The Masters of Wisdom speak


The mystic union between Master and chela is a most beautiful experience when witnessed by one whose inner sight is opened, and who, in the role of an observer, can see the blending and mingling of the substance of the auras which ensue when such a visitation, and its subsequent outpouring and spiritual radiation floods forth. The vibration that draws the Master and pupil together in the very first instance, is natural sympathy of vibration which is clearly discernible through the color of the aura of both Teacher and chela, although the two auras in development may be as far apart as the Sun and the flame of a candle in intensity, clarity, power and vibration. The Master being the Greater Intelligence is aware of that complementary vibration long before the chela, and the saying that the Master chooses the pupil rather than the pupil the Master is a Truth, because the consciousness of the pupil during many of the earlier centuries, when the Master is already overshadowing him, has no concept of even the existence of such Superior, Perfected Beings. 


The point I want to stress is that most of the good, the advancement, the sustaining power of the human race has been due to the loving care, radiation and protection of the Ascended Host, which humanity in its ignorance has thought was due to their own self-effort. Now comes the hour when those who will not cooperate with and join their efforts to the Masters' work will find this radiation withdrawn and through bitter experience will realize they were neither self-sufficient, nor even able to sustain their physical bodies.

You have this hour within you ALL the substance, activity, power and primal essence that every Ascended. Master has to work with, by which we build worlds, etc. Why do you not get busy and utilize that part of the law which you know and build something tangible each day? As Saint Germain has said to you "precipitate something good every day!" 


Saint Theresa said, you will remember, that Christ had no hands on earth to bless but hers, no eyes through whom to see, no lips thru whom to speak, no feet thru whom to carry the message of God but hers, and I say to you the same... Lord Maitreya, the Christ of the Universe, Lord Buddha, the Heart of Love, and my humble self have but your bodies, your feelings, your desires thru which we may reach mankind. We stand in the Heart of Freedom... we stand in the Realm of Truth and our hands are stretched out to mankind but they do not even know we exist, they do not know that we have Being, but you do and through you, each one, who is a Bridge from the human to the Divine through you can we reach the mankind of this earth and give them back the understanding by which they may set their feet upon the path and return Home. The path lies open before them, their Presence stands at the end of its way but there must be those among the Sons of Men to point the way and to stand by in the rough places, ease them by love, encourage them by light and give them impetus of example and manifest works until they come to a point of enthusiasm in themselves and they become, like you, their "brother's keeper." 

PAUL, The Venetian Master

In the Western World, I have not found many lifestreams willing to open themselves to the Influence of the Third Ray, with the deep, sincere, heart desire to UNDERSTAND the motives behind the actions of their fellowman, and through such understanding equip themselves to assist to set that fellowman free. Oh, for the tolerant, understanding lifestream desirous of knowing the heart cry of the soul and then, intelligently, helping to set into action those causes which will result in freedom and happiness for each such one!


Saint Germain says, "As the conscious is to the unconscious, so is the use of the Flame to the recognition of the Light." This statement contains within itself the distinct difference between the natural conductors (music lovers) of spiritual currents at the opera, who are unconsciously drawn by the musical vibrations and the chelas who have a knowledge of the activities engaging the energies of Heaven and her sons. The audience is what one may call 'a great sounding board' built by their combined presence and attention, a Bridge over which the currents may be anchored into a city and blended into the feelings of the people, and the Masters form the Directing Intelligence by which the Cosmic Devas and Angels connect the spiritual energies from the Temples of Music with the Great Devas directly concerned with the location involved. The musical presentation is often acted out in a Music Temple with an Ascended Master or Angelic Being at every position in the Cosmic Cast and the orchestra as well. Each one works through his representative artist in the physical company, according to his receptivity, his spirituality and general capacity to be an outpost of Divine melody and song. 


We will take up a few emotions, for example, Possessiveness, a tremendous feeling form that draws the God energy and smothers the object of its affection.

Gossip, which is almost the most insidious, because through poison sent out, it starts whirls of emotion in the lifestreams of many and soon you have an inner conflagration. Criticisms, condemnation and judgment are also closely related. The silent criticism of seeing discrepancies and faults in others disturbs the feelings of one's own emotional body and sets up causes of discord which react in physical disturbances, but the spoken criticism sets others' emotional bodies into the same vibratory action and its unhappy effects are without any limit.

The really vicious emotions are evident and do not so much affect the aspiring student, such as jealousy, hate, anger and malice. Lust is considered sister to these vicious emotions, and until one has attained the glorious body of eternal light, lust is evident in an advanced student, mental rejection of this statement to the contrary. 


Where discord appears to manifest, it simply means that the energy that should be pouring forth harmoniously in the Love that transcends every human concept, has been qualified by the individual into the discordant appearance merely by changing its rate of vibration. The energy is the same in love and hate and jealously, in fear and in confidence but the rate of vibration makes the difference in its quality. Therefore, Beloved Ones, no one may say that he is without love, without confidence and without faith, for, if 'we' pour Light into hate or fear or lack of confidence, we quicken the rate of vibration of that quality and so change it into a constructive expression.

No individual who has energy or life within him, is without the Fullness of God, and Light alone is the transforming quality of life! 


Oh, the vision of the future is so beautiful! If I could but impart it with sufficient clarity that it would enter into your outer consciousness, I know that I would fire you with an enthusiasm that would never lag again. The drawing forth of lifestreams at certain points on this earth's surface who are willing to set up, through the energies of their own lifestreams, radiating centers which we may use as our own bodies, is a deep desire of my Heart. Then, on a moment's notice, flashing that Sacred Fire through these living conductors, we could render the assistance which would hold in balance and check plagues and epidemics and cataclysmic activities and all the various scourges that seem to play upon the screen of life and distress mankind. This had been done through the ages on Atlantis, in Lemuria, in the civilization of seventy thousand years ago, where we were all gathered together and controlled all conditions by light. There were certain lifestreams who had an affinity for peace, others with an affinity for power, others with an affinity for the Flame and substance of healing, and there (gathered together in Temple foci) was the nourishment for all the masses who made up that civilization.








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