The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 14, Number 29                                                                                                         July 17, 1992


My Beloved Students, 

As beloved El Morya observed your auras following my last letter, so also have I. Each person has his or her gifts to give, and I am pleased that you have been thinking about what yours might be. 

Your developed momentums become more visible, not only to us, but also to yourselves, when you work on the clearing of your personal forcefields. During this month, as you work with beloved Lady Kwan Yin, there is the expanded opportunity to house-clean your four lower vehicles and auras, preparing for the higher vibratory activity that is now being directed into your beings and worlds. As you take advantage of the use of the sacred Violet Fire for this purpose, you will be more comfortable with this higher vibratory level. 

Remember that Lady Kwan Yin is often called 'The Patroness of the Household'. I remind you that your own four lower vehicles are your personal household. This applies before even thinking about your families, and the balancing required within those relation­ships, and onward until you have included the entire Family of Man! 

I would like to counsel you further about ways in which you may discover your own gifts. You must take time to go within more deeply, in order to prepare yourself to serve more fully. One of the things that needs to be done is to clear yourself of confusion about the ways in which you may serve the best. Knowing what your developed radiance is will be of assistance. Begin making your calls specifically for any and all confusion to be cleared from your consciousness. You might use a simple decree such as the following, or one of your own creation. 

Decree for Clarity of Consciousness 

Beloved Presence of God I AM! I call forth complete clarity of consciousness, that I may receive the teachings and instructions of the Holy Christ Self within my heart clearly and without interference! Blaze the Violet Fire through my physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles, transmuting all shadows into pure Light, right now and forever sustained!  

So be it, Beloved I AM! 

The process of creating petitions, and then doing your work to sustain them in the ensuing months, often brings your special desires and interests to the surface. This is one of the benefits you reap as you continue in your efforts to support the work of the Great White Brotherhood, either by joining the special interest of one of us, or by creating your own requests to the Karmic Board. In either case, you begin to realize the areas of ser­vice in which you have the most interest. 

As you realize the things you most desire to do to help humankind, you will begin to feel a specific activity of Light around you and through you. Some time ago, John the Beloved asked you to begin to track the movement of any force of Light that is directed through your four lower vehicles by your sponsoring Master or others of us to heal in some way. If you have been doing this, you will have learned a great deal about how you are used as a chalice of Light upon the Earth, acting as the vehicle for the Ascended Masters. In case you have forgotten about this instruction from John, I now remind you, and ask you to continue tracking the Masters' work through you, recognizing the needs around you. As you do so, you may call for the Light, and direct it into these needs, just as we do. You may also use it to discover more about yourself and your own development through the ages. 

It may seem as though you are already aware of some basic principles being presented. However, knowing a basic principle, and incorporating it fully into your beings and worlds is not one and the same. Many believe that the knowledge of a principle accomplishes the work required. Rather, a principle is only the tool with which the work may be done! For instance, knowing about the transmuting Violet Fire and Its ability to transmute the negative energy lodged within your beings does not automatically accomplish the job! As you actually do the work we ask of you, and use the tools that we give, your forward movement will become apparent quickly. 

Do not doubt for a moment that the Light into the Earth is greatly intensified! As the Earth receives, so do you and your preparation will make the way much smoother for both yourself and others around you. 

Know that through the acceptance and the use of the teaching - the teacher and the student become ONE! In unity and oneness of purpose, I remain... 

Your friend of Light,










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