The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 40                                                                                                           October 2, 1992



Beloved Chelas, 

As you have contemplated the Love of God and your burdens of Light during this past week, many of you have received a deeper understanding of the tears of the Christ! These are tears of gratitude, the natural response of the heart to the illumination of God's Love within your being. For every such tear, I am grateful, also! Tears of love and gratitude release the soul from the bondage of human consciousness into the fuller Light and Love of God. Every time one soul is released in a significant way, there is a flow of forgiveness and mercy across the face of the Earth. 

The flow received from all of you has moved through the entire Body of Light, and greatly intensified Its activity and strength. It has brought a deepening of the required God Qualities needed to unify all of our chelas into the spiritual force required for planetary healing to take place. 

There are three primary God Qualities needed at this point in time. These are; forgiveness, patience, and unity. These qualities will work together for the good of the whole Body of Light if you keep in mind that each individual must rise above all possibility of qualifying his or her life force with anything of the human. This will require forgiveness - for the times you or your co-servers may fail to keep feelings, words, actions, or reactions clearly Spiritual. I suggest that you call upon Lady Kwan Yin for assistance when required. Receive her Mercy, for it is always more than the Law requires! 

Patience is closely allied with forgiveness and mercy, and will definitely be required. For this God-quality, I ask you to turn your attention to beloved Gautama, Lord of the World. Be patient with yourself, as well as others, and understand that this is one of the most difficult initiations to master. This realization will increase your ability to become more patient! 

Finally, cultivate the quality of Unity. Call upon beloved Micah for assistance. He enfolds, not only the activity of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, but that of each chela, as well. Visualize his Blue Star of Unity, and let yourself be completely enfolded within its mighty radiance. Let the soft blue Light permeate your beings and worlds. Breathe it in, absorb it as fully as you can, and breathe it out to fill your auras. This is a powerful and much needed treatment, and will overcome all differences that might otherwise attempt to cause feelings of separation between yourself and others. 

This is a treatment of Light and Love that may be used effectively for groups, as well. His Love, as well as mine and that of every member of the Great White Brotherhood, is freely available to each and every one of you! So saying, I now enfold you in my Love. 

Your Friend and Teacher,

John, the Beloved






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