By Thomas Printz (El Morya)

The Beloved Archangel Chamuel is, as yet, little known to the peoples of Earth. He is the Great Archangel of Love, Adoration and Devotion to God and the goodness of God as expressed through mankind. He, together with his Divine Complement, Charity, are dedicated and consecrated to developing in the outer consciousness of mankind a true sense of gratitude and adoration toward their Source, God, and a sense of encouragement toward the endeavors of their fellowman to unfold the Divine Potential that lies buried within every heart. 

Lord Chamuel serves on the Third Ray

As all the Angelic Host, particularly the Archangels, are not cognizant of form but rather of essence, color, sound and perfume, whenever and wherever They see the motive within a human heart endeavoring to express the goodness of God. They nourish this motive and desire by their Presence and radiation, until the one so seeking to externalize a particular benefaction for the race can so do. 

The Archangel Chamuel and Beloved Charity serve on the Third Ray, which is expressed in a lovely pink radiation that actually envelops those desiring to lift mankind out of distress of every kind and into greater freedom, personal, racial, planetary and finally - universal. 

Description of Lord Chamuel's Temple 

At Inner Levels, Lord Chamuel and Beloved Charity have a glorious Temple, built on the circular design so loved by the Angelic Host, domed with gold and encrusted with pink rubies. In this Temple the Flame of Adoration to God and his Messengers burns brightly and this Flame is intelligently directed by Lord Chamuel to all unascended beings to encourage the development of their own particular Divine Plan. Such Flame is carried by the Angelic Host of Lord Chamuel's Legions into the astral plane that surrounds the Earth (in which some people who have passed through the veil of so-called death temporarily dwell). The Angels of his Legion know that within the heart of all God's children is a focus of God himself, seeking expression through the soul. As they stand, in their glorious robes of pink, in the auras of such people, they breathe their love into the God-spark until it begins to expand. This is as mechanical as the generation of physical fire through the use of a bellows upon a smoldering fire in the fire-place. These blessed people, not knowing of their Benefactors, are finally stirred by the Love of Lord Chamuel, Blessed Charity and their Legions of Love, until they desire through free will to expand their own Divine Plan and serve the God that made them. Then these good people ask for assistance from God and his Divine Messengers to prepare themselves to serve God (while in the Inner Levels) and to prepare to serve him when they come into physical embodiment again. 

How the Angelic Host serves 

Because the Angelic Host are so selfless, often those whom they serve do not even know of their benefactors' presence and cannot explain, even to themselves, the awakening of the desire to do God's Will. The Angelic Host are not concerned with the recognition of their presence and service but only with the actual works accomplished in awakening the soul to a desire to expand the borders of God's Kingdom. Thus, many n sincere individual who receives a "call to do God's Will" is completely oblivious of the stimulation of that desire by the Angels of Love. 

This is equally true of embodied individuals living on the Earth today; mankind enmasse is not capable of knowing the design of God for themselves or for others. They have fallen under the grievous error of judging according to human appearances" and are neither patient nor loving enough to cognize the motive behind actions that sometimes are expressed clumsily by a fellowman. The Angels of Love know the motive behind all endeavors and, wherever that motive is sincere, untangled by human desire for personal gain and aggrandizement, they stand selflessly and lovingly in the aura of such peoples helping them always to fulfill their inspirations, dreams, visions, and ideas. They literally hold such peoples in their Arms of Love, sustaining them through hours of trial and seeming failure, until the individuals are successful and another expression of God's Holy Will is made available for the benefaction of the race. 

The Magic Key of Gratitude 

Lord Chamuel and Beloved Charity care not for "human appearances" but care exceedingly for the budding Christ Light that seeks to burst the shell of "human appearances" and add to the Light of the World. Every Saint, every great patriot, scholar, humanitarian, architect, scientist, missionary and spiritual teacher has been and is sustained by the Pink Ray of Lord Chamuel's Love. 

