Monthly Letter to the Transmission of the Flame Class

February 20, 1960

Remember, beloved children of the Light, that one of the purposes for which the Transmission of the Flame Classes was established by me, was to strengthen the "forcefields" above your Sanctuaries and Groups with the Cosmic Momentums of the Ascended Master Retreats open to the students each month. 

In this thirty-day period, between February 15th and March 14th, 1960, Comfort, as you know, is the God Virtue that has to be magnetized into the "forcefields" of your Sanctuaries. One of the ways to accomplish this is the Service of the Transmission of the Flame Class on February 20th, which no student should fail to attend, each one in his own Sanctuary to fortify it, and not in another Sanctuary, not to disturb its normal thoughtform and rhythm. 

But it is not enough to magnetize the Comfort Flame, you have to project it, first visualizing it spreading from your Sanctuary "forcefield" all over your city and country; and becoming yourself a Comforting Presence to all life everywhere. 

On awakening resolve to look for opportunities to be a comfort to someone in the home, in the office, in the street, and don't forget also to do something for the nature and elemental kingdoms. On retiring at night make a list of the comforting services you have rendered during the previous twelve hours; and then resolve to visit in consciousness the Temple of Comfort at Ceylon with your harvest of the day. I shall be there to welcome you with open arms.  

Love and Blessings,

Maha Chohan








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