The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 24                                                                                                      June 16, 1995


Beloved chelas, 

As you take time this week to honor the father aspect of God in every lifestream, it is appropriate that we begin to work with the holy breath through the following breathing exercise and acknowledge the strength and power of your physical bodies. 

When you come to the realization that to breathe means to live and, by breathing properly, it is possible to correct negative conditions in your lower vehicles, you have taken a great step on the path to mastery. Your physical body is the temple of the living God and, by learning to breathe evenly and direct the breath; you can raise the vibratory action of your body. In so doing, you will quicken the activity of each and every cell and clear away any effluvia which has been allowed to form there. Recently I have observed that once again the majority of the people of Earth have become so heavy with this self-created effluvia that they feel sluggish and tired most of the time. Through various techniques of correct breathing you can learn several important exercises which will assist in improving your physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies whenever you take time to practice them. 

Do not be discouraged if at first you cannot master these breathing exercises. Practice often for practice brings perfection and as a result of your perseverance, you will be pleased to realize that you have come to feel lighter in your physical body, free and unhindered by negative thoughts. You will quickly experience a more joyous outlook on life and emotionally you will be calmer and more serene in dealing with the situations that arise daily in your lives. 

May I suggest that you set aside a special time each day for these exercises and that they be done at least twice each day. An important point to remember is that before starting any breathing exercise, it is a good idea to take a deep breath and then empty your lungs as much as possible by breathing out deeply. It might also be wise to read through my instructions several times before actually attempting these exercises. 

Now, take a deep cleansing breath and stand erect, feet together, arms relaxed and resting at your sides. As you begin to breathe tense your arms and slowly inhale to the count of five, slowly raising your arms over your head. Also, as you inhale, gently push your diaphragm out. Hold your breath in for the count of five and visualize a great white light pouring down from your God Presence. Then slowly exhale to the count of five as you lower your arms again to your sides, holding your breath out of your body, resting for the count of five. Repeat this breathing pattern seven times then relax and give the following affirmation with feeling: 

I thank you Father for my life, for my physical body, the most wonderful instrument in the universe. I command that every cell, atom, gland, muscle, organ, and function of my body now accepts the blazing light of my God Presence to heal, raise, and make whole this temple of the living God, and I thank you for this pure and well balanced body. 

Focus your attention upon this exercise often during the coming week and observe the results in your life. As you do, feel my love constantly surrounding you. 

Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit








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