The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 2                                                                                                 January 13, 1995


Beloved Ones, 

This week I ask that you begin your studies with the following exercise. After you have completed your daily work of protection and purification, go to a window which faces the sun and either sit or stand before it. Close your eyes and slowly and deeply breathe in and breathe out several times. The first time feel the cares of the day gently falling from your shoulders. The second time feel the peace of your Presence enfolding you. The third time focus your attention upon the rays of the sun shining through the window, filling your entire being. 

With your eyes still closed, focus your attention upon the light of the sun. See this same light burning brightly within you as you now become one with all life everywhere. See and feel this light expanding outward, filling you with strength, illumination, love, comfort, or whatever you need at this time. Now send these same gifts forth, qualified with your specific attribute, and release them to do their work in the physical world of form. Beloved ones, at this very moment you have experienced the truth and reality of the thoughtform and theme you so lovingly and constantly gave during the year just past. Now gently return your attention to your physical surroundings. Do you not feel refreshed and renewed? Do you wonder about the reason why? 

Do not forget that which you have just experienced. Remember the blazing light of the sun and its warmth which now fills your body. Retain the wisdom and understanding of the oneness of all life, as you felt the gifts of your Causal Body released into the Earth for the good of all concerned. 

You must not only receive the knowledge of the words you speak into your minds but you must also fully accept the illumination they contain into every part of your beings and worlds, for only then, will you become the radiating sun of your own God Perfection! 

During the coming week work with this exercise daily. Absorb fully, the complete activity of the golden light of God Illumination. Observe your experiences and your ever expanding understanding. Perhaps one day the sun will be veiled from your sight by clouds, or the color of the sky will vary slightly. Does this change your experience in any way? Begin to become aware of each and every learning experience in your life. You will then perceive many subtle changes taking place within you and as you proceed upon your life's path know always that I will be with you each and every step of the way. 

Ĉolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit 









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