The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 41                                                                                                                   October 9, 1992


Dear Friends of the Flame of Unity, 

John, the Beloved, has asked that you especially call upon the Law of Forgiveness, as well as developing increased patience, to prepare yourselves to fulfill the tasks that face you. Though this work you will find that unity in your service to the Light will not be as difficult to achieve as it has seemed in the past. 

At this time, all of our chelas are meeting challenges within their individual and group endeavors to increase the Light upon the Earth. For this reason, your knowledge about the Body of Light and its great potential will be of tremendous assistance to you. I ask that you concentrate upon the Body of Light in your work, thinking about the unity it represents among all chelas and Light workers on the planet. Develop your powers of working in this way, and build the Body of Light ever stronger, as it is the expression of the unity required to hold a planetary focus of healing. 

This is extremely important, for as you concentrate upon the power of unity within the Body of Light, you are each developing your powers of spiritual telepathy. The power of spiritual telepathy is contained within the concept of unity, and it will become more necessary, facilitating and increasing the flow of Light between individuals who are work­ing together for the common good. Realize that a relatively small group of chelas, working in any one area of the planet, who have a special need for strength, protection, or any God-Quality, will be able to draw from the whole planetary Body of Light. Before this time, although we have spoken often of unity, we have not named the Body of Light. Now this unified body has become strong enough to function as the vehicle for the Cosmic Christ. 

Although this vehicle is composed of the combined energies of all embodied Light workers, it has direct access to the Lightforce of the Great White Brotherhood at all times. This higher Force of Light was named "The Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood" a long time ago. It includes the Light and gifts of the Ascended Masters and all ascended Beings who are a part of it. The Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood uses the system of Retreats and other Foci of Light as the vehicle through which their energies are channeled. This vehicle, in turn, accesses the Higher Brotherhoods of the Archangels, Elohim, and other Cosmic Lords, who act as their advisors and guardians, and so forth. 

Although we are giving you an understanding of how you are functioning as an embodied being of Light, it is intended to show you that you are also members of the ascended Brotherhoods of Light. When incarnated as Jesus, I expressed this by saying "I AM in the Father and the Father is in me. You are in me, and I AM in you." 

At one time, beloved Lord Lanto said that - no matter how advanced you may become, there will always be a 'far superior being'. I express the same truth to you, except that I speak of the unified efforts at various levels of being; all brotherhoods everywhere, universe after universe. 

It is my desire to give you an unlimited Vision of Brotherhood - the expanded understanding of Unity, which is my gift. Every Light worker upon the Earth is a part of this vehicle for the Cosmic Christ energies to this planet, whether they are aware of the Body of Light or not. However, the advantage of awareness, of consciousness, is a great power. It means that each one of you, our chelas, can empower the vehicle of the Cosmic Christ energies to the Earth by your acceptance and incorporation of this knowledge into your everyday activities. You, who receive the gifts of consciousness, become the benefactors to all life, together with myself. 

I love you, beloved Cells in the One Body of Light, as I have loved you forever! Accept this, my Gift of Unity, and let it begin within your precious hearts. Together, we are ONE! 


Angel of Unity







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