An Original Treatise by the First Krishna

With Introduction by our Beloved Lord, the Maha Chohan - Part II

How the Maha Chohan reads: Some people read for knowledge. I, myself, read, even before the Ascension, loving to think of the Being who left me the Gift of his Consciousness, the circumstances of the day that prompted that Gift from his Heart, and then all the people before me who have fed at the fount and who have left me impressed right into the substance of that page, the light, the enjoyment and illumination which they in turn received from it, and so looking at this parchment and thinking on the many reverent souls who had previously gazed at this first figure, I find myself the beneficiary, not only of the Christ who wrote it, but of the richness which even each succeeding life who benefitted by it left as my heritage. 



(Quotes from Original Document) 

Service is a balance to Life 

To Children of God who walk the Path of Life and in that Journey seek the purpose for their being. Greetings! 

Service is the Law of Life. From the moment individualization takes place the Flame begins to accept the responsibility to give a balance to the Universe for the privilege of drawing breath, using Life and sustaining a separate existence by which understanding and illumination bring freedom to the consciousness. 

As the Law of one's being is Service, the experience life will constantly make it necessary for the individual in some manner to serve his community, his nation, his fellowman. 

Individuals who do not choose to serve are temporarily taken out of the race of Life until they will accept again their responsibility to be conscious servants on Life's Path. 

Service should be to the Godhead alone 

All the heartache, the disappointment, the disillusion, the failure comes because the natural drive to serve within the lifestream has not been illumined to a point where the individual knows that Service to the Godhead alone is the Law of Being and the ultimate purpose for creation and sustained Life. 

What results from serving individuals 

When man serves individuals, when man serves a nation, a king, the presiding head of a country, he serves Form, and the return will always contain the imperfection which such externalized form finds as the heart center of its being. 

Service should be rendered through Love 

When man serves God his service will take him into the presence of individuals, nations, monarchs, and he will greatly benefit them all, knowing that neither his reward nor his ultimate goal will come from his beneficiaries. 

Man who now serves through duty, through moral exactitude, one day will understand God and serve him through Love. 

One should serve like the Sun 

The physical Sun is shining in your Heaven. Mankind is the beneficiary of its light, but the Sun shines for the Glory of God. Helios (whose aura is the Sun to the Earth) is not cognizant of the many who benefit by his Presence or of those who curse the light that parches the fields and illumines the dark doings that prefer the shadow. His service is to shine for the Glory of God and then he knows no disappointment because there is one unfailing Source of Gratitude and Love and Constancy, and that is the Universal First Cause. 

One should not disassociate oneself from others 

To serve God does not mean to disassociate oneself from one's fellowman nor to cast off the obligations that experience life has caused the soul to accept, but it is the motive of your own life, action and being, just as you set a thermostat by the desire to serve the Universal Cause of Good. 

Don't expect a return from the Form you serve 

Wherever you meet inanimate good, enrich the Cause of Good, but not to the point where you expect return from the object which benefits by your love of God, for your return will always come from the Sun of your own Being. 

What results from the misunderstanding of the Law of Service 

How many brave beings have missed the mark by misunderstanding the law of Service? In each Nation today there are many serving their own desire for authority in the creation of form through thought and feeling, and they must again dedicate their soul and nature to Service of the God-purpose, as the Sun does, before they shall come again to Peace. 

The return for serving God or serving the limited 

Service is the expansion of the Threefold Flame of one's being; it is the externalization of energy waves, and the Flame will bring on its return current the vibration of that which is served. 

Two individuals standing on the same spot, performing exactly the same physical acts can receive an entirely different return current determined by the Force which they have decided to serve preceding the activity. 

The one dedicated to serving God's Cause in bringing happiness to Life can render the same physical ministration and yet be utterly relieved of any feeling that a recompense shall come from the object so benefitted.

Another, with equal sincerity, seeing a need for ministration, desiring to relieve some need apparent in its externalized objective, does not center his service and dedicate it Godward, but rushes forward, fills the need, then, having served the limited receives back into himself only the gift that the imperfect can offer, and if he receives none is embittered in his service. 

How to know Peace 

I have come and have remained in your civilization because my Love of the Father of Light is great enough that I would bring to your race the Gift of his Presence, and when my work is done I shall leave, but neither your race, nor your time, your failures nor your successes shall enter into the quality of my Service. 

If there be one or a million it is no matter, and one day when you feel likewise you will know Peace, for Peace comes only when to the best of your ability you are endeavoring to serve the Cause of Good, externalize it, and have no concern with any external activity in relation to its effects upon your Service." 

Note on the Return of the Krishna to his Star 

After finishing the above quotation, the Beloved remarked: There is a note, doubtless by the Librarian, which reads: "Six hundred and Forty years after the writing of this article the Krishna completed his Service and returned to his Star, taking with him over fourteen hundred lifestreams who gained their own Illumination through his Service." 





IN THE NAME OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD, WHICH "I AM", I call to you BELOVED MAHA CHOHAN, SURYA, JUPITER AND FORTUNA to ask you to help me eliminate from my mind and feelings all obstruction to the manifestation of my heritage of abundance of all good things. Open all the channels of supply to me. Manifest (3x) NOW in my hands and use ten times the money I need for the expansion of the Light and my perfect upkeep. Help me to see daily this manifestation. What I ask for myself I ask for everyone who may have to solve a financial problem today. I am grateful to you because I know this is being done right now with Full Power.








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