The Ascended Masters Speak


The Origin of the Causal Body 

When the Father-Mother God first projected forth a Part of itself called the White Fire Being (from which in time the Twin Rays - Divine Complements - were Developed, the aura around the White Fire Being was pure white... signifying that such a Being had not yet voluntarily chosen to experiment with the use of energy and vibration and create, through its visit to and cooperation with the Activities of the Seven Spheres, the color of any one of those Spheres. The very instant that, through Free Will, such a Divine Intelligence began to so experiment with the use of primal life, through the Law of Cause and Effect, the first faint hues of color began to infiltrate the aura of such Beings and the Causal Body, referred to so often today, is the result of the further experimentation with primal life, constructively and the use of that life becomes what is called the "momentum" of the lifestream. 


The Seven Spheres 

As the use of free-will is a God-given gift, many Divine Beings never chose to pass through the Seven Spheres and create a Sevenfold Causal Body around their "I Am" Presence. These Beings can always be distinguished by the pure white light which surrounds them, as they serve only in Divine Realms. The strong lifestreams, however, who passed through the Seven Spheres, accumulating momentums of energy through service in each Sphere, become possible choices of the Root Manu according to the predominant color of the Sphere which they enjoyed most, and in which they served the longest. Only those who passed through the Seven Divine Spheres, and have the band of color most advantageous for the Great Manu and his Disciples are chosen to embody on this Earth. 


How to draw the good in your Causal Body 

As the Divine Teachers dedicated to serving the human race, we always caution the sincere and worthy students upon the Spiritual Path as to the actual acceptance of all the good of their Causal Bodies, particularly in their feelings, as a living, palpable reality upon which (when they are pure enough in motive) they can draw without limit for the blessings of themselves and the entire human race of which they are presently a part. Thus, the worthy and sincere chela learns to remove impure motives (many of which are unknown to him) and can, at will, draw forth the gifts, powers and virtues of the Causal Body here on Earth where the blessing is so much required at this time. 


The Causal Body is your Power House 

It is for Love's Sake, that the entire Spiritual Hierarchy has remained with the recalcitrant human race. All who have embodied on the Earth, since the First Root Manu brought his "holy innocents" to the Earth, have been encouraged by the actual outpouring of Divine Love to loose the good of their own Causal Body, for which the Manu chose them in the beginning to be a part of his Root Race or subsequent subraces. While the Causal Body is somewhat vague to the average chela, it is his Power House of God-qualified energy, which, when the outer personality cognizes it and is worthy of its release, makes the individual Master of circumstances and a beneficent channel for the impersonal blessing of the entire Planetary Scheme to which he belongs. 


How the Root Manu selects individuals 

Now, the actual Ray to which an individual belongs depends upon how much God-qualified energy each such a one spends in each of the Seven Spheres. The Root Manu, from whom, nothing can be concealed, examines carefully the predominant Virtue in the Causal Body of any individual whom he selects to become a part of his Service to the Earth. 

The outer personality often veers from the course set by his Root Manu and for a time feels that he belongs to a Ray which is not his natural Divine Reason for being. This causes a conflict between the individual's own I AM" Presence and the personality, and the discontents of the individual on the Spiritual Path, as well as the 'misfits' among the masses. 

Only the actual submission of the outer self to the direction of an Ascended Master can successfully bring him into alignment with the "I AM" Presence and the four lower vehicles of outer expression (emotional, mental, etheric and physical). 


How to develop the symmetry of your Causal Body 

As explained above, no two individuals have a Causal Body of exactly the same proportions because one may have spent eons of time in the First Sphere and very little time (humanly speaking) in the other Six Spheres. Individuals can through self-conscious endeavor create more symmetry in their Causal Bodies by using their energies while unascended in calling forth those virtues and talents which they have particularly developed through use in previous lives. 

As the student uses the Flame of Cosmic Christ Truth, I will personally enable him to develop this symmetry of which I speak. USE THIS FLAME OF TRUTH and you will not be misguided in gathering more of that God-qualified energy to which you already have an affinity. I can promise you such an exercise shall be worth your time, perseverance and sincerity of purpose. 


Utilize the Power of Pure Divine Love 

The very word Causal' Body denotes that it is the vehicle of causation of good. Therefore any and all individuals who desire more good of every description in their own worlds or for planetary benediction will find that storehouse of good in their own Causal Bodies, from whence under the necessary disciplines previously described can be magnetized and radiated forth the blessing and benediction of their own worlds and the masses. 

In this particular year dedicated to Cosmic Christ Love, and while "I AM" privileged to be one of the Sponsors for the earnest chelas' spiritual development I can wisely recommend that they utilize joyously the Power of Pure Divine Love which is mine to give in order to develop the symmetry of their Causal Bodies and the release of its Powers in this Cosmic Hour. 


"Miracles" Explained 

The word "momentum" does not convey much to the average being on the spiritual path, yet let me point out that even in the outer world 'practice makes perfect'. I, myself, in my Ministry used the momentum (gathered power) of my own Causal Body and that of my Ascended Master Friends in order to perform the healings and so-called miracles accredited to me. 

The efficacy of drawing upon the Powers of one's own Causal Body depends primarily upon the purity of motive of the lower self and the impersonal use of those gifts for the blessings of the just and unjust alike, for the glory of the Father-Mother God for which all men who tread the pathway of Earth were chosen by a Manu at one time or another. 

Constancy in such onepointed service without allowing distractions from the primary purpose is essential to God success. 


The Violet Ray and the Seventh Root Race 

As my own Teacher, the beloved Divine Director, is waiting to bring into embodiment the glorious Beings of the Seventh Root Race, “I AM" of course greatly interested in the process of purification of the lower vehicles of those already in embodiment through whom these incoming Spirits will find the Earth a Planetary Home. Those chelas who have a predominant band of Violet in their Causal Bodies were chosen years ago to be at a point of maturity at this time for this particular service. 

Those who have been invested with so much of my Energy through the years are accountable to the Karmic Board to fulfill their Vow to serve the Seventh Root Race and its great Manu AT THIS TIME!








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