The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 17, Number 1                                                                                                            January 6, 1995


Beloved Disciples of Holy Spirit, 

You have observed that over the past several years, your attention has primarily been focused upon Divine Principle regarding the weekly Shamballa Letters. As you enter this new cycle, that of the Third Ray of Divine Love, the focus of the letters will now shift. The time has come when everything you have been given must be understood and manifest upon the physical plane of the Earth. This, beloved ones, will be accomplished through the power of Divine Love from wherein all perfect manifestation takes place and I, Ĉolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit, will be with you this year, to show you the way. 

In order for you to fulfill your divine destiny, not only must your Holy Christ Self and your I AM Presence unite and work as one, offering the gifts of your Causal Body to all life. Your four lower vehicles must also be purified and brought into complete attunement to function as the perfect body of God in this world of form. This, my beloved brothers and sisters, is who you truly are and must now become. 

For this to happen you must first accept yourself. You must come to realize, without judgment, that everything you have experienced; all the people you have known, all the activities you have chosen to do, and the many things that others may have chosen to do to you, makes you who you are. Your life is filled with myriad experiences and it is up to you to decide what you will learn from these events. Without each and every one of these events in your background, you would indeed be a very different person than you are today. 

As you have often contemplated your past, especially at the many crossroads in your life, the so called 'good things' that have happened to you have been quite easy to accept. However, you may still be having difficulty understanding why it was necessary for you to go through certain other experiences during your lifetime. 

Throughout this magnificent year of divine love I will offer you my thoughts, my suggestions, and most of all my love and comfort to assist you in fully understanding your own divine plans. Perhaps several of your ascended brothers and sisters will also offer insights that you will find helpful as we journey together during this year. Beloved of my heart, without the faith, confidence, and understanding in who you are, how can you hope to be of assistance to others, those who are just awakening and beginning to search for their own spiritual identity? During the coming week especially, feel my love enfold you as we begin to create a powerful bond of love and light in which to work together during the coming months. 

I AM your teacher and confidant,

Holy Ĉolus 







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