Monthly Letter to Transmission of the Flame Class of December 19, 1959

Dear Children of Freedom: 

December, as old students know, is the yearly period of Cosmic Cleansing, to purify all the energy wrongly qualified, without malice or evil intent, during the previous twelvemonths, so that mankind and the elemental kingdom may enter into the vibrations of the New Year with a clean slate, so to speak. The Angelic Host and other Cosmic Beings, as well as the Ascended Masters and their chelas take an active part in this World and Cosmic purification by the use of the Violet Fire of Mercy. 

This action of the Cosmic Law of Mercy will be more intensified in this month this year, because, as the poet says "coming events cast their shadows before". The coming event to which I refer is that the Temple of Purification by Violet Fire will be open on January 15th, 1960 and several weeks before its Purifying Flame will be felt by mankind and the elemental kingdom, as well as by all sentient beings. 

The question is, how is the student going to cooperate in this annual service of mercy? There are several ways: first of all he must wish above everything the freedom and purity of all imprisoned life, he must invoke daily the Purifying Violet Flame through his lower bodies, and through all mankind, he must call daily the Angelic Legions of Archangel Zadkiel to go into every nook and corner and purify life everywhere, and especially the student must forgive and forget all grievances and get ready to start the New Year as if he were stepping into a new life.

Dear Children of Freedom, this is your assignment in this thirty-day period, an assignment of purification to enable you to precipitate from your Causal Body all the good you require at this time, with the use of the Chinese Green Precipitation Flame of my Beloved Lord Confucius' Temple. 

May this Christmas bring to you a sustained feeling of Freedom and the coming Year be your year of Illumination. 

Love and Blessings,





The Ascended Master Retreat of the Month at Rocky Mountains, U.S.A.

December 15th, 1959 through January 14th, 1960 

Hierarch: Lord Confucius;

Color of Precipitation Flame: Chinese Green with Golden Radiance;

Keynote: "O Thou Sublime Evening Star", Tannhauser. 


DECEMBER 19, 1959

    1            2            3                  4            5                     6            7        8

"I AM" inbreathing Confucius' Illumination through the chosen teachers of Earth

"I AM" absorbing  Confucius' Illumination through the chosen teachers of Earth

"I AM" expanding Confucius' Illumination through the chosen teachers of Earth

"I AM" projecting Confucius' Illumination through the chosen teachers of Earth 



References for Sanctuary Directors and Students

Description of the Retreat: Please see the following issues of The Bridge to Freedom Journal: Vol. I, Nos. 3 and 8; and issues 3 and 9 of the remaining Volumes from II to VII and No. 3 of Volume Viii. Addresses by Lord Lanto: Bridge Journal, Vol. II, No. 9; Vol. 3, No. 10, Vol. VII, No. 9.







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