Beloved, Infinite Spirits of Light and Life Eternal, who hold my ransom within your heartbeat, I greet you in the name of the Holy Brotherhood, who lives but to set life free! 

I bow before the Light that is within the Flaming Presence of your heartbeat, for that Light is the hope of the world. It is the assurance of the permanent place in the Solar System for the earth which has been your host for century after century of time. Within that heartbeat is the redemption of the energy that has made a death shroud of her garments of immortality. Within that heartbeat is the Divine Alchemy by which the cry of pain and agony which rises into the atmosphere may be transmuted into the Paean of Praise and join the great Music of the Spheres as the Anthem of Freedom for a star that shall yet shine with the light as of the physical Sun! 

Is it not right and proper that each and everyone of us who live but to serve life should bow before the Presence of Life within the heart of even the most humble, of even the deepest sleeper? Why? Because, once awakened that intelligent Light, molded by the power of creative thought and feeling, becomes the master control of all substance and all form. Oh, I have watched carefully the light in your hearts these past weeks and months, for it is the ransom which you have chosen voluntarily to pay, that through your own freewill the chains that have bound me in this self chosen exile of the centuries might be removed, and unfettered I might rise on your love to my Star, to my Beloved who has awaited for eons of time that I might fulfill my promise to her when I said "Adieu," thinking it but a matter of a few short years before I would return. 

Standing together in the Light of Venus, hearing the songs of the Great Celestial Choir, looking at your sweet earth, I said to her "Beloved, I go on Wings of Love to a planet that is in pain and, because I believe in the ultimate goodness of life, that planet one day shall send me home." She smiled and said "Go in peace, Beloved, and I shall do for us both that which you as Lord of this Star would wish me to do, and however long your exile, I shall wait with anticipation your return." 

It has been a long time... a long time since the Lemurian Pole Star shone... since the Great Kumaras and I swept through the ethers toward the tiny flickering points of Light representing my faithful ones who had prepared for me Shamballa. It has been a long time since the Glory of Shamballa was known across the face of your earth and since you consciously, through the outer forms that you then wore in grace, walked over the great carved Bridge into the City of the Sun and stood before me in the Temple, receiving into the braziers that you carried the Immortal Flame of Life Eternal which was to burn upon your hearths, within your homes, in your local temples for the twelve months to come and yet I vouch that tonight there is not a heart within this room to whom I speak who does not remember, with a thrill in the feeling world, that day! 

Friends of the ages... Friends of Venus among you... Friends of Mercury... Friends of Uranus... and Friends of Earth! Friends of the Sun... Angels and Elementals! I bless you for coming to a point of conscious awareness that makes you desire within the deepest recesses of your hearts to invest your sweet energy in creating an Orbit of Light for this earth and taking upon your shoulders the responsibility that I have carried so willingly, of making this dark star a Sun of Light. You can understand, you, who have desired freedom from the shackles of human bondage, what gratitude you feel toward the action of the Violet Flame in setting you free. 

Some of you have questioned within yourselves today the coming of the Lord of the World. Because of a humility in the outer consciousness, or because of an uncertainty in the feelings, you have wondered that I should come among the sons of men. In whom would I be more interested than those who have offered their lives that I may return to my Star before she passes through her Initiation into greater freedom? You have been told, and rightly, that before I return to Venus we would walk and talk with the children of earth... We would visit their homes and bless their consciousness, and this night is the fulfillment of that promise. 

Beloved Friends of God! You within whose hearts burn the desire for Justice, may I remind you that the Light of the World is primarily released through the qualities of the feeling nature which are constructive in intent and which call forth from the lives you contact happiness, harmony, contentment, peace and cooperation, those of you who are earnestly desirous of becoming the Light of the World may, through the use of the Sacred Fire of your own heartbeat, pour through your feeling world the substance of my own Energy, keeping careful watch on the qualities that you allow to generate and radiate through the feelings, because they create either shadow or sunshine. Though your lips proclaim that you wish to serve the Light, if your feelings generate qualities of depression, heaviness, discontent and discouragement, you are unconsciously weaving the shroud of human creation around the planet, rather than weaving the Immortal Garments of freedom which gives her a permanent place as a shining Orb of Light. The contagious power within the feeling world, when once understood by the chela and disciple, becomes the predominant activity in transmuting the shadows of earth into sunshine. You know this yourself through the most simple and homely of examples - happiness begets happiness... optimism begets optimism... kindliness begets kindliness, and, in another, a smile begets a smile and a frown begets a frown. 

For one who is a conscious controlling factor of his own feeling world, there are a hundred who are mirrors that reflect what that one, who desires to be master, generates and releases. 

Oh, surely, as you walk among the ways of earth you will contact depression, you will contact unkindness and you will note that it is the predominant feeling of your own world to mirror these qualities on the instant, but later comes the mastery of the electronic light substance that will make you one day a Lord of the Flame. 

You must no longer mirror the feeling directed at you or that flows unconsciously through your environment. You must create consciously the vibrations in the feeling body that are a contagious power for good to be absorbed and accepted by the individuals that life draws around you and which will make them light conductors also. 

This is the practical aspect of your service if you choose in heart and soul and spirit to do that which you profess to do with your lips and that is to give me my Freedom. The feeling world is the determining factor in the final analysis as to whether at the close of the twenty year span, when Life chooses to remove me from this screen of action mankind is capable, either individually or collectively, to emit enough Light to sustain the place of the earth in this system. 

You will excuse my extreme enthusiasm on this subject. I do not mean to shock you unnecessarily, for I love you... Oh, yes, I love you so much more than your own life can yet believe possible... I have proved that love... I have stayed with you, believed in you, covered you with a mantle of my own life and poured out from my own body for millions of years the Radiance that the earth was required by Cosmic Law to emit. 

I shall love you always, here and when I have returned Home... but my Love is great enough to show you a practical way by which you, sweet hearts and hope of heaven and earth, may become myself in action. 

When first I took up residence in the Heart of Shamballa, the earth was in a sorry state. Then it was that the Great White Brotherhood was conceived within my Mind and Heart in hope that among the sons and daughters of the evolution of earth and the Guardian Spirits who had become caught in the meshes of the human effluvia as well, some would choose at inner levels to join me, and in some measure help me to reach the consciousness of just a few who would choose then to control their energies and become Light Bearers. I had nothing to work with but Light and Love and many centuries passed before even two lifestreams applied for membership, one later became the Buddha and the other became the Cosmic Christ (Lord Maitreya). The Brotherhood has grown through those ages and centuries until almost all the Offices are held now by those belonging to the evolution of earth and those who have volunteered to remain among her evolution. It comes now to the hour when my successor is to take upon himself the Office of the King of the Brotherhood and the Lord of the World, and I shall pass into my own evolution again. 

It is a custom when a member of the human race enters into the Great White Brotherhood that the applicant is brought before Lord Maitreya and there is invested with a blessing of my own Blazing Star of Light and the initiation which takes place unites the consciousness of the outer self with my own Body for all eternity. This does not take place until within the heart of the student and disciple there is created an individual star which externalized signifies to the Brotherhood that such a one is ready to merge his own personal life in God's service for the good of the whole. 

It is my joy to place that Star within each of your auras as soon as your own heart's light signifies that you are ready to accept this blessing and responsibility and make you a Light Bearer, vested with the power to change the feeling world of all with whom you come in contact, not through effort of human will, but through the Power of The Flame which is your heartbeat. 






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