivify the perfect Divine Memory of their natural God Estate. This is my Easter Decree for my Beloved Ones, each and every one!







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