"Things for which to be Thankful"

Beloved and Blessed Spirits of God, do you know how much you are loved? Have you thought in your long and tedious journey through the world of form of the amount and intensity of love that has been invested in your lifestreams individually? 

From the moment when you were called forth, a sweet and innocent Spirit Spark from the Heart of the Universal Father-Mother God, from that very moment of individualization, Love has sustained you! 

Love has furnished for you, out of the beautiful Electronic Light Body of God himself, the Electronic Form of your own Presence! 

Love has drawn for you the substance of the Elemental Kingdom, which has made up for you an emotional body by which you might feel the glorious Nature of God by which you might feel Love and Harmony and Beauty, and every other feeling which is of that nature. 

Love has fashioned for you from the elemental substance a mental form by which you might receive the ideas of the Universal and fashion for yourself an individual world, peopling it according to free will. 

Love has created for you an etheric envelope into which you might record the experiences in the use of energy and vibration, building into this etheric body the Mastery of Light. 

Love has drawn from the physical atoms of this world the very physical body which you wear. 

All of that electronic light substance, beloved children, is intelligent and beautiful, free life that chose to forego its happiness in Spheres and Realms of Perfection for the questionable opportunity of making garments for your souls. 

Love, from the Heart of the Kingdom of Nature, fashioned for you this very planet, a platform upon which your feet might stand, fresh water to refresh your bodies and garments, the beautiful firmament with the blue sky of day and the star-studded mantle of God at night, to give you rest and peace, and give you opportunity to refresh yourselves in your journey through the world of form. 

Love through the great Maha Chohan, drew from the Kingdom of Nature into the Temples the tiny elemental forms and trained them to embody themselves in flower, in tree, in shrub, in grass, and the very substance that through Nature nourishes and sustains your physical garment 

Love has done all of this for you! 

Love drew the Heart of Sanat Kumara from his own Beloved Venus and helped him to accept this self-chosen exile, that this very planet earth might be sustained and men not be found orphans without a planetary home! 

Love from the Heart of Sanat Kumara drew the response from the great Gautama Buddha and myself in his great desire to create a Hierarchy that might teach man again the Power and Mastery of Life within the Sacred Fire! 

Love has caused every Master who has finished the journey of earth, who has stood in the Halls of Karma and who has gained the Victory of the Ascension, to renounce the peace of Nirvana, the welcome of Life on the bosom of The Father, to return to work in this lower realm to serve and set Life FREE! 

Love created the Karmic Board, that the creations of your own misuse of energy might not be pressed too heavily into one earth life, but, in mercy, might be meted out century after century, so that the soul within might find opportunity to develop, and not be smothered in the creation of its own thought and feeling! 

Love kept the Angels in the atmosphere of this earth when they might know the joy and happiness of Realms where there is no distress or sorrow! 

Love keeps Lord Michael twenty out of every twenty-four hours in the psychic and astral realms, cleaning up the human creations, so that the clothing of every soul might be free of the appetites and passions and the lusts, which do not allow the soul to rise into the schoolrooms which have been provided by that same love, to teach them the way out of their chains of bondage to Freedom! 

It is Love indescribable that has created and fashioned in the Inner Spheres those schoolrooms that do not just appear by happenstance they are thought out of the mental bodies of my Beloved Kuthumi, my Beloved Saint Germain, my Beloved Jesus, and every other Master who has chosen to contribute His thought and feeling faculties to create a focus into which the souls of men might be drawn, that they might be given understanding; 

It is Love that has provided for you this beautiful focus (Sanctuary). 

It is Love in each of you that responds to the magnetic pull in this Temple, brings you here despite the pressure of your own aura and your individual world, and the heaviness that lies on your sweet souls, making you feel sometimes the task more heavy than that soul can possibly carry. 

Oh! My precious hearts, it is Love, Love alone, that has created and sustained this Universe! It is Love that keeps the very elements of your body from returning to the Universal! It is Love that holds the planets in their orbits, the Sun in place in our Solar System! It is Love that carries the Systems in a perfect, rhythmic manner in a path around the Great Central Sun moving ever, ever onward to a manifestation of Glory which your precious hearts and consciousness could not conceive! 

Oh! If all of this Love has been drawn and invested in you, do you not think then that you are an important part of creation? When the Great Cosmic Intelligence from whose Heart and Consciousness has come into being and form new bodies for eons of time, enfolds you with Love to sustain and develop your bodies, and through the members of the Angelic Host, the Devas, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, guard this Star and keep it in its orbit. When mighty Beings like Sanat Kumara should choose to remain in exile century after century. Do you not think that the Light in your heart is loved? Do you not think that you have been created for some great Cosmic Destiny? Do you not feel that Love so invested should now have fit return? 

Is it not the hour when the sons and daughters of men shall rise and turning their attention to their own God, ask that they may be shown without mistake what they as individuals shall do for what purpose each one was created? Is it not time that the knee of the outer self shall bend before the Holy Christ Self? I am the Cosmic Representative of the Holy Christ Self, and in all humility, ask that the Will of that Christ Self through the outer be done. I think we have come to that day, the day of complete inner honesty and self-surrender when every man bares his head before his God bows his knee before his Christ, and accepts the joyous, happy, harmonious responsibility of fulfilling the Divine Plan for which Love has sustained him for millions of years. 

It is not enough to be harmless... it is not enough to be negatively good... to cease to do evil. Those who respond to the Banner of the Christ must constructively be doing good. The Second Coming is individual, my beloved hearts, the Shining Christ Self of each one stands waiting to externalize through the physical and inner bodies which It has sustained, guided, purified and guarded for centuries, a portion of that Great Divine Plan which can be manifested through no other lifestream. Each of you holds a thread in the Tapestry of Life which must be woven, and great the hour when the Cosmic Words might be said "It is finished" and I may offer to the Universal this planet and all upon it, and say "Into thy hands, oh Father Eternal, do we command this earth and these God Free Spirits."






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