Belov'd Kwan Yin,

By Love we win,

Belov'd Kwan Yin - God's Way! 

Thy golden fields

Love's harvest yields,

Our hearts all feel thy Rays! 

Mercy, Forgiveness and

Love's Healing Flame!

Blaze and just Blaze as

Each one we now claim. 

Temples of Love!

Thy deeds above,

Lotus of Purple Fire! 

Goddess of Mercy we call to thee now,

To thy sweet Presence our

Hearts all now bow! 

Belov'd Kwan Yin!

By Love we win,

Belov'd Kwan Yin - Love's Way!





To our gracious Lady Master Kwan Yin, the Embodiment of Mercy, Forgiveness and Love Divine; to our Beloved Jesus, who gave mankind the True Concept of these three God Virtues; to our Angelic Mother Mary, whose Ascension we commemorate this month; we bow to you in eternal gratitude for the perennial Service you have rendered Angels, men and elementals in the externalization of Mercy, Forgiveness and Love Divine! 

Many there are who think that singing beautiful songs and violently decreeing in demand of Mercy is enough. It is not. Rather is it better to understand why and how Mercy should be obtained. Mercy does not fall from Heaven into your lap just for the asking. If this were so, you would likely repeat the offence at the next temptation. Mercy should be sought because it annuls the penalty of your fault, and the way to obtain it is by being merciful to your offender, real or imaginary. Thus the way to be merciful is to cease doing wrong to any person. 

You have to do something to obtain Mercy, and Forgiveness, as so ably our Beloved Jesus expressed during his Ministry. As to Mercy Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. As to Forgiveness, he said in the Lord's Prayer, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors". As to Love he said, "Love thy brother as thyself", and again "Do unto others as you would like done unto you". 

Finally I said: "Be ye therefore merciful as your Father in Heaven is merciful". 


(Ascended Master El Morya)







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