By Maha Chohan

There is Service for reward, whether that reward be satisfaction at work well done, or monetary gain, or attainment. There is Service for love of self and love of others. And there is Service because the nature of the server is to give of himself without any motive but that the world and all mankind be richer because he has lived. This is the Service that the Chela must place upon the altar of the Brotherhood. 


If you will make conscious calls to me before you attempt your classes (those who have Groups and in private personal application) I shall arrange to make the ground on which your seeds fall more receptive to your endeavors. I AM a cooperative Partner and as my work in Nature is constantly sending forth shoots from the barren earth, it is my natural province to send forth life-giving aspirations from seemingly dead hearts. 


Under no circumstances would I deem it wise for you to contemplate interesting people through announcement of my Presence with you. They must learn through their own intuitional faculties, and I will always pour my Personal Ray to you when you are speaking and acting in my name. 


We are so grateful for your kind cooperation and devoted service to the Light of God that never fails! That Light shall now turn and serve you, going before you and making easy and perfect your pathway. 

In service is the tremendous expansion of God's Perfection through the channel who is blessed by giving that service, my constant call to the Father of Light is: "Widen, oh widen, Father, my field of service, that thy Glory may have fuller expression wherever I pass by.” To serve is the supreme privilege of creation. Life serves without limit and the greater the manifestation of God's Individualized Flame, the greater the cosmic service dispersed through that particular focus. He who lives to serve will soar to the upmost round of the celestial ladder to the Kingdom of Light Eternal. 


God is what we allow him to express through us. He is All-Power and Majesty if given freedom enough through our channel of expression. Therefore, let the fullness of God pour through you to render the service the Ascended Masters require at this time. You may feel humble and insufficiently prepared for the task, but remember God is the only DOER of all that is good, and God is limited only by your doubt of his ability to produce perfection through the vessel you call "yourself". Give God full freedom to act through you and you will amaze yourself and others by the speed and efficiency with which the work will take hold. 


The heart is a receiving station far more sensitive than the brain. If you will try to pick up our messages through your heart, I believe you will be successful in hearing many amazing things that will bring you closer to our Octave. Tune into us by silently calling our names and then rest in the absolute silence until you begin to hear a "voice within" which will converse with you as though you were using a telephone. 

The more sensitive you become to our wishes, the greater will be your individual usefulness to us. Train yourself always to commune with us through sending a powerful thought wave in our direction and then be utterly still until the returning wave reverberates in your heart. The Law of all life is the circle. What you send forth goes to its objective and then returns to its creator, so it would be impossible for you not to receive a direct answer when you address any activity or individual in this universe. 


Decrees must be included in your class work. This knowledge and all the wealth of material offered the students is given that each one may be a Sun of life-giving service. You who are Group Leaders will do well to show your students the purpose of decrees and quickly get them to give some simple ones that they may in this manner begin to grow and expand the Flame within their own hearts for the help of all. Service to the many is the quickest way to individual liberation, and concerted service of several individuals focusing their attention and will on the same goal is a mighty instrument in the hands of the Gods. 


Would that all who serve us be free of self and its petty nothingness which takes from them the value of good instruments. 


The purpose of incarnation by every lifestream that has trod the pathway of Earth has been:

a) to learn consciously the control of energy and vibration;

b) to master the creative principle endowed by the Godhead, and;

c) become co-workers with the Father in the Kingdom,


If the student keeps his attention almost one-pointedly on any Master he may choose, this will bring a great expansion in his understanding and a particular quality of Peace into his feeling world. 


We shall request you to be careful and considerate of your physical body, as you would be of a delicate piece of china or spun glass, in order that we may continue our increased outpouring. You may share your physical work with others but your spiritual outpouring cannot be substituted. Wisdom and balance and our very personal care will be your constant protection. 


Spare yourself unnecessary human effort, remembering always that it is radiation pouring forth from your Illumined lifestreams more than the physical words that accomplishes the sustained assistance for the souls of men.  


In your work why not allow the invisible but tangible qualities of the Masters to assist you in transforming your feeling worlds and of your students from darkness into Light, from skepticism into full acceptance. Your service should include specific calls for the "substance" of the lifestreams of the Ascended Masters to descend and blend with the worlds of those to whom you are teaching the Law. Call to Lord Divino (the Buddha) to charge each one individually with his insatiable Love of the Light and see how quickly the pressure of his Cosmic Love will spur all on to greater effort. 

When once you have placed the feet of humanity upon the pathway you cannot go blissfully off in the knowledge that they are facing homewards, for like sheep being led to pasture, no sooner the guiding hand withdraws but they become completely lost and, bleating, return to the main herd. Thus, all the long steep climb to Freedom you must constantly watch, guide and protect them and heal their wounds. Thus the service of the Shepherd is never done.








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