By Beloved El Morya

The mind of man is a reservoir of currents of force that directs his actions, his thoughts and the general course of his activity. For instance, the mind receives an impression that the Forces of the Four Elements are manifesting a cold temperature and to insure comfort and body ease, the mind directs the Individual to secure warm clothing, a suitable habitation, and so on; and the soul, personality and body entity follow the direction of the mind and proceed to the fulfillment of the pertinent requirement. 

The mind of man was meant and created to be a conscious conductor- of the currents of energy from the I AM Presence that would direct the personality into the course of action which would be the fulfillment of the Divine Plan, both for the individual and for the cooperative Cause in which his lifestream was engaged. 

When every lifestream has completely submitted the outer will and sense-desires and impressions of the Presence, refusing to let his mind be used as a plaything for the passing thoughts and feelings in the atmosphere, or the personal grudges or machinations of etheric records of his own or other lifestreams, then the mind of man becomes the property of the Presence, as is intended. The mind of man is a 'receiving center' of the directions of The Presence as reflected into a clear tranquil mirror of the Immortal Victorious ThreeFold Flame of God in the heart. 

As the lifestream evolves in distinguishing between the currents of the I AM Presence and the pressure of his own or other human feelings, the outer mind will reflect clearly the perfect activity of the day and you will see the completion of the Plan in an instant that may require some time to fulfill after the first flash of Light illumines the blue print, the intellect. 

A man's mind is a mirror which reflects that which is held before it. The self must hold the mirror in the right direction to receive the perfect reflection, and then through seeing the Divine Plan he can more consciously become a co-worker with the Builder of the Age. If a man lies on the grass with a mirror in his hand he can either see reflected the ground beneath him or the sky above without direct vision of his earthly eyes on either; so it is with the mind of man. It is an open door to a realm unseen but palpable that is not open to the sensory channel of the unawakened. This unseen world, one focuses his mind upon through constant use of his attention, is reflected in his personal experience - either the Kingdom of Heaven or human misery. 

As the mind is a natural conductor of the directions of the Presence that pass through the heart unless the mind is consciously aligned to the Presence and directed away from reflected human opinions, the mind moves blindly on an uncertain course and does not fulfill his destiny with any constancy of service. From time to time in flashes of illumination he may secure a direct prompting, but the ideal and natural way of life is for man to constantly and consciously have his mind so calm and serene that The Presence could suggest his every gesture and action, and his living thus be a constant expression of the wishes and desires of his Higher Self. Thus you find the old adage, "When the Light in the heart illumines the mind Freedom is assured".





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