(Quotations from "The First Ray" by El Morya)

"The scattering of the spiritual seeds has borne good fruit... the response has not been from the spiritual dilettantes who flit from "movement to movement"... (Page 12) 

"Is it most pathetic, that the One Source from when all blessings flow MUST be in the cup the worshipper's choosing, or he will dash the cup from the visitant's hand and vilify the visitant". (Page 34) 

The probationary period of chelaship cannot be measured in months or years, for it depends upon the amount of karma the chela has accumulated, and upon the amount of discipline he is willing to accept. Some drop out under pressure of this "testing period"... others endure it slowly through many embodiments..." (Page 100) 

I have learned about community living and I do not speak amiss when I say with FEELING, that the violence of human feeling is far more destructive than the sped arrow, the moving bullet or the thrown lance or spear, which in an instant do their work and finish their task". (Page 77) 

I retained the etheric body of an Indian Potentate which I used through the entire association with Helena Blavatsky... Kuthumi served in a similar manner..." (Page 90) 


Note: The last statement by El Morya made in 1953 in his book "The First Ray", proves his association with the Theosophical Society, if any one doubts it. Furthermore, our beloved Maha Chohan clearly stated on November 8th. 1953, that the Golden Plume of Wisdom corresponded to the Theosophical Movement; the Blue Plume of Power to the "I AM" Activity and the Pink Plume of Love to The Bridge to Freedom Activity. 

See “The Three World Movements", by the Maha Chohan in "The Bridge to Freedom" Journal", November 1958, page 3.





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