Then, the soul, cognizing a Power greater than itself, begins to express gratitude to its Source (God), his Divine Messengers, and finally, to its fellowman. This gratitude is a POWER. It cannot be over emphasized in man's dealing with his fellowman. A sincere feeling of gratitude, silently sent forth, or audibly expressed when conditions allow, reaps a harvest of greater endeavors upon the part of the recipient of the loving feeling of gratitude expressed. Thus, according to human experience, gratitude is a "magic key" which can be used to advantage in developing the God potential of every man. Let us not confuse flattery (which in insincere) with honest gratitude for endeavors made to lighten the burden of individuals, families, nations and the planet. Gratitude is a virtue of God, expressed through Lord Chamuel and Beloved Charity and their Legions of Angels of Love. When the soul truly learns how to feel gratitude toward those who serve him, even in mundane ways, inevitably that gratitude begins to rise to the Source (God) which has given him his very life. Gratitude is truly the open door to greater benefactions from God, his Messengers and mankind enmasse. 

The Pink Essence is a reality 

All virtues have color and sound. True gratitude emanating from the heart of any individual is pink. When this gratitude is poured forth to other members of the human race it is a soft, delicate, shell pink. When gratitude is poured forth to God and the Divine Beings who serve him in conscious adoration and praise it is a deeper pink and literally opens the doors to Heaven itself. Back on the ray of gratitude and praise to Deity comes more and more of that beautiful pink Essence into the world of the one so engaged in blessing God. Also more and more of the Angels of the Pink Ray gather around such a one to sustain him in his service to life. Be assured that this pink essence is a reality, a substance, a living vital power to stimulate, nourish and expand the service of the grateful one. 

When gratitude is issued forth to a human being the returning current energy is, of course, not so great. 

The Pink Flame and Ray are naturally activities that multiply and expand the good in man, whether it is in his financial status, his physical well being, his mental stability, or his emotional balance. Many people, afflicted with the various distresses of mind and body, find it difficult to generate a true feeling of gratitude to God, his messengers and their fellowmen. Here, they can be assisted greatly by those who are literally the embodiment of the FEELING OF GRATITUDE AND PRAISE TO GOD. To such peoples, it is recommended that they call sincerely to their God to send them Angels of Gratitude to help them to feel gratitude to life, generally. When they have felt the radiation and feeling of gratitude to life transfused into their worlds by the Angels they are then able to generate a little gratitude, at first, toward impersonal activities, like the Sun that lights their way each day, the water that makes ablutions possible, the fresh air they breathe, the harvest of nature which is the actual sustenance of their physical bodies. Gradually, they begin to enjoy happiness in the feeling of gratitude and it is easier for them to be grateful for "small favors" from their fellowman. They learn to see beyond "human appearances" into the motive in the hearts of all peoples, who seek to do good. Then do the Angels of Love rejoice indeed. The peoples belonging to Earth's evolutions require so much training in the generation of true, impersonal Divine Love. 

The cause of unhappiness 

When the individuals are caught in the meshes of "human appearances", it is easy to become bitter, cynical, and ungrateful. These qualities of feeling have a very unpleasant color and a dissonant sound. As each individual lives within the energy he emits, the more of such discordant feeling he generates the more unhappy he becomes. In like manner, the more constructive feelings he generates, the happier he becomes. Therefore, even for personal reasons, it is well to learn to generate an aura of happy nature for that is the "home" in which the soul must dwell until the individual, himself, changes that "home" through self conscious endeavor. 

What Lord Chamuel recommends 

Gratitude is sometimes difficult to express toward one who has seemingly harmed or harassed you. Then it is recommended by Lord Chamuel that you give your consideration an impersonal activity of life which has benefited you (taking your attention from the person who is temporarily distasteful to you) until such a time as you have developed a feeling of gratitude toward life, in general. Then, it is comparatively easy to direct a feeling of gratitude toward the person or activity which you formerly found unpleasant, and you will be richly rewarded in the change of attitude in the person or activity that was previously distasteful to you. 

Gratitude is the science of loving life free from distress. Beloved Master Jesus used this science and developed such a momentum of love that neither sickness, limitation, nor even the appearance of death itself, caused him to change his aura and feeling of gratitude to his Father and to the Divine Pattern in the hearts of all mankind. Thus, life (which is intelligent) responded to his LOVE and externalized health, opulence, and life eternal. 


Beloved Presence of God and Beloved Archangel Chamuel! Teach me now how to Love as you do! Help me to generate the feeling of gratitude towards you, the Angelic Host, the Nature Kingdom and my fellowman. Help me to make the home of my soul a happy, grateful, loving harmonious place in which to abide. Then, Beloved Father and Angels of Love, allow me to join you in loving all life free as the Master Jesus did!

(Reprinted from "Hope" Magazine by request)







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