About the Yearly Conclave at the Rocky Mountains Retreat the Purpose of the Conclave

The Rocky Mountains Retreat the entire Spiritual Hierarchy and all awakened lifestreams on the planet Earth are in attendance. For twelve nights and days these meetings continue in orderly sequence and different studies and ideas are brought up before the members of the Conclave with a view to seek out the greatest possible assistance to the humanity of earth in our endeavor to mould the appearance world into a replica of the Divine Plan. 

There is presented the Divine Plan on the Cosmic Screen and then there is presented the present appearance in which various lifestreams are shown who are the key figures to be considered. Some of these lifestreams fortunately are members of the Conclave, either consciously or unconsciously, and when this is the case the progress and adjustments of the world picture are much easier to handle. In other cases the world picture is held by the dominant will-power of human beings which cannot be interfered with beyond a certain point. In these cases, Ascended Beings and Unascended Beings volunteer to enter into that particular world picture with a view of throwing the weight and strength of their consciousness into it in order to neutralize and balance the emanations from the lifestreams who are holding a picture that is not in accord with the Divine Plan. 

The Plans for the Year 

The Plans for the year relative to the Earth are presented at the Rocky Mountains Retreat gathering and delegated to the Brothers and Sisters who form the natural channel for their expression and then from the awakened mankind volunteers are chosen to form the contact with the world of form and matter whose province it is to wield the unyielding Three-dimensional Plane into as close a facsimile of the inner plan as is possible. 

Progress and Unfoldment of Activities 

During the Great Conclave at the Rocky Mountains Retreat there is a period dedicated entirely to the progress and unfoldment of the system by which the young people are to be raised above the heritage of their human nature. 

As each succeeding avenue of service is presented to the Conclave, the Masters in charge of that particular service become the officiating Members and the Brotherhood and assembled guests pour their Force into it according to the requirements of the hour. 

As the present growth and conditions are shown upon the cosmic screen there are chosen from the assembled guests lifestreams who can and voluntarily do offer to render service and assistance in the fitting of one or more parts of the great scheme into the present appearance thereby changing its quality and nature until it coincides with the spiritual Plan of the Hierarchy as presented by the presiding Master. 

Conscious chelas like yourselves are given a very important role in the establishment of fundamental vibration which will form the pattern for new Ages yet unborn. 

The Presence of the Shepherds 

At the Gathering, one of the most beautiful ceremonies represents the presence of the Shepherds who have been given the responsibility of guarding and guiding souls through the preceding year. Each such spiritual shepherd receives great honor from the Brotherhood, for these spiritual teachers are the voice, the heart and mind of the Brotherhood before men. 

This cosmic Presentation passes before the assembled Brotherhood, the Great Sanat Kumara, the Beloved Lord Gautama, the Lord Maitreya, the Divine Director and myself. 

In the aura of the Shepherd or Teacher is the etheric record of the progress and unfoldment of each soul entrusted to his care. As the Light of Heaven blazes upon the aura, the progress of the entire group is revealed in a flash, both individually and collectively and the assembled Masters are then able to pour their spiritual force into whatever preparations and capacities are required to help both the teacher and the student toward a greater unity and enlightenment for the coming year. 

Responsibility of the Members 

Once you have taken your place as a member of these Councils your responsibility becomes far greater than that of the masses who are benefited by these Conclaves but have not yet any part in the privilege of working for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan in co-operation with the Brotherhood. 




In the Name of the Presence of God, which "I AM", I call to you Beloved Lord Gautama and Beloved Lord Confucius to allow me to be a conscious co-worker of the Divine Plan, as delineated at the Conclave of the Rocky Mountains Retreat; and I DEMAND all your assistance to become a Conscious Member of the Conclave, so that I may be consciously present at the next meeting, and bring back the memory of everything needed for the successful execution of my share of the Plan. I thank thee because I know this is ALREADY ATTAINED!







